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Southern War News.

The Evacuation of Bowling Green--1 Southern account.

A correspondent of the Lynchburg Republican, writing from Bowling Green under due of the 13th inst., says:

Bowling Green has been evacuated and abandoned a portion of our troops are falling back on Nashville, as I leave, and a portion of them have gone in another direction which it may be imprudent to mention of this time. As we reached the depot every thing was in commotion. All civilians war excluded from the return train to give place to sick soldiers and defenceless women and children, who were fleeing from their homed for place of greater safety. The movements, however, were all conducted in a most orderly and quiet way, and showed that they were dictated by cool wisdom and devoted patriotism, and not by panic and fear.

Bowling Green is a beautiful town of about 3,000 inhabitants, and the whole country between, them place and Nashville is one of the fluent, most cultivated and productive I have seen outside of Virginia.

There are said to be several Union traitors in this place, and last night they showed their fiendish exultation at the departure of our troops by setting fire to a large portion of the village occupied by Secessionists Several disparage were consumed.

We are this moment leaving Bowling Green for Nashville. Gen. Beauregard and Gen. Johnston, with their staffs, are on board. As we move slowly away, the ladies crowd the balcony of a distant residence, and beneath the Stars and Bare of a Confederate flag, floating triumphantly over them, are waving their kerchiefs in token of honor to the gallant commanders who are just changing their field of active operations what heroism and patriotism are here displayed by these, the most defenceless and exposed!

It is hot though probable that the enemy will make an immediate advance along the Bowling Green route, unless they defeat us at Fort Donelson. In that event, an advance movement along the whole line of the enemy will be promptly made, and terrible fighting will ensue. Before this reaches you there fore, you will doubtless receive-by telegraph stirring news from this quarter.

The Meagre defences of Nashville.

The same correspondent, writing from Nashville, says:

‘ Though a large, and in many respects an inviting city, the capital of the State, and not far removed from the Northern invasion, yet, strange to say, not the first preparation seems to have been made for its, successful defence. Bowling Green protected it in one direction, and Fort Donelson in another; but the fall of either of these place exposes the city to the speedy tread of the Hessian columns. It seems never to have entered the heads of its people that danger was only a few miles from their doors, and at any unguarded moment, might pollute their hearth-stones and despoil their prized city.

The situation of affairs in Savannah river.

Notwithstanding the hostile demonstrations of the enemy, and the show of formidable preparations for an attack on this point, no material change in the attitude of affairs has taken place during the past few days. Some twenty vessels are still at anchor off our Skidaway batteries, and about the same number of gunboats as formerly are to be seen in the vicinity of Wall's out and Mud river. One or two of the latter have advanced a little higher up or a little nearer to the main channel. Small boats prowl about in the river between Fort Jackson and Fort Pulaski, but keep at a respectful distance from the guns of either fort. Our telegraphic communication to effectually cut off from the latter fort, and water communication has to be maintained under the fire of their gunboats, and a floating or raft battery which the enemy have established near Venus's Point, and which effectually commands the river. Gunboat skirmishes are of almost hourly occurrence.

An Interview with the Mayor of Edenton, N. O.

A correspondent of the Petersburg Express writes as follows:

‘ I had an interview with the Mayor of Edenton late yesterday afternoon, who left Edenton early yesterday morning. As has been reported, not a Yankee soldier remained in Edenton, and not a gunboat could be seen on Albemarle Sound. He thinks the enemy have gone round toward Washington on Newbern, but in this opinion. I do not coincide. A large fleet is reported in Hampton Roads, and the next move will probably be on the Nansemond river or in the vicinity of Smithfield. This has already been fore shadowed in the correspondence of the New York Herald from Fortress Monroe.

Mayor Hall informed me that he was at Edenton at the landing of the Federals, and met the gunboats at the wharf. In answer to his inquiry as to the course they intended to pursue, he was told that private citizens and private property would be respected, but armed men, commissary stores and arms of every kind, would be seized. When they commenced rolling in the bales of cotton he enquired if that was not private property, and was answered that cotton was contraband, and would be seized everywhere. He says a large crowd of negroes gathered on the wharf, and the captain of the gunboats commanded them to disperse immediately, or he would open fire upon them. The darkies scattered in every direction, tremendously frightened.

It is rumored that all the prisoners taken at Roanoke Island will be released on parole, and as the crew of one of Com. Lynch's vessels captured have arrived in Norfolk, on parole, there seems to be some foundation for the rumor.

About 40 of the escaped soldiers, belonging to Col. Jordans North Carolina regiment, arrived here on Saturday afternoon for Norfolk. It seems that but two of Colonel Jordan's companies were in the engagement, and they fought well. The other companies, except Capt. Godwin's, were held in reserve, until the surrender was ordered. The companies commanded by Captains Knight and Lile were in the fight.

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