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War matters.
Federal reports of the battle in Kentucky.
interesting from Missouri.
&c. &c. &c.

From the latest Northern and Southern papers which have been received we make up the following interesting summary of news. Although the news of our defeat in Kentucky lacks official confirmation, still the very reliable information which was received yesterday at the War Department leaves very little doubt that we have suffered a severe reverse in that quarter:

Advance of the Federals--Paris and Danville in danger.

From the Memphis Avalanche, of the 20th inst., we take the following:

‘ It appears to be generally believed, from all the indications, that the long-threatened advance of the Federals is now in progress.

A gentleman who reached this city, in the late train last night, states that the Federals, to the number of about 20,000, were advancing upon Paris and Danville, Tenn., and had already passed Farmington, Ky., on their way to the points designated. Farmington is in the vicinity of Paducah.

When our informant passed Danville and Paris great excitement prevailed, and the Federals were hourly expected.

It is supposed that the 20,000 here spoken of constitute a part of the immense force which lately left Cairo for Tennessee river, the remainder having probably been detailed to look after Forts Henry and Donelson which at last accounts, were still in the quiet possession of our troops, who, confident of success, anxiously a wait the approach of the enemy.

If the Federal should reach Danville and Paris, they will undoubtedly seek to destroy the railroad and telegraphic lines, and thus out off communication between Memphis and Bowling Green. A few days — perhaps a few hours — may bring startling intelligence.

Reported Federal victory in Kentucky--the Confederate entrenchments attacked and forced — death of Gen. Zollicoffer.

Cincinnati, Jan. 20.
--A combined attach was made to-day on Gen. Zollicoffer's entrenchments, by Gen. Schoepff and General Thomas, resulting in a complete victory.

The Stars and Stripes how wave over the rebel fortifications.

Our troops captured all the camp property and a large number of prisoners.

The loss of the rebels is heavy. Zollicoffer's dead body is in the possession of the Federal troops.

Considering the boasted impregnability of Zollicoffer's entrenchments, this is one of the most signal victories of the war.

Further particulars of Saturday's battle.

Cincinnati, Jan. 20.
--The Lexington, Ky., correspondent of the Commercial, of this city, gives the following account of the battle fought on Saturday:

Gen. Zollicoffer, learning that the Federal forces had appeared in his rear, marched out of his entrenchment at 3 o'clock on Saturday morning, and attacked Gen. Schoepff in his camp.

Our pickets were driven in at an early hour on Saturday morning, and before daylight the attack was made. The battle is said to have raged with great fury until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when, Zollicoffer having been killed, the whole force of rebels fled in confusion to their camp. The loss is not stated, but it is thought to be heavy.

The Baillie Peyton, Jr., who is among the killed is a son at the distinguished ex-member of Congress of that name from Tennessee.

Our victory is said to have been very decisive, and will result in the rout of the whole force defending the right flank of the rebel's position at Bowling Green.

Gen. Ruell's division — a Brilliant victory at Somerset, Ky.

Cincinnati Jan. 20.
--A battle was fought at Somerset, Ky., on Saturday, between the Federal troops under Gen. Schoepff, and the rebels under General Zollicoffer.

The engagement was commenced in the morning, and lasted till nightfall.

Gen. Zollicoffer was killed, and his army entirely defeated.

The loss is heavy on both sides.

Second Dispatch — the Federal victory confirmed.

Louisville, Jan. 20.
--General Thomas telegraphs to headquarters that, on Friday night, General Zollicoffer came up to his encampment, and attacked him at six o'clock on Saturday morning, near Webb's Crossroads, in the vicinity of Somerset.

At half-past 3 o'clock, on Saturday afternoon, Zollicoffer and Bailie Peyton had been killed, and the rebels were in full retreat to their entrenchments, at Mill Springs. The Federal troops were in hot pursuit.

No further particulars have been received, nor any account of the losses on either side.

Louisville, Jan. 20.
--The recent fight took place on Sunday, instead of Saturday morning.

Gen. Thomas, on Sunday morning, followed up the rebels to their entrenchments, sixteen miles from his own camp, and was about to attack them this morning. [Later advices states that this attack was a victory.--Ed.] He found their entrenchments deserted — the rebels having left all their cannon, quartermaster's stores, tents, horses, and wagons, which fell into our hands.

The rebels, in dispersing, had crossed the Cumberland river in a steamboat and nine barges, at White Oak creek, opposite their encampment at Mill Spring.

Two hundred and seventy-five (275) rebels were killed and wounded, including Zollicoffer and Peyton. The dead were found on the field.

The Tenth Indiana Regiment lost 75 killed and wounded. No further particulars of the Federal loss have yet reached here.

The scene of the victory.

The scene of the late victory is Somerset, the capital of Pulaski county, Ky., and is situated six miles north of the Cumberland river, and ninety miles east of Frankfort, the capital of the State.

Official dispatches.--the Feeling in Washington.

Washington. Jan. 21.
--The Government has received dispatches fully confirming the intelligence from Kentucky. The facts reported in the press dispatches are substantially correct.

The news causes intense delight here.

The position of the Federal troops.

The position of the troops at Somerset, is thus described in a letter from there, dated January 15, which we clip from the Philadelphia Press, of the 21st.

The status here is simply this: Crittenden having taken the command of the troops at Mill Spring, while Zollicoffer has gone to Nashville, remains with the bulk of his 12,000 men, entrenched, and defended by 11 pieces of field artillery, and some 20 of the cannon manufactured in the Confederacy, and warranted to burst on the third discharge. His right flank is protected by the river, his left by White Oak Creek, (a stream with high bluff banks, impassable at the camp to our troops,) while his front rests on a succession of hills, not steep, but so commanding that they cannot be taken without great slaughter, unless their defenders cut and run. With their only route of escape cut off by our forces moving toward Monticello, we may well imagine that if the enemy fights at all it will be with desperation.

On our part, General Boyle is somewhere on the Cumberland river, near Burkesville, waiting for artillery. General Thomas is fifteen sides this side of Columbia, or was at last accounts, waiting till a creek runs down, and we are here waiting for orders. The telegraph has caught the general infection, and after getting within eight miles or us has stopped, waiting for insulators.

The late Gen. Felix K. Zollicoffer.

From the Philadelphia Press, of the 21st inst., we extract the following:

Gen. Zollicoffer was well known to the public as a politician and editor. He was born in Mewry county, Tenn., on the 19th of May, 1812. He was a printer by trade, and when quite a young man he published a paper at Paris, in Tennessee, and subsequently was proprietor of the Columbian Observer. Being elected State Printer, he held that office till 1842, when he removed to Nashville, where for some time he was editor of an old-line whig newspaper of that city, called the Banner, using his position as a stepping stone to a membership in the Federal Congress. That position he finally attained in 1853, and continued for three sucsuccessive terms to hold it.

Affairs in Missouri--reported battle near Ironton — success of the Confederates.

The St. Louis Democrat, of January 17, says:

‘ Information of a reliable character reached this city last night to the effect that, yesterday, a large body of rebels, numbering about 5,000 men, in command of Jeff Thompson, advanced upon a Federal detachment of 300 troops, under Col. Mills, at a distance of about twenty-three miles from Ironton, and gave them battle.

A desperate conflict ensued, resulting in the loss of many killed and wounded on both sides.

The Federals, overpowered by numbers, had, at latest accounts, fallen back a distance of eight miles, leaving a quantity of baggage in the hands of the enemy, and were still retreating towards Pilot Knob.

At Pilot Knob considerable alarm existed, and Col. Carlin was making every preparation for the impending struggle at that point.

An attack was thought to be inevitable last night, but will not probably take place until to- day.

The Wisconsin regiment which left here on Wednesday arrived safely at Ironton yesterday. A battery of the 1st Missouri Light Artillery, under command of Maj. Schofield, started from this city yesterday, and probably reach Pilot Knob this morning.

The rebels had not destroyed any more of the bridges.

The Big river bridge is being rapidly rebuilt.

From Cairo — return of Federal troops from a grand reconnaissance to Columbus.

Cairo, Jan. 20.
--(Special dispatch to the Chicago Journal.)--General Grant and his staff arrived in town yesterday morning.--General Paine's brigade reached Fort Jefferson on Saturday, and General McClernand's brigade will arrive to-morrow.

The object of the expedition, it now appears, was a reconnaissance in force of all that part of Kentucky in which a portion of the operations against Columbus will necessarily be performed, and a demonstration to aid General Buell's right wing. Our forces have been eminently successful, and the engineer corps, under Col. Webster, have a full and accurate knowledge of the country. It is understood that Gen. Smith has taken the camp equipage and whatever was left in Camp Beauregard, the rebels having fled to Columbus.

General McClernand's brigade went to within seven miles of Columbus, and encamped on Thursday night in eight of the rebel watch-fires. He afterwards visited the towns of Millburn, Lovelaceville, and Blandville, surveying all the roads as he went. A part of Gen. Smith's command will return to Paducah to-day.

Reach sentiment at the North.

Forney, in his letter to the Press, from Washington says:

‘ "Some of our public men do not hesitate to say that, rather than bring back the seceded States into the Union, they would agree to a peaceful and prompt separation,"

And again:

‘"There is an active party in the loyal States, which, under cover of being for the Union, are at work to force a dishonorable peace, by sowing the seeds of disaffection among the people."’

From Manassas the Confederates Evacuating their position.

Washington, Jan. 20.
--Information has been received from parties direct from Manassas, that the rebel forces have evacuated that point, falling back to a position further South. The object of this movement is supposed to be to counteract an apprehended movement of our troops from the seaboard.

From Washington — Unconfirmed report--Hon. James Guthrie.

Washington, Jan. 20.
--The report that General Wool had sent a notification to Norfolk to remove the women and children out of that city is not confirmed by official intelligence.

The Hon. Mr. Stanton, Secretary of War, entered upon his duties to-day. A large number of army officers, in full uniform, paid their respects to him.

A letter has been received here from Hon. James Guthrie, the distinguished Secretary of the Treasury under Franklin Pierce's Administration, which generally sustains the financial view taken by Secretary Chase. It also approves of General McClellan's defensive position upon the Potomac; but he thinks that offensive operations by the Federal columns are the best plans for driving the rebels out of Kentucky. Gen. Buell is made the subject of high commendation.

Gen. Sumner, commanding a division of the army in Virginia, who was recently injured by the stumbling of his horse, has sufficiently recovered to resume his duties during the coming week.

The assault on Gen. Montgomery.

Capt. Chapman and Lieut McHenry, who committed the murderous assault on Gen. Montgomery, at Alexandria, on Saturday, are to be tried by court-martial immediately. There is no doubt, as it is a plain case, but that they will be sentenced to be shot. They may escape the death penalty through the intercession of Gen. Montgomery.

U. S. Senator from Missouri.

St. Louis, Jan. 20.
--John B. Henderson has been appointed, by Lieut. Gov. Wall, U. S. Senator, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the expulsion of Truston Polk. Mr. Henderson is a Douglas Democrat, and an uncompressing Union man. He was a member of the State Convention, and a Brigadier General in the State service.

Late from the Rio Grande — important movement of the Mexicans.

The Houston Telegraph, of the 10th, contains the following important item:

‘ Our Brownsville correspondent gives unimportant piece of information regarding the movements across the Rio Grande. The sham fight at Matamoras is, of course, unworthy of further attention, but the approach of Vidaurri, with 7,000 men, to make his headquarters at Matamoras, as a representative of the Mexican Federal government, the government that has been making the late treaties with Tom Corwin, that receives a loan of ten millions and protection from the United States, for some purpose or other — we say this military movement demands attention, and measures should at once be taken to keep the closest watch on the doings of that republic. A force of 7,000 Mexicans, joined to as many Northern troops, might give us some trouble, especially if supported by raids upon our coast. It still looks as though Texas might be a theatre of war within a twelvemonth or less.

From the Potomac — a Federal Transport done for.

The Fredericksburg Herald, of the 21st inst., says:

‘ We have a report that a large transport ship attempted to pass the battery at Cockpit Point, on the Potomac, on Friday, but was brought to by a well-directed fire. The vessel is reported to have been struck — how often we do not know — but with such consequences as induced the very hasty departure of all hands from on board in their small boats, leaving the transport at the mercy of the winds, waves, and Confederates. Unfortunately, our forces at Cockpit Point had no boats with which to go out and bring in the prize, but had sent off to another quarter for small boats.

We have not learned any further tidings except that the crew of the transport were taken on board of a tug, which feared an attempt at rescuing the transport.

There is evidently much feeling abroad at the escape of the war-ship Pensacola from our batteries on her passage down from Washington. It is reported, but we have been unable to trace it to a reliable source, that Gen. Johnston either has or intends to change the command and force at one or more of the Upper Potomac Batteries. There are also reports about court- martials, &c., but, as before remarked, it may all be idle rumor.

Operations of Gen. Hindman in Kentucky.

The Bowling Green correspondence of the Nashville Banner, writing under its recent date, furnishes the following interesting intelligence of the operations of Gen. Hindman's forces:

‘ In my last, mention was made of the burning of Cave City, Horse Cave, Rowletts, etc., by the forces of Gen. Hindman, which have for some time been stationed at Glasgow Junction. Since the date of writing, more full particulars of his transactions have been received. After having effected the destruction of the property at Rowlett's, he returned to Horse Cave, which, after having conveyed to another point the moveable property, was laid is ashes. Coming on down to Cave City, the people were notified of the doom that awaited them. The furniture and household chattels were taken charge of the torch applied, and soon all the buildings were a heap of smouldering ruins. It is reported to-day that Mammoth Cave hotel and Ritter's hotel and buildings, at Woodland, have also been burned; and it is asserted that every public house on the line of the railroad and the turnpike above the junction, within our lines, are to share the same fate.

Gentlemen just from the scene of these destructive operations represent appearances as being desolate and painful in the extreme. Scarcely anything in the shape of articles of sustenance remain along the line of Hindman's march. He drove off quantities of live stock, and many cattle and hogs were killed and left on the ground because of his inability to bring them off. The greatest terror and distress is represented as prevailing among the people of that region. It is rumored to-day in town that Gen. Hindman is to be superseded by come other officer. What foundation there exists for the report I have not been able to ascertain. His acts above are understood to have been performed under military orders reluctantly given, as a rigorous, though an imperious, necessity of the times. The possession and occupancy of the property destroyed, by the Federal, (who say they will be ready in a few days to come in force against us,) would have aided them no little in their monstrous designs upon the South.


Mr. Davids, of Massachusetts, from the Committee on Elections, reported that Joe. Segar was not entitled to a seat in the House of Representatives has member from the 1st District of Virginia.

Mr. Vallandighan had asked have to make a motion to abolish the Post-Office Department.

The privateersmen from Philadelphia have been sent to Fort Lafayette.

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Somerset, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (5)
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (3)
Cumberland River (Kentucky, United States) (3)
, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (3)
Whiteoak Creek (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Paducah (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Mill Spring, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Matamoras (Indiana, United States) (2)
Horse Cave (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Danville (Virginia, United States) (2)
Cockpit Point (Virginia, United States) (2)
Cave City (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Bowling Green (Indiana, United States) (2)
Woodland, Yolo County, California (California, United States) (1)
Wisconsin (Wisconsin, United States) (1)
United States (United States) (1)
Tennessee River (United States) (1)
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Pulaski (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Paris, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Monticello (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Mill Springs (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Mammoth Cave, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Lexington (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Kuakatch (Arizona, United States) (1)
Grand River, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Fort Jefferson (Florida, United States) (1)
Fort Henry (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Farmington (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Farmington (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Danville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Burkesville (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Brownsville, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Bowling Green (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Blandville (Kentucky, United States) (1)
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Felix K. Zollicoffer (14)
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John D. Thomas (4)
Schoepff (3)
Montgomery (3)
W. H. G. Smith (2)
Bailie Peyton (2)
Paris (2)
McClernand (2)
John B. Henderson (2)
James Guthrie (2)
Buell (2)
Wool (1)
Webster (1)
Webb (1)
Vallandighan (1)
Jeff Thompson (1)
Sumner (1)
Stanton (1)
U. S. Senator (1)
Segar (1)
Schofield (1)
Ruell (1)
Rowlett (1)
Ritter (1)
Truston Polk (1)
Franklin Pierce (1)
Paine (1)
Norfolk (1)
Mills (1)
McHenry (1)
McClellan (1)
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Grant (1)
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Carlin (1)
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