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War matters.

Our summary is made up from late papers received at this office:

A visit to the British steam frigate Immortalize.

The Annapolis correspondent of the New York Herald, under date of the 12th instant, furnishes us with the following extract:

‘ This morning the Governor, Speaker of the House of Representatives several members of the Legislature, accompanied by Dr. Thompson, paid a visit to the British frigate Immortalize, now lying in our harbor. They left the dock at eleven o'clock, on board a small propeller, and in a few minutes were standing on the deck of John Bull's defender; and a right noble vessel she is. She carries 53 guns, 50 of which are 32-pounders; one large Armstrong, 100 lbs, and two smaller Armstrong guns. She is worked by screw and sail, and can make thirteen knots an hour easily. Her mission to this port was to take off Lord Lyons, in case there was war; and when she entered the bay, and the captain saw the large fleet which was lying here, belonging to General Burnside, he hardly knew how to act.

After examining the vessel thoroughly, the party were entertained with luncheon at which the wines and ale (hale) of old England were merrily discussed We returned to shore about two o'clock, well pleased with our visit and the gentlemanly officers of the vessel; and one wish, I am sure, was unanimous--"that she may never visit our shores with any hostile intent."

The funeral of the late Col. Samuel Colt.

From the Hartford (Ct.) Courant, of the 15th inst., we gather the following account of the funeral ceremonies of the late Col. Samuel Colt, of revolver notoriety:

‘ The funeral of Col. Sam Colt took place on Tuesday afternoon, at his late residence on Wethersfield avenue. The time for the obsequies was fixed at three o'clock; but two hours before the appointed hour the people began to gather on the avenue in front of the house and on the grounds about it. At two o'clock there was a stream of people upon both sides of Main street tending to the place. Upon no occasion have the people of the town come out in such force as they came out yesterday to testify their respect to the man who had added so greatly to the prosperity of his native city.

At three o'clock there was a dense mass of men, women and children packed upon the walks and street in front of the house. At that time, too, the workmen in the armory, marshalled by Wm. H. Green, Esq., a contractor in the establishment, marched from the meadows, preceded by the armory band. The gate opened, and two by two they filed into the north wing of the building, through one of the parlors where the body lay, took their last look of their late employer, and passed through the library to the exit on the southern side of the building. There were ever fifteen hundred of them all, and about an hour was consumed in their passage. The Colt Guard, Company A, Twelfth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, followed, under command of Capt. Geo. N. Lewis. Then came the Putnam Phalanx, Captain Gordon, and a few of the multitude in waiting outside were admitted.

The body lay in a parlor, encased in a metallic coffin and looked very natural. Upon the case were laid wreaths of camellias and white roses in evergreens. The services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Washburne, of St. John's Church, assisted by Assistant Bishop Williams, and the Rev. Messrs. Abercrombie and Fisher. The Episcopal burial service was read, and the pall bearers, Gov. Thos. H. Seymour, Hon. Henry C. Deming, E. K. Root, James H. Ashmead, A. W. Birge, Horace Lord, of this city; Col. May of Palo Alto fame, (of New York,) and Chas. Woodbury, Esq., of Boston, bore the body to the tomb, which is situated near the lake upon the grounds surrounding the house — Here there were prayers, and then the remains were lowered to their final resting place.

The armory band played a solemn dirge, and the vast concourse dispersed. The services were not concluded until a late hour.--Among the notabilities present besides the gallant May, there were Col. Deming, of the Twelfth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, and his staff, Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, Hon. Isaac Toucey, late Secretary of the Navy, and others.

The approaching movements of the Federal army.

The following extract from a letter received by one of our prominent citizens, says the New York Post, comes from a responsible source, and hints at certain movements said to be impending:

Washington, Jan. 12.
--My dear Sir:* * * * *
The night of rebellion has passed, and the dawn is about breaking. Before the present month has gone these things will surely come to pass: General Halleck, with the great flotilla and an army of one hundred thousand strong, will sweep like an avalanche down the Mississippi, where they will be joined by General Butler in New Orleans and Mobile, General Buell, with nearly or quite the same force, will march into Tennessee, capture Nashville, and co-operate with the Union forces in a manner and direction it would not be politic now to point out. Generals Rosecrans and Kelly will advance from Western Virginia, and do their share in harmony with the general plan. Generals Banks and Stone will move in conjunction with the rest from the Upper Potomac. General Burnside will do his appointed work. General Sherman will explain by deeds, not words, his inaction. General McClellan will force the rats from their holes at Manassas, attack them at three points at once, and fulfill his modest pledge that the war will be ‘"short but desperate."’

Difficulty between General Butler and the Governor of Massachusetts.

We see it stated that the reason for ordering on shore the men who had already been shipped on board the Constitution at Boston was a difference of opinion between Governor Andrews and General Butler, The Governor claimed the right to control the recruiting and organize the regiments; and General Butler claimed to be independent of the Governor, and to be authorized to recruit the regiments in what Governor Andrews considered an ‘"irregular"’ way. There was a sharp correspondence between the parties, the Governor refusing to issue commissions to the officers, and Butler persisting in recruiting in Massachusetts whether the Governor like it or not. How the difficulty was arranged is not known; but the fact that the troops went on board the Constitution again on Monday indicates that it was somehow settled. General Butler, it is said, has promised to make good the State bounty out of his own pocket, if the Governor refuses to pay it.

Refusal of Mayor Brown and Mr. Winder to accept Yankee Overturns.

The Boston Advertiser, of Wednesday, the 15th inst., says.

‘ Yesterday an order was sent to the fort to allow Mayor Brown of Baltimore, an additional furlough of ninety days. An order was also forwarded for the release of W. H. Winder, of Baltimore, upon taking the oath of allegiance, Capt. Jones, who carried down the orders, reported upon his return that Mayor Brown refused to accept the furlough, inasmuch as he was restricted from going south of the Hudson river, and that Mr. Winder refused to take the oath of allegiance.

Discharged Confederate prisoners.

We take the following paragraph from the Baltimore American, of the 15th inst. The most of the gentlemen referred to have arrived at Norfolk by way of a flag of truce:

For several days past a number of Confederate prisoners have been sojourning at Barnum's Hotel. Their names are as follows: Captain Tansall, formerly of the U. S. Marine Corps; Captain J. W. Poole, of the North Carolina Volunteers, and former

ly an officer of the Baltimore City Guards; L. J. Johnson, Captain of a North Carolina corps; Surgeon James L. Lindsay, of North Carolina; Surgeon William M. Page, of Virginia; R. W. Jeffrey, of Virginia; Captain William Sutton, of North Carolina; James T. Lassell, of North Carolina; and Lieutenant-Colonel Pegram. All these persons have been confined for some time past in Fort Warren, and nearly all were captured by the Federal forces at Gape Hatteras, and having been discharged by the authorities at Washington, they will soon return to the Confederate States. They would have left yesterday afternoon for Fortress Monroe but for the fact that the regular steamer was detained. Last evening they were the principal guests of a fashionable party given by a prominent Secessionist.

The Northern bombardment.

A Madrid journal — rather an out-of-the way authority for such news — declares that the plan of the London cabinet, in case of a war with the United States, is to direct a simultaneous bombardment, by three naval divisions, against Portland, Boston, and New York. Another fleet will attack Fortress Monroe and ascend the Potomac to Washington.

Revolt of Negroes--one of the Guard killed and another fatally wounded.

From the Lancasterville (S. C.) Ledger, of the 15th inst., we copy the following:

‘ We regret to hear of a distressing affair which occurred near Pocataligo last week, resulting in the death of one Lancaster volunteer and dangerously wounding another. Peter Twitty and — Bradley, members of Company E. Capt. Clyburn, (Blair Guards) were sent from Page Point to headquarters in charge of three negroes (runaways) who had been taken by our pickets. On their way, the attention of the guards being diverted for a moment, the negroes rushed on them, and in the struggle which ensued, Twitty was killed and Bradley dangerously wounded — The prisoners made their escape. The body of Peter Twitty was brought home and buried at Fork Hill Church a few days ago.

Disappearance of the fleet from Port Royal.

The Charleston Courier, of the 18th inst. says:

‘ By an arrival yesterday from the neighborhood of Broad River, we are informed that the large Lincoln fleet, which has been stationed in Port Royal Bay and vicinity since the fight at that point, has suddenly disappeared. It is surmised that they have left to join the Burnside expedition, or have gone on another raid against some point on the coast of Georgia.

The Yankees again Shelling Sewell's Point.

The Norfolk Day Book, of the 18th inst., contains the following account of another little exploit of the Yankees against Sewell's Point:

‘ The Federals at the Rip Raps amused themselves on Thursday last by throwing a number of shells at Sewell's Point. The shells thrown were of a new pattern, and were doubtless sent for the purpose of testing their qualities. One of them, which fell about thirty yards from Corporal Larke, of the Norfolk County Light Guard, who was on picket duty with a squad of men at the time, was after wards dug up by that gentleman and brought to this city yesterday.

Corporal Larke informs us that fifty-three of these shells were thrown at himself and party, but that a number of them did not explode. The one he recovered buried itself some five feet in the earth, and on taking it out he removed the small brass cover and took off the cap, which was thought to be defective. One of the shells struck a gum tree and took it off clear. They were fired through the port holes of Fort Calhoun, and not from the same point as those they have heretofore favored us with

We suppose that the Yankees will not thank us for it, but a decent regard for truth compels us to add that nobody was hurt — not even a rooster. By the way, an allusion to roosters reminds us of a correction we have to make. It will be remembered that in our account of the shells thrown some time since at Sewell's Point, we stated that no further damage was done than the killing of an old rooster. A gentleman from the battery there just informs us, that the statement was incorrect, that the rooster was not killed, but was only wounded, and that he has now entirely recovered. We know this information will distress the Feds, but the truth must be told.

More Vandalism.

The Martinsburg Republican, of the 18th instant, says:

‘ The marauders are now making almost daily incursions from Maryland into this co in the neighborhood of Falling water and Little Georgetown. Several persons have lost chickens, geese, and shoats, within the past week, and one or two barns and stables have been burned near the river. Jo. Kearns and his party are suspected for the most of of these outrages. But a few days since they captured William Davis, who had returned home from this place, and took him to Maryland as a prisoner.

What Thurlow Weed said to Bennett — an important Dispatch to the New York Herald Intercepted.

From the New York Sunday Times, we clip the following:

‘ Some months since it was publicly announced that Thurlow Weed shared the hospitalities of the eccentric-eyed sage of Washington Heights, at his own residence, and much curiosity was manifested as to "what was the matter." Weed is not the man to spend his time with a scalawag like Bennett without a purpose, and our Washington correspondent, in a private note, gives us the facts in the case, which are very curious.

After Bull Run, it will be remembered, the government was compelled, by a sense of self-preservation, to practically suspend the Journal of Commerce, Daily News, Day Book, and other disloyal papers. The Herald all this time was perfectly loyal; but about the time Mr. Chase was negotiating his first loan, it began to show its secret venom to the loyal cause by attacking the financial policy of the Administration, and was preparing, true to its instincts of mischief, for a terrible onslaught on the Government.

Secretary Seward, however, was determined not to submit to it, and he consequently sent Weed to see Bennett and inform him of the feeling at Washington. He was notified that if he opened on the Government his paper would be seized and sent to Fort Lafayette. Bennett "dom'd" a good deal, but was silenced by a copy of a dispatch dated at the Herald office, which had been seized by the Government early in the war, which proved the Herald establishment to have been in the interest and pay of Jeff Davis. The old Scotch traitor was completely cured by this exhibit, and promised to support the Government earnestly, and especially Mr. Seward. This is the first time this matter has been made public.

Speech of Mr. Lovejoy in the Federal Congress--his views of the surrender of Mason and Slidell.

The following remarks were made by Mr. Lovejoy, of Illinois, in the House of Representatives at Washington, on the 14th inst., upon a bill which was presented to make an appropriation to carry into effect the act providing for the exhibition of American products at the World's Fair. Although its publication has been deferred till the present occasion, we are sure it will command the attention of many of our readers who have not read it:

Mr. Lovejoy, (Rep.,) of Illinois--I am very decidedly opposed to this bill. I think it is enough for us, in all conscience, to have been humbugged and dishonored and disgraced by the British nation, without now appropriating thirty-five thousand dollars for the purpose of an American exhibition there.

Mr. Kellogg, (Rep.,) of Illinois, inquired if it had been through the action of the British Government, or of our own Government, that we have been thus dishonored and disgraced.

Mr. Lovejoy--I understand how it was done. That disgrace was all that the nation could bear. We marched up to it sweating great drops of blood. We came to it as Christ went to the cross, saying, "If it be possible, let this cap pass from us;" and yet we are required to say that we did it cheerfully — that we did it gladly — and that we now appropriate thankfully thirty-five thousand dollars to fit out Commissioners to appear at the Court of St. James. Inasmuch as we have submitted to that disgrace, as we have submitted to be thus dishonored by Great Britain, I think the least we can do is to acknowledge it, and to stay at home till the time comes that we can whip that nation. Then I will be willing to go and appear at their World's Exhibition. Every time I think of that surrender, the words come instinctively to me which Eneas used when requested by Queen Dido to rehearse the sufferings which had befallen the Trojans during the siege and capture of Troy, ‘"Oh, Queen! you require me to renew the intolerable grief of that siege by re-acting it."’ Every time the Trent affair comes up, every time that an allusion is made to it, every time that I have to think of it, that expression of the tortured and agonized comes to my lips — I am made to renew the

horrors which I suffered when the news of the surrender of Mason and Slidell reached us. I acknowledge it, I literally wept tears of vexation. I hate it and I hate the British Government. I here now publicly avow and record that hate, and declare that it shall be inextinguishable. I mean to cherish it while I live, and to bequeath it to my children when I die, and if I am alive when war with England comes, and if I can carry a musket in that war. I will carry it. I have three sons, and I mean to charge them, and do now charge them, that, if they shall have at that time reached the years of manhood and strength, they shall enter into that war. I believe there was no need for that surrender, and I believe that the nation would rather have gone to war with Great Britain than have suffered the disgrace of being insulted and being thus unavenged. I have not reached the sublimation of Christianity — that exaltation of Christianity which allows me to be insulted, abused, and dishonored. I hear all that as a Christian; but to say that I do it cheerfully, is more than I can bring myself to. I trust in God that the time is not far distant when we shall have suppressed the rebellion, and be prepared to avenge and wipe out this insult that we have received. We will then stir up Ireland, we will appeal to the Chartists of England, we will go to the old French habitants of Canada, we will join hands with France and Russia to take away the Eastern possessions of that proud empire, and will take away the crown from that government before we cease. I trust in God that that time will come. I trust the appropriation will be voted down One of our commissioners, I understand, is the individual who writes those pleasant letters asking us to submit to insult cheerfully — to smile at this bitter cup, drugged with the bitterest ingredients that were ever pressed to human lips, and not to make a face about it. I don't believe there was any necessity for this surrender. I am strongly inclined to believe that we would have been all the stronger for this difficulty with Great Britain, for it would have made us feel the necessity of making short work with the rebels.

After further debate, the House passed the bill by a large majority.

The Mayor of Alexandria, Va., on the Southern rebellion.

The following substance of the remarks made by Lewis Mackenzie, Mayor of Alexandria, Va., at a Union meeting held in that city on the 8th inst., has been unavoidably crowded out of our columns till the present issue:

‘ I am not, nor is any Union man in Alexandria, accountable for the coming of the Union troops here. The Secessionists brought them here, and on them let the responsibility rest. I do not believe they came with a view to interfere with our slaves, or to interfere with slavery. They had a right to come to endeavor to restore Virginia to the Union--I was struck very much by the message of Governor Letcher to the Legislature now in session in Richmond, when he states that on the 8th of January, 1861, one day after the last Legislature met, he had caused an inquiry to be instituted upon the probability of being able to capture Fortress Monroe.--He did not tell the people of Virginia, on the Legislature either, this a year ago, that a scheme was on foot to seize the Government fortress; and yet during all that session, till April, resolution after resolution was offered and adopted, asking the Federal Government not to increase the forces of the United States either at that point or Harper's Ferry. If he or the Legislature had intimated this intention to the people, what would in all human probability have been there sense?

I did not believe Governor Letcher. nor do I like now to believe he was in favor of breaking up this Union, but has been forced into it from circumstances beyond his control; and the pressure around him. For him as well as the former Governor, I had a great regard and respect, and stood by them when they were sadly in want of friends in the House of Delegates; for, somehow or other, although, elected by the Democrats, they had hardly a friend of that party in the Legislature to speak well of them. In the management of this war I think there has been great bungling.

The expenses are enormous, entirely out of proportion to the results so far obtained. I do not believe it can be carried on by either party beyond 1862, and the taxes and burdens on the people will break down the country unless greater progress is made and the enormous expenditures reduced. I am for the Union--for its restoration if it can be done. God grant that it may, and that speedily All our hopes as free citizens are centred in the Union. Let it be sustained; and if the question must come whether we shall have liberty or slavery, let slavery go!

Salt discovered

The Albany (Ga.) Patriot says:

‘ We have been presented by Mr. C. D. Hammond with what is considered "rock salt," which presents very much the appearance of a lump of isinglass. He informs us that it was discovered a few miles from this city, in Lee county. When ground into powder, it has the exact taste of the common sea-water salt. It is thought that there is a large mine on the premises, embedded in the earth. The lump before us-was dug from a lime sink.


Mr.Williams and Mrs. Barney Williams are playing at the Walnut street theatre, and Mr and Mrs. John Drew at the Arch street, Philadelphia.

Lieut. Col. James Kearney, of the United States topographical engineers, died in Georgetown, D. C., on the 10th inst., in the 78th year of his age.

Late English papers state that the privateer Nashville, was still at Southampton, but the British Government had forbid her to arm.

A portion or the household effects of General Buckner, of the Confederate army, has been sold at Louisville to pay city taxes.

Secretary Smith, of the Interior Department, will, it is said, be appointed a Judge of the U. S. Supreme Court.

Charles Dickens has resumed his public readings in the British provinces

General Sigel, it is said, means to resume his occupation as school teacher in St. Louis.

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