
Late Northern and Southern news.

Tennessee Refugees in the Federal camp.

The New York Herald's Kentucky correspondent says:

‘ We have had a pleasant excitement in our camp in welcoming Tennessee refugees. Seventy-three came in, having travelled by night through the mountains. Driven from their homes by the tyranny which prevails in their State, they come to join those who have promised to redeem their firesides from the pollution of the oppressor. It is most painful to listen to their stories. The conscription has been going on East Tennessee, forcing brave men into the service of a cause which they hate, and of men for whom their only prayers are curses. The greater part of them had only time to bid a hurried goodbye to their families, and leaving them under the shadows of untold perils, to fly to the woods.

One man had lain hidden for six weeks, a few miles from his own house, waiting till the bloodhounds should leave him free to escape. During that time he saw his home but twice. Several had been imprisoned and used the first hours of their freedom in flight to seek revenge under the old flag. They came by mountain passes, following the paths which they knew, and then the North star.--In their night marches not a word was spoken. Their hands on their knives and pistols, they came on, prepared to die rather than surrender. They tell us that if we can reach Tennessee with arms, four-fifths of the male population will flock to our standard. They promise us such a reception as only can be given by brave hearts long crushed beneath superior force to those who bring them rescue.

No one who has not talked with our East Tennesseeans has any idea of their holy hatred of the Confederacy, and of the sufferings they have undergone through their attachment to the Union. There are now two full regiments of refugees in this State, besides more than fifteen hundred who have enlisted in the various Kentucky regiments. Brave, honest, simple-hearted fellows, not the best material in the world for drilled and disciplined machine soldiers, but gifted with individual courage, and all excellent marksmen, they are as fine skirmishes as any General could ask. But their hearts are sickened by the long delays to which they are subjected. The promises so often made, that they should be sent to defend their State with a strong army to back them up are yet unfulfilled. They all have the strong local attachments to their homes which characterize mountaineers. And many of them have had their hopes deferred till they sickened and died in despair.

Presents from the Emperor of Japan.

The Federal Government has received as presents from the Emperor of Japan, two elephant tusks eight feet in length, a sword inlaid with gold and pearls, and other articles of minor value, including a handsome box, containing a brief address or letter to the President.

Alabama lands confiscated.

A resolution has been adopted by the Federal House of Representatives to the effect that as Alabama has treasonably entered into the rebellion, the Committee on Public Lands inquire into the expediency of confiscating certain lands selected by that State under the law of Congress, and that the same be applied to the use of a Seminary now in operation in that Territory

The Federal Secretary of War was directed to furnish the names of those who distinguished themselves in the battle of Dranesville.

Disastrous Floods in Sacramento Valley, Cal.

The Northern papers publish dispatches from California, recounting immense losses by freshens this winter in the gold regions.--It is thought the gold products will be reduced millions from this cause.

The army.

The Memphis Appeal discusses the important question of re-enlistments, and thinks that to obviate existing difficulties and superinduce this result, the least obnoxious plan that presents itself to our consideration is the following: Let Congress pass a law instructing the Governors of the several States to immediately organize the State forces, requiring every man subject to military duty to drill regularly at stated periods. This requirement can be carried out, not under the direction of incompetent militia officers, as ignorant of tactics as they are of the Kamchatka language, but by respectable and efficient drill masters, chosen from the army for the specific purpose.

The Confederate States could thus be rendered one vast military camp of amateur soldiers, ready upon the first call to fill up the thinned ranks of the national army. We certainly have the men, and, with our present population of 8,000,000 whites, can put in the field and support an army of 800,000 men, which will only be one man out of every ten--a moderate proportion when we consider the fact that in the American Revolution some of the New England States furnished one soldier out of every six inhabitants.--What we need is organization and drill, that every man may be a soldier. Congress can set this matter on foot by an hour's legislation, and secure the result which we so much desire — an effective, well drilled, and increased national army with which to open the spring campaign and conquer a speedy peace.

Col. D H. Cummings.

The gallant behavior of this noble officer, in endeavoring to rally our forces and maintain a stand after Zollicoffer's fall, in the battle of Fishing Creek, and the intrepidity with which he faced the foe where balls fell thickest, leading and encouraging the troops, is the theme of unmeasured praise on the lips of every officer and soldier from the field whom we have met. Col. Cummings was the first to raise a regiment in East Tennessee for the defence of the South in the commencement of the present revolution. He had previously served with distinguished credit in the Mexican war. He will be remembered by the brave fellows who stood by him on the fatal 19th of January, even though ‘"republics should prove ungrateful."’ Knoxville Register.

The Alabama pike.

The State of Alabama is arming her troops for coast service with a very effective weapon. The Mobile correspondent of the Memphis Appeal thus describes it:

"The Alabama pike consists of a keen, two-edged, steel head, like a large bowie-knife blade, near a foot and a half long, with a sickle like hook, very sharp, bending back from near the socket. This is intended for cutting the bridles of cavalrymen or pulling them off their horses, or catching hold of the enemy when they are running away. This head is mounted on a shaft of tough wood about eight feet long. A gleaming row of these fearful implements of slaughter, beaming down upon them at the pas de charge, would strike the terror of ten thousand deaths to the apprehensive souls of Butler's Yankees.

Particulars of the Cedar Keys attack.

From the Savannah papers we learn that in the Federal descent upon Cedar Keys, Fla, the enemy succeeded in taking nine prisoners, belonging to the Fourth Florida Regiment. Two companies of Florida troops stationed in the vicinity immediately went down to attack the enemy and prevent their further advance.

The latest advices from Cedar Keys informs us that on Wednesday last, at about 10 o'clock in the forenoon, a vessel of the Federal fleet came in sight and anchored off the harbor. About that time the schooner Stag, which was ready for sea, commenced weighing anchor. As soon as the Yankees discovered this, they fired three shots at her, all of which fell short. The owner of the Stag then ran her ashore and set her on fire, the crew making their escape. The few soldiers, with a number of the ladies at Way Key, attempted to make their escape in a flat and to reach the railroad; but were unable to reach the shore.

The Yankees perceiving their situation, sent out from the vessel three boats, who captured the flat, and put the men in irons. The men in the flat, some fifteen in number, having no arms, no resistance was made.--The Yankees then went to the schooner Ann Smith, lying at the wharf, captured the captain, and attempted to tow the schooner out, but finding they could not succeed, they burnt her. The schooner Fanny was run up Crystal river, and succeeded in making her escape.

The Federals burnt the wharves at Cedar Keys, with everything on them, including about fifty bales of cotton and about one hundred and fifty barrels of turpentine.--The captain of the schooner Ann Smith, and some civilians who were captured, were released, after two days imprisonment, on taking the oath not to bear arms against the United States. The Yankees did not bombard the town, as has been reported, but destroyed all the property within their reach. It is supposed that they were informed, in reference to the property and unprotected condition of the place, by fishermen in the neighborhood.

The Federal Secretary of War on the Union victory in Kentucky.

Stanton, the Federal Secretary of War, has issued a general order thanking the Yankee troops for their bravery, &c., in the late Ration at Somerset. He says:

The their entrenchments, and paused not until the enemy was completely routed, merits and receives commendation. The purpose of this war is to pursue and destroy a rebellious enemy, and to deliver the country from danger. Menaced by traitors, alacrity, daring, courageous spirit and patriotic zeal on all occasions and under every circumstance are expected from the army of the United States.

Official announcement of the victory.

Washington, Jan. 22, 1862.
--The following was received at headquarters to-night:

Louisville, Jan. 22, 1862.
To Major-General McClellan, Commanding United States Army:
The rout of the enemy was complete. After succeeding in getting two pieces of artillery across the river and upwards of fifty wagons, they were abandoned with all the ammunition in the depot in Mill Spring. They then threw away their arms and dispersed through the mountain by ways in the direction of Monticello but are so completely demoralized that I do not believe they will make a stand short of Tennessee.

The property captured on this side of the river is of great value, amounting to eight 6-pounders and two Parrott guns, with caissons filled with ammunition; about one hundred four-horses wagons, and upwards of 1,200 horses and mules, several boxes of arms which had never been opened, and from 500 to 1,000 muskets, mostly with flint locks, but in good order; subsistence stores enough to serve the entire command for three days; also, a large amount of hospital stores.

As soon as I receive the report of the brigade commanders I will furnish a detailed report of the battle.

Our loss was thirty-nine killed and one hundred and twenty-seven wounded. Among the wounded were Colonel McCook, of the Ninth Ohio, commanding a brigade, and his aid, Lieutenant Burt, of the Eighth United States infantry.

The loss of the rebels was Zollicoffer and one hundred and fourteen others killed and buried, one hundred and sixteen wounded, and forty-five prisoners not wounded, five of whom are surgeons, and Lieutenant-Colonel Carrier, of the Seventeenth Tennessee Regiment.

Hon. John J. Crittenden.

Hon. John J. Crittenden is deeply affected by the news from Kentucky, and has not been in the House since the report of the battle of Somerset was received. Although he has two sons in the Union army the presence of one in the rebel army — his oldest — overwhelms him with grief. The report that Gen. Crittenden deserted his command at Somerset is not believed by any who know him. Rebel though he be, he is accounted gallant and manly.

Buell's plan of Operations.

General Buell's plan, says the Memphis Argus, is now being clearly exposed. It is wholly based on a vast superiority of numbers. On this it depends for success. It seems that the Federals intend to continue menacing both Columbus and Bowling Green, and that with a force only to be resisted from our entrenchments; and that another force is to march on, if it can, to Nashville, via Scottsville and the Bowling Green and Nashville Railroad. This expedition to Nashville will be under the command of McCook.--Crittenden is to cross the Green river, and moving on Hopkinsville, threaten our line of retreat over the Memphis branch of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad.

They hope thus to force Hardee out of Bowling Green into the open field, or to a surrender. The plan, a sort of miniature of that of Gniesnau in Germany in 1813, is of the ablest; but it requires what Gniesnau had, a vast superiority in numbers. Some say the Federals have it, some say they have not. We can only trust in God that even this plan, the ablest, in every respect, laid down in this war, will be baffled by the same bravery that defeated the no plan at Manassas. A glance at them will enable the reader to understand it, and to see that menaced by a superior force in front, with one on his flank and another on his rear, with an unobstructed route to Nashville, our brave and able General would be likes Napoleon at Rivoll, in a position whence only an eagle-like rapidity in the calculation and use of time could extricate him victorious.

Again we ask, have they the numbers? for that after all is the question. If they have, the great battle of the campaign may have to be fought along that range of hills, which a few miles north of Nashville afford a series of natural defences of great strength.

Our men are brave. Gen. Hardee is a well trained, a skillful and practiced leader; our cause is just, and unless positively crowded down, we feel certain the victory will be thus either at Bowling Green itself or at Nashville. The more we try to get at the exact force of the Federals, the more we are inclined to doubt that they possess the needed superiority to carry out this plan; devised, we think; on an erroneous estimate by them of our forces, especially of those parts of it outside of Bowling Green.

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Parrott (1)
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