
The Sequel.

We are at a loss to understand what has of the Yankee faculty of calculating consequences since the beginning of this war. the event of their ability to overthrow our and reduce us to subjugation, how do propose to treat us thereafter? If as provinces, there is an end at once republican system, and, moreover, it the necessity of a permanent and standing army, for none other can down the South, even if they could get It require fully thirty thousand to hold the little, unarmed State of Maryland. How many more for Virginia and the States of the Southern Confederacy?

Yankees are good at calculations. Let work out this nice little sum. Let them make up their minds, in the event of conquest, a standing army larger than that of Great and not much inferior to that of and decide whether their exchequer, bankrupt, will be able at the con of this war to bear such a burden.

If they expect the South to become recognized to its conquest, to hug its chains, and be to purchase peace by unresisting substation to Yankee masters, we can only say do not understand this people. We can believe that they would do it themselves. It would been dangerous experiment to any rate. After the intolerable wrongs they have inflicted, the blood of the children which cries for vengeance from the destruction of property and the upon helpless women, do they expected such ever again to resign itself unresisting to their dominion, political and commercial. There are men in the South who would do less there are unnatural wretches and there, baser, more malignant, and than the vilest Yankee who who would rejoice to kiss the with Southern blood, and give themselves in the Southern side in but their number is few and far The great body of the Southern like every other people under Heaven have been prostrated by invasion, would to be held down by a large standing Let Jonathan figure out the cost of operation. We have seen a vast number of programmes from Northern journals for on the war and for subjugating the but we have never seen yet the first of a plan for retaining it in bondage after it is conquered. We know that Maryland, example, is more thoroughly Southern to. than she was, when she was first invaded; as the farther the Yankees proceed and the they remain, the same results, in an in and intensified form, will follow.-- but the continual presence throughout the whole South, as in Maryland, of a standing army, would secure their tri

How could they obtain the ways and means of the support of that army? Their present is more than they can pay, and it re a feather more to break the long took of the Northern camel. The if overthrown, exhausted, and impov by an unsuccessful war, will be in no even if she had the inclination, to the trade and commerce of Yankee masters. The cotton crop would be destroyed, and the great staples of the South, can alone reinvigorate the backbone of Yankee section, would never again be private. The burning of cotton which has taken place on the Southern seacoast, and the contemptuous refusal of Southern white men to trade with the impertinent Yankee she have opened stores at Beaufort, illness the stern determination of the South any sacrifices rather than yield any longer to the rapacious and cruel There is not the shadow of a doubt every pound of cotton in every Southern are will be burned by its owners before it will be permitted to fall into Yankee hands. This is as certain as any future event can be, from that time forth, so long as Yankees holds dominion, the Yankees must themselves raise all the cotton that is grown on soil. They neither understand its nor the management of negroes, and even if they could get possession of every plantation, the cotton crop of the would never be what it has been. The can live without cotton; it can raise and corn, and, as a subjugated province, will be the extent of its cultivation. If the Yankees were not stark, staring mad, they would see that their anticipated conquest South would be the most ruinous commercial defeat to themselves that any nation suffered. If the strong man must fall, will pull down the pillars of the temple with him and involve the Philistines in a destruction.

After all, their original plan of exterminating the whole race is the most simple and as practicable and economical as any that been suggested. It is also as humans any; for the greatest punishment that men could suffer, would be to live under brown-paper sole of Yankee domination, has death to the virtuous and compared to that of seeing this beautiful land, once inhabited by as honorable and suitable a race of men as the sun ever shone overrun by the trading, canting, onion codfish-eating sons of the Pilgrim; in which there is a larger religious than any in the world, and in whose life divorce is almost unknown, in by the infidelity and licentiousness of cities, and a docile and sober African succeeded by the scum of the earth Europe and Yankeedom would substitute its stead? If the Yankees would re the unparalleled inhumanity of this war crowning act of mercy, let them, if conquering us, carry out their plan of extermination, and leave no alive to witness the debasement dation of his country.

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Maryland (Maryland, United States) (3)
Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (1)
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