Notes of the War.
A correspondent of the New Orleans Delta, who left Island No. 10 on the evening of the 19th ult., the fifth day of the bombardment, writes as follows:The bombardment of Island no.10.
For reasons which it would not be proper to make public, I think Gen. Trudeau, who has command of the artillery, aided by Gen. Marsh Walker, of the infantry, will be able to hold the position for some time, despite the circumstances operating against them. In the meantime, it is to be hoped that the new gunboats from your city will be of some service, and that finally, Beauregard and Bragg having routed Buell, Johnston may be enabled-to regain Nashville, and Forts Henry and Donelson, and Polk Columbus and Hickman. This done, the enemy's gunboats will have to cease their bombardment of the island, or render themselves liable to be out off. As if they were apprehending something of this kind, the enemy have been moving the land forces which invested New Madrid to Hickman and Columbus, where they can be ready to advance either down the river against the island, or against Gen. Polk's army on the railroad. One thing seems certain, a heavy blow to one side or the other must soon be effected somewhere in Tennessee. Whatever the final issue at Island 10, Gen. Trudeau and our army there deserve the highest gratitude of the country for their success and determination thus far in holding that position against the superior appliances of the enemy for its bombardment. While alluding to Gen. Trudeau, I must not omit mentioning an incident of some interest in connection with the bombardment of the Island. It so happened that the enemy, getting their boats in position early in the morning, detected a small white flag which was used as a — at Rucker's battery, and was, it might have been supposed, (so small was it,) discernible only to ourselves. Immediately they dispatched a little tug, like wise with a white flag, to our battery, on the supposition, the officer stated, that we wished to communicate. "Not at all," pleasantly responded Gen. Trudeau, who happened to be there, smiling in his affable way, and adding, "this is altogether a mistake, which will be rectified. We have no wish to communicate, and hope you will not suspect any under any circumstances." "Very well, Gen. Trudeau," replied the young officer very politely, to the General's great astonishment at being recognized, after having exercised his usual precaution against it by doffing his General's uniform and substituting that of an inferior officer. The General had gone up to see about the flag, perhaps, or for some important purpose. He recognized the Federal officer as one who had seen him on some of the truce boats from Columbus. The enemy must have been more than astonished, after discovering from their boat the character of our battery, by no means so formidable in appearance as it proved to be, and especially after the gallant assurance of Capt. Rucker, added to Gen. Trudeau's, that he was ready for the contest. They must certainly have been perfectly astonished the next day, with three of their best gunboats devoted to the task, at their utter inability to demolish that single battery, which, as they saw distinctly, there was no harm in describing as in my last letter. Their whole proceedings since show that they are utterly confounded at the nature of things; and mayhaps they will be even more so when we let loose all our bull-dogs — some of which they wot not of — at their boasted monsters. Possibly they think the white flag an invitation to examine the battery, and the whole a ruse or sort of cunning device of the wily French engineer's strategy to entrap them. And here again I must add, it is no business of mine to post them, were it possible. For all the harm their five days bombardment did us they were perfectly welcome to waste the ammunition, as they did at the rate of fifteen or twenty thousand pounds of powder, besides shot and shell, every day.The Northeast corner of Mississippi.
As there is frequent mention of Eastport in the military and naval operations on the Tennessee river, a brief description of the place from the Mobile News, may not be amiss: ‘ The boundary line between Mississippi and Alabama strikes the Tennessee river at the mouth of Bear Creek about eighteen miles by the course of the river from the Tennessee State line, through which distance the left bank of the river belongs to Mississippi, the right to Alabama. Bear Creek is a bold and beautiful stream, well deserving the name of river, having its sources in the counties of Franklin and Marion in this State. Chickasaw is a small town on the Alabama side at its mouth. Eastport is on the Mississippi side, a few miles below. ’ The country in the corner of Mississippi bordering on Tennessee river and Bear Creek, becomes very broken as one approaches those streams, terminating in a range of gravelly hills, either close to the water or separated from it by a swampy bottom. The latter is the case at Eastport. The town is a small one, the houses being stuck about in nooks and corners along the street, which zigzags down these hills at such a rate that it would not be difficult in many cases to tess a pebble from the window of one house into the chimney of the one below it. At the foot of the bluff there is a straight stretch of the street, (we do not recollect but one street, though there may be more,) for a short distance, occupied by several stores; but one cannot go far without finding himself in a dark, dank, muddy bottom. Through this a miry wagon track led some half mile or less to the river, which appeared to be about a quarter of a mile wide, and was bounded by a high, wooded bluff on the Alabama side. The only object near the river shore was a warehouse, with the marks of the last flood half way up the second story window. Just below the bluff was a mill of some kind, with an overshot wheel forty or fifty feet in diameter, we forget which. It would not be difficult for the enemy to make a landing at Eastport, provided they were not molested from the other side, but after landing they would not be able to effect anything if the bluff was held by a few troops of the right kind. It would be easier to scale a precipice than to climb over those piles of loose gravel in the face of any opposition. A stream called Yellow creek enters the Tennessee a short distance below Eastport. Our impression is that it is a sluggish, muddy stream. There is a pretty field for strategy in the region between Bear creek, Tennessee river, and the two intersecting railroads, and the streams of that region may yet become as interesting in military history as the Rhine, the Sambre, and the Mouse.The Lincolnites in East Tennessee.
A correspondent of the Knoxville Register narrates an incident which occurred in Jefferson county, Tenn., on the night of the 22d of March, as follows: ‘ Thos. Green, a respectable and well known Southern-rights citizen, noted for his devotion to the South and for his constancy as an humble Christian, was awakened about one o'clock in the morning by some one calling him at the yard fence. Supposing them to be some of his neighbors' boys, he paid no attention to their calls. But this availed him nothing. They continued their calls until he left his room and started to the fence where the calling came from. On arriving within a few paces, to his surprise he saw four men, one of whom immediately stepped between him and his house and fired off his gun. He was then told that he was a prisoner, and that they were Lincoln pickets, who had come through Wheeler's Gap — that their army had possession of the whole country, and that they had authority to swear in and arrest all men whose loyalty to the Federal Government was suspected. They then ordered him to take the oath without delay!--This he positively refused to do, at the same time remarking that he was a man loyal to his State and to the Confederate States, and would not take an oath which his conscience repudiated and his patriotism spurned. He was then told that unless he complied with their order, without further hesitation, that they would shoot him instantly. One of the cowardly assassins then stepped forward, and despite his remonstrances, forced him to take the oath of allegiance to the negro dynasty. After administering the oath they left, saying that they intended to arrest all of the prominent Southern men of the community. ’A capture and a Release.
The Tallahassee Floridian, of the 22d ult., says: ‘ Col. D. P. Holland, who was some time since taken prisoner with eight men, by one of the Yankee blockading vessels of Fernandina, arrived in Tallahassee on Tuesday last, and left on Friday morning. It seems that after he had been decoyed on the enemy's vessel by their raising a French flag of distress, he was treated kindly by the commander, though his men were put in irons for a time. On the arrival of Commodore Dupont, Col. Holland, with his men, were sent on board his vessel, where they were well treated. Col. Holland was conducted into the Commodore's state room, who received him with courtesy, and after spreading a snack with wine and cigars, he told Col. Holland that he regretted his -able detention; that he did not wish to have any question about flags, and that he would send him ashore on a boat, which was done. It may be well to remark that the Yankee vessels did not pull down the French flag and hoist the American until after Col. Holland and his men were on board, though they had made themselves known as Americans, and upon Col. Holland requesting to return they told him that they thought he had better come on board. ’Letter from Gen. Buckner.
The Louisville Journal, of the 15th, publishes the following as a letter from General Buckner. Of course, Prentice could not forego the opportunity of exhibiting as a blackguard, and the "bagged rebel," as he called Gen. Buckner, is treated to an extraordinary specimen of the Journal's characteristic style: Fort Warren, Mass., March 4, 1862.
To the Editors of the Louisville Journal:
Among other luxuries of which I have been deprived since my imprisonment, is the pleasure of perusing those chaste and refreshing notices with which, for some time past, your paper has honored me; and although in my progress through the North I have met with many attempts on the part of the press at an imitation of your peculiarly felicitous style of misrepresentation, I have found none to equal the original.
I am, therefore, under the necessity of applying at the fountainhead.
I inclose two dollars, for which please send me your country daily to the following address.
P. S.--Since writing the above, our friend, Col. R. W. Hanson, has reached this celebrated resort, and desires me to add that the present of a demijohn of whiskey, which he learns you have promised him, would never be more acceptable than at this time — the locality and the latitude, as well as the sentiments of our neighbors up the harbor, holding out most tempting inducements to cultivate a taste for that delightful beverage.
As a matter of caution, however, he urges me to add that he hopes, if the liquor be of good quality, you will not venture to taste it, as he might thereby incur much risk of losing it altogether — a privation which, however agreeable to yourself, would be attended with serious inconvenience to himself during the prevalence of the prevailing "nor'easters." To the Editors of the Louisville Journal:
S. B. B.
The battle in Arkansas--another Federal account.
We copy the following dispatch from a late number of the Missouri Republican: Springfield, Mo., March 11th. via Rolla, March 13.--A messenger arrived at 10 o'clock last night, bringing additional news of the battle. The engagement took place on Little Sugar creek, five miles this side of a stream of the same name, where the skirmish took place. On the march down, in anticipation of an attack on the South, Gen. Curtis ordered the trains to be drawn up on the north side, but unexpectedly the attack was commenced on the rear, north of our army, by 1,500 or 2,000 rebel cavalry. General Siegel, with 800 men, protected the train for several hours, alternately retreating and stopping to hold the rebels in check, while the teams pushed backward to the main body of the army. While thus engaged Siegel was three times surrounded, but out his way through each time. The principal fighting on Thursday was done by Siegel in this way. On Friday, the engagement became general and continued so throughout the day. The officers behaved with much gallantry. The most exposed position was occupied by Col. Carr's division, and the greatest loss was suffered by them. Col. Dodge's brigade of this division consisted of the 4th Iowa, 1st Iowa battery; 35th Illinois, Col. Phelpis regiment, and the 24th Missouri; 2d brigade under Col. Vandever of the 9th Iowa, consisted of his own regiment, the Dubuque battery, and Col. Carr's regiment of cavalry. A letter from Col. Carr says the losses in the 4th and 9th Iowa, 35th Illinois, and 25th Missouri, are from one hundred and fifty to two hundred in each regiment killed and wounded. Only three hundred in the 24th Missouri were present, but they lost twenty-nine killed, and a large number wounded. The 12th and 17th Missouri, 3d Iowa cavalry, and 8th Indiana, lost about forty each. Among the wounded are General Asboth, in the arm; Col. Carr, also in the arm; Lieutenant-Colonel Galligan, Lieutenant-Col. Herron, and Major Coile, of the Ninth Iowa. Besides being wounded, Colonel Herron was taken prisoner. Colonel Dodge had three horses shot under him. Lieut Smith, of the 2d Ohio battery, was taken prisoner, and, jumping from a wagon to make his escape, was killed. Gen. Slack was dangerously wounded. Col. McIntosh was killed Col. Reeves, of the 2d regiment of volunteers, was dangerously wounded. Col. Hebert, of the 3d Louisiana volunteers, was killed or dangerously wounded Major Gen. Sterling Price was slightly wounded. Thirteen pieces of artillery were captured by our men, among which was one piece lost by Siegel at Wilson's creek. Our loss is estimated at from eight hundred to one thousand killed and wounded. The rebel loss is not known, but it is supposed to be from two thousand to three thousand.--Large numbers of rebel prisoners were taken, probably fifteen hundred or more. They were constantly being brought in. Two thousand Indians were engaged in the battle. Eighteen of our killed were scalped by them. Price, with about one thousand men, retreated northward, and then took an easterly direction. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis is after him.Movements and Indications of the enemy.
A correspondent of the New Orleans Picayune writes from Tuscumbia, Ala., as follows: ‘ An idea of the enemy's movements and intentions may be formed by the following explanations, which may be understood by the reader if he will look on a map of Tennessee and North Alabama, (and, by the way, nothing is so much needed at this time as a good map of these two States,) which have become the present seat of war. The enemy's approaches may be said to consist of four columns. First, by gunboats by way of the Mississippi from Calro; second, by the Tennessee river; third, from Nashville, on the Cumberland; and fourth, from Columbus, Ky., and Paris, Tennessee, where a large body of Federals are held in reserve for reinforcements. The column on the Tennessee river has concentrated principally at Savannah, on the east side of the river, their numbers being estimated at from thirty to fifty thousand, and which it will be seen is nearly on a line with Memphis. ’ Forty five miles from Savannah, in a southwardly direction, is the mouth of Yellow creek, which is eighteen miles nearly due west from Corinth, Miss., the junction of the Memphis and Charleston and the Mobile and Ohio Railroads. It being all important to the enemy to obtain possession of this latter point and the two roads in his demonstrations on Memphis, he is now cutting a military road from the Tennessee, at Yellow creek, to Corinth. Buell's Nashville column has already pushed its advance as far as Columbia, Tenn., and will no doubt march so Yellow creek to support the Tennessee column, if necessary, in its effort to gain the Charleston road. It is also supposed that the enemy may attempt to gain our rear, by the way of Florence, Ala., on the Tennessee, to this point, Tuscumbia, which is only four miles distant, by a branch road, from the Charleston road. There is a splendid bridge over the Tennessee to Florence, which could be destroyed in case an effort was made. Buell's column of 60,000, or a portion of it, might also advance to Florence from Columbia, which is 68 miles; the distance from Tuscumbia to Nashville, via Columbia, by the old military road made by Jackson in the Creek war, being about 110 miles. The great battle must therefore be fought between Corinth and Jackson, Tenn., and between the Tennessee and Mississippi rivers. Our whole country is thoroughly aroused to the importance of this great battle, and every man has made up his mind that we are not to be whipped. All feel that we must conquer or die in this battle. Our forces will be equal to every emergency, and the Mississippi river will hold the slain of the foe. It is stated that the enemy may make an attempt to cross the Cumberland mountains and come in at Chattanooga, but I think attention has been directed to this point as well as Knoxville.A gallant exploit.
A correspondent mentions a gallant exploit performed lately by Dr. Strader, of Captain John Morgan's command, which is worthy of record. Learning that a large quantity of knapsacks, &c., left by the army of Crittenden in his masterly retreat, was in the vicinity of Livingston, Overton county, Tenn., he procured permission from Major-Gen. Hardes to go after them. Proceeding alone, in citizen's dress, without even a pocket knife for protection, he collected at different places over 7,000 knapsacks, worth three dollars apiece, and got the people to loan their wagons to haul them to our army. At McMinville he also secured a quantity of saltpetre and sixty boxes of clothing. The services of such men are valuable, and deserve to be recorded.Beauregard's call for bills.
The New Orleans True Delta publishes the following letter from Gen. Beauregard to the pastor of St. Patrick's Church, in that city: Jackson, Tenn., March 20, 1862.
Dear Father:
--Your favor of March 14th has just been received.
The call which I made on the planters of the Mississippi Valley, to contribute the bells from their plantations to be cast into cannon, is being so promptly met that I am in hopes of being spared the necessity of depriving our churches of any of their sacred appendages.
Our wives and children have been accustomed to the call, and would miss the tones of "the church-going bell." But if there is no alternative we must make the sacrifice; and should I need it, I will avail myself of your offer to contribute the bell of St. Patrick's Church, that it may rebuke, with a tongue of fire, the vandals who, in this war, have polluted God's altar.
Let me thank you for the expressions of kindness and regard towards myself, with which your letter abounds.
I can only hope that the day is not far distant when peace will once more bless our country, and I shall visit again a quiet home. Dear Father:
I remain, very truly, yours.
G. T. Beauregard, Gen. Com'g.
Father Mullon, St. Patrick's Church, N. O.
G. T. Beauregard, Gen. Com'g.
Father Mullon, St. Patrick's Church, N. O.