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Horrible affair.

--The Body of a Dead Man Eaten by a Dog.--From the Petersburg Express, of the 23d inst., we gather the following particulars of a shocking affair which has recently been brought to light in that city:

‘ Following close upon the excitement caused by the tragedy at the Norfolk depot on Tuesday evening, came the shocking discovery yesterday morning of the death of a citizen of Petersburg, and that nearly the entire flesh of the body had been devoured by his dog, which fact produced an impression no less than the former. Between 10 and 11 o'clock yesterday morning, Mr. William Read, a blacksmith of this city, entered the machine shops of Samuel Cochran, on Penniston Alley, nearly opposite this office, for the purpose of buying some iron of the latter about which he had spoken to some weeks ago. Upon entering the shop and finding everything quiet, he called cut to Cochran several times, but receiving no answer, ascended to the upper floor, where, in the north end of the house, lying beside the bed, he saw, to his horor, the torn and putrid remains of the man whom he was in search of Without delaying a moment, he hurried out to the street, and gave information of the affair, which soon became noised over town, and caused a large number of persons to visit the spot, to gratify their curiosity, not only in hearing full particulars, but in witnessing the horrible sight.

All that remained of the body was the head and arms, off of which all the flesh had been eaten, and the upper portion of the breast and intestines. The bed was rumpled and the covering in confusion, while the floor was stained with blood, showing evident signs of the body having been dragged about by the dog. Under the bed were found his pants, bloody and torn, and several bones guawed and bitten. From the putrid condition of the body, death had evidently taken place two or three weeks ago, and the dog had been living on it during this time, and kept fat. Whether he had died in bed or died on the floor, is all conjecture. The scene was a horrible one. The clothes of deceased were scattered here and there, some hanging up, some thrown about, and some in his office, twenty yards distant. In the pockets were found two one dollar notes, and a two and a half dollar gold piece. Also, a letter to Mr. Simms, of Richmond, dated December 1st, 1861, in which he stated that he would probably be able to procure a lighter during that week, in which to move his tools and implements to Richmond.

In accordance with the evidence, and the result of the examination of the premises, the jury rendered a verdict that Cochran came to his death from some cause unknown.

It is proper to state that on the stove in his office, were found a coffee pot, partly filled with coffee, and a pot with cooked food in it. He left no books of entry. He was 66 years of age, unmarried, and was originally from Pennsylvania, where he has a brother at present. He has resided here for upwards of 20 years.

The dog was killed after being riddled by 20 balls.

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