Late from the North.
Affairs on the Peninsula — Washington dispatches--Gen. Halleck's policy — the Military Dictator in Tennessee, &c., &c.From late Yankee papers in our postoral on we make up the following summary:
The Peninsula.
Baltimore, April 8.
--The Old Point boat has arrived.
She left at 8 o'clock last evening.
One letter says: ‘"The rebel steamer Merrimac is confidently expected, with seven other gunboats, on the first favorable day. The weather is cold and foggy, with northwest wind.
The latest from Yorktown by telegraph, to-day, is that everything is progressing satisfactorily, but, that a battle is not expected within a day or two.
An order has been issued from this department, announcing that Capt. Wm. D. Whipple, Assistant Adjutant General, has been appointed by the President an additional Aid Gen. Wool, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Lieut, Col. Whipple will continue to perform the duties of Assistant Adjutant General, Chief of the Staff of General Wool, which office he has filled with great ability and success since September last.
The American's special correspondent says ‘that the storm which commenced on Monday afternoon, and continued through yesterday, doubtless prevented the Merrimac from coming out as she intended.
She is now looked for confidently as soon as the weather permits.’ American's
A gentleman who was on board the steamer Rancocas when she went up with a flag of truce on Monday, says ‘that the Merrimac was then lying off Craney.
Island. The Yorktown, Jamestown.
Teaser, and four smelling, were in company with her, all under steam.
No particular change in the appearance of the Merrimac from that presented when she was here before was noticed.
It was the impression of those on board the Rancocas, that the whole fleet was on the way down when the flag of truce appeared.’
The storm must have been severely felt in the army now advancing up the Peninsula, deprived, as they are to a great extent, of the sheller of tents, and compelled to constant watchfulness in the face of the enemy.
The roads, none too good before, will now be brought to a horrible condition, and the public must not be impatient in expecting early results in this direction.
We have enlarged reports here as to the number of rebels on the Peninsula, the formidable character of the fortifications, the number of guns, but exaggeration is the forte of rumor, and it is safe to deduct one-half.
Whatsoever the force may be, it will be overcome.
From Washington.
Washington, April 9.
--A special correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer returned this evening from the Rappahannock, which stream he left this morning.
The United States forces occupy the north bank of the river, which is much swollen.
The railroad is repaired up to Warrenton Junction.
Numerous refugees and contrabands are coming in daily, who report that the main body of the rebel army have fallen back to Richmond, doubtless with the Intention of strengthening Gen. Magruder.
The rebel pickets are occasionally seen on the south bank of the Rappahannock, but they are believed to be merely watching our movements.
The health of our troops is generally good.
A guerilla warfare is being carried on from Brenisville to wards the Occoquan, and stray soldiers are picked off by these outlaws.
Advices received at the State Department from our representatives at the various Courts of Europe, show that the public sentiment abroad is becoming unanimous in favor of our Government.
This is being strengthened by our victories, which are carried over by every steamer, and which serve to elevate our national character and compel the respect of the people and rulers of Europe.
Washington, April 9.-- The Secretary of War has submitted to Congress a communication on the Northern coast defences, enclosing an elaborate report from Edwin.
K. Johnson, of Connection, well known as a practical civil engineer, and connected with the Joint Commission of 1817, 1818 and 1819 for running and marking the Northeastern boundary line.
Mr. Johnson recommends the passage of Senator Morrill's bill and the passage of Senator Morrill's bill and the adoption of the policy of placing in the hands of the President the necessary power to accept loans of money from the several States for the public defence as therein proposed.--Among the modes of defence contemplated, is the use of the railway and of floating ball proof batteries in addition to the ordinary system of fortifications.
His report is the result of careful examination of all the matters in question, including a long list of documents based upon's thorough acquaintance with the physical geography said the topographical features of the country.
Halleck on Secessionists.
St. Louis, April 8.
--Major-General H. W. Halleck, St. Louis.--Dear Sir: On my return home a few days ago, I found several letters addressed to me by friends in the interior of this State, seeking my aid to procure the parole or protection of those who had been engaged in the rebellion.
One case is strongly urged by leading citizens of the interior that I will specially mention.
A Baptist preacher, who had in charge some two or three churches in the interior of the State when the rebellion assumed an active form.
A company was organized, composed mainly, of his congregations, and he was (as stated) strongly urged by the parents of the young men to go along, and see after and care for their sons.--that he left home as Captain of the company, and has ever since been with Price's army.
But I am informed that he has of late assumed the more peaceful station of Chaplain in the army.
It is now said by his friends that he desires to return home and lead a more quiet life.
His wife, a most excellent and worthy lady, writes me to know if I can procure a parole for her husband, and a permit for how to be the bearer of it to Price's army, saying that her husband would gladly return home and take no more part in the war. She makes a further request, that if you will grant her husband a parole to learn on what terms you will permit him to return home.
As I am anxious to oblige the friends who write to me in this case, and who I believe, have all been faithful to the Government, will you be kind enough to give the subject your attention, (if your important duties will permit,) and let me know what answer to give to this and similar, inquiries, now becoming frequent from friends throughout the State.
Very respectfully.
Wm. M. McPherson.
Headq'rs Det't of the Mississippi,
Sir — Your letter of this date is received. In answer to your inquiries, I have to state that persons in arms against the United States, under General Price, can be received only as prisoners of war, and that they will be treated in the same kind and lenient manner as others have been who are willing to abandon a hopeless and unholy cause, take the prescribed oath of allegiance, and give satisfactory security, for their future good conduct. Any one who voluntarily takes the oath, and gives his parole of honor, and afterwards violates it by aiding or abetting the enemy. will most certainly be executed. A man who violates his military parcel commits the most serious of all military offences, and I will pardon no one who is guilty of that crime. In regard to the wife of the Reverend Captain Chaplain, in General Price's army, who wishes to visit her husband, please inform her that no such permission can be granted. Nearly all the Secessionists of this State who have entered the rebel service have left their wives and daughters to the care of the Union troops. There is scarcely a single instance where this confidence has been abused by us. But what return have these ladies made for this protection. In many cause they have acted as spies and informers for the enemy, and have been most loud- mouthed in their abuse of our cause, and most insulting in their conduct toward those who support it Under any other Government they would for such conduct, be expelled from the country of confined within the walls of a prison. I am well aware that some good Union men in the interior of the State think that those now serving the rebel cause under Gen. Price should be permitted to return to their homes without being considered prisoners of war, or, when taken prisoners of war, that they should be released simply on promise of future good conduct. Experience has satisfied me that such a course would neither be wise nor safe. In deed, I find that the very persons who advocate a more lenient policy toward returned Secessionists, are also continually petitioning to have additional troops sent to their counties to protect them from the operations of these same rebels.Waly Andy Johnson 18 doing.
Governor Johnson has superseded the Mayor, Alderman, and Councilmen of Nashville, who refused to take the oath of allegiance, by filling their places with royal man. Washington Barrow, State Senator from Davison county, who was arrested on Tuesday afternoon, was one of the Commissioners for the sale and transfer of Tennessee to the Southern. Confederacy. He is a man of wealth, and one of the most prominent politicians in the State. He has been a member of Congress from the Hermitage district, and was Minister to Portugal during the Administration of Harrison. John Overton, who, at the outset of the rebellion, tendered his entire property — thened tifiated at five millions--to Governor Harris, to aid in dissevering Tennessee from the National Confederacy is arrested. When the draft took place, hedssised upon all suspected of Union sentiments. He has a son in the rebel army. An ancodo's is told of him. Upon a regimental muster of the military he harangued his soldiers and urged them to leave their homes and friends and fight for their country. At the close of his remark an enthusiast shouted.‘ "Lead on, Colonel; we'll follow you!."’ This display of zeal, coupled with the desire to see him participation plused him, and he backed out." Another important arrest is that of Williams Giles Harding, an old citizen of Davidson county, who owns the most beautiful residence and plantation in the State, about six miles from Nashville. His park covers an area of a hundred acres, in which are hoards of deer, buffalo, goats, &c., also a large numbers of noisiest cattle, sheep, &c. He is noted for his hospitality, and was the person who entertained Charle. Sumue, some years ago. At the, incipiency of the rebellion in Tennessee he offered all his estate and his services to Governor Harris. He was a member of the Military Board, and untiring in his efforts to array the State militia in opposition to the United States Government.Island no ten.
--Commodore Footh's Dispatch. Washington, April 9.
--The following was received at the Navy Department this morning:
Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy I have to inform the Department that since I sent the telegram last night announcing the surrender to me of Island No.10, possession has been taken of both the Island and the works upon the Tennessee shore, by the gunboats and troops under the command of Gen Buford.
Seventeen officers and three hundred and sixty-eight privates, besides one hundred of their sick and one hundred men employed on board the transports, are in our hands, unconditionally prisoners of war.
I have caused a hasty examination to be made of the forts, batteries and munitions of war captured.
There are eleven earth works with seventy heavy cannon, varying in calibre from 32 to 100-pounders rifled.
The magazines are well supplied with powder, and there are large quantities of shot, shells, and other munitions of war, and also great quantities of provisions.
Four steamers afloat have fallen into our hands, and two others, with the rebel gunboat Grampus, are sunk, but will be easily raised.
The floating battery of sixteen heavy guns, turned adrift by the rebels, is said to be lying on the Missouri shore, below New Madrid.
The enemy upon the mainland appear to have fled with great precipitation after dark last night, leaving in many cases, half-prepared meals in their quarters.
There seems to have been no concert of action between the rebels upon the Island and those occupying the shore; but the latter fled, leaving the former to their fate.
These works, erected with the highest engineering skill, are of great strength, and with their natural advantages, would have been impregnable, if defended by men fighting in a better cause.
A combined attack by the naval and land forces would have taken place this afternoon, or to- morrow morning had not the rebels so hastily abandoned this stronghold.
To mature these plans of attack, has absolutely required the twenty-three days of preparation.
General Pope is momentarily expected to arrive with his army at this point, he having successfully crossed the river yesterday under a heavy fire, which no doubt led to the hasty abandonment of the works last night.
I am unofficially informed that the two gunboats which so gallantly ran the fire of the rebel batteries, a few nights since, yesterday attacked and reduced a fort of the enemy opposite dismounting eight heavy guns.
The following is a copy of the order of Gen Makall on assuming the command of the rebel forces on the 5th inst:
"Soldiers — We are strangers.
The commander to the commanded, and each to the other.
Let me tell you who I am
"I am a General; made by Beauregard — a General selected by Generals Beauregard and Bragg for this command when they knew it was in peril.
They have known me for twenty years. Together we have stood in, the fields of Mexico.
Give them your confidence.
Give it to me when I have earned it.
"Soldiers, the Mississippi valley is entrusted to your courage, to your discipline, to your patience.
Exhibit the vigilance and coolness of last night, and hold it. (Signed) "Wm. D. Makall,
"Brigadier-General Commanding."
I regret that the painful condition of my foot, still requiring me to use crutches, prevented me from making a personal examination of the works. I was, therefore, compelled to delegate Lieut. Com. S. Phelps, of the Flag-Ship Benton. A. H. Foote, Flag-Officer,
Congratulations of the Navy Department.
Washington, April 9.
--The following congratulatory letter was sent to-day to Flag-Officer Foote, by telegraph:
Navy Department, Washington, April 9, 1862.
Flag-Officer A. H. Foote, commanding the gunboats on the Western waters.
A nation's thanks are due to you and the brave officers and men of the flotilla on the Mississippi, whose labors and gallantry at Island No.10, which surrendered to you yesterday, have for weeks been watched with intense interest.
Your triumph is not the less appreciated because it was protracted, and finally bloodiness.
To that Being who has protected you through so many perils, and carried you onward to successive victories, be all praise for His continued goodness to our country, and especially for this last success of our arms.
Let the congratulations to yourself and your command be also extended to the officers and soldiers who co-operated with you. [Signed]Gidson Welles. Secretary of the Navy.
The Canal across the Peninsula.
St. Louis, April 9.
--General Pope's official report says: ‘
"The canal cut across the peninsula at New Madrid, through which the steamers and several barges were taken, is twelve miles long, through heavy timber, which had to be sawed off by hand four feet under water.
The idea of this laborious under taking originated with Gen. Schuyler Hamilton, and the work performed by Col. Bissall's Missouri engineering regiment. ’
Remarkable War Bulletin — the way the Yankee Masses are Humbugged.
War Department, Washington, April 9th, 1862.
That at the meridian of Sunday next, sitter the receipt of this order, at the head of every regiment in the armies of the United States, there shall be offered by its Chaplain, a prayer giving thanks to the Lord of Hosts for the recent manifestation of His power in the overthrow of the rebels and traitors, and invoking the continuance of His aid in delivering this nation, by the arms of patriot soldiers, from the horrors of treason rebellion, and civil war.
That the thanks and congratulations of the war Department are rendered to Major-General Halleck for the signal ability and success that have distinguished all the military operations of his department, and for the spirit and courage manifested by the army under his command, under every hardship and against every odds, in attacking, pursuing, and destroying the enemy wherever he could be found.
That the thanks of the Department are also given to Generals Our and Siegel, and the officers and soldiers of their commands, for the matchless gallantry at the bloody battle of Pea Ridge, and to Major-Generals Grant and Buell, and their forces, for the glorious repulse of Beauregard, at Pittsburg, in Tennessee, and to Major-General Pope and his officers and soldiers for the bravery and skill displayed in their operations against the rebels and traitors entrenched at Island No.10, on the Mississippi river.
The daring courage, diligent prosecution, persistent valor, and military result of these achievements are unsurpassed.
That there shall this day be a to of one hundred guns from the United States Arsenal at Washington, in honor of the so great victories. (Signed,) Edwin M. Syanton, Secretary of War.
Effects of the news.
New York, April 9, 1862.
--The city can scarce by comprehend, as yet the last and great set of all our great victories, at Pittsburg Landing — but the news is received, I think, with a deeper feeling of thankfulness to heaven and of gratitude to the gallant men who achieved it, than any which the events is of the war have yet called form.
There is no blusterous rejoicing-no popular jubilation, such, as have followed so many preceding victories, but in their place a profound conviction that the Almighty is on our side, and an unshaken confidence that, with a few more, such blows, as have been administered to them, at No. 10, and on their own chosen battle field near the rebels, everywhere, will be compelled to return to their allegiance.
The terrible slaughter staggers most people, though it is known that but few New York or Eastern men were in the fight.
The battle of course, has been the exclusive talk everywhere — in the street, on Change, and in the hotels, and everywhere the to obtain further and fuller particulars was intense.
In the course of the afternoon the stock spectators started, rumors of an unfavorable character with a view to a fleet prices, and in this they were partially successful.
One of these rumors was that the rallied at Corinth, and, with large reinforcements, were again advancing upon Gen. Buell.
Of course, there was not the slightest authority for these, stories, but the over credulous, in many cases, them down.
The Merrimac, for the hundredth time, also, was reported as having come down, destroyed the Vanderbilt, shelled our camps at Newport News, pitched into Fortress Monroe, and what else I dare not say will the day of dupes never pass away?
Baltimore, April 9, 1862.--The glorious news of overwhelming triumphs to the Union cause and to the United States Government, which have come upon us since yesterday morning, fills every loyal heart here with rejoining.
It looked indeed as if the day of peace was dawning and not far, distant.
The great principle for which our revolutionary fathers fought is likely to be speedily redeemed and rescued from the bloody grasp of treason and revolution.
Victorious armies of the republic are marching onward, conquering and to conquer, until the last vestige of treason shall be bitted out.
The God of battles seems truly on their side.
It looks to the great civilized world as if theirs was a just cause and Heaven approved.
The gallant officers and soldiers of our Union armies, who have nobly staked their lives, fortunes, and honors upon the contest for country sake, are being crowned with deserved honors.
Laurels cannot be too green and fadeless that wreath the brows of such men. When our great nation is again brought back to peace, prosperity, union and happiness, none will find deeper homage than those who, through hardships, dangers and trials, have been instrumental in effecting so grand a consummation.
Philadelphia, April 10. --The excitement through the city yesterday, on receiving the great news of the battle of Pittsburg Landing, was intense, and all business for the moment suspended.
The Corn Exchange and Stock Board both ceased operation till the intelligence had been digested, and commercial transactions generally were postponed till due consideration was given to the various assertions of the telegraph.
Flags were raised, the news was announced amid cheers in the various schools and workshops, of the city, exclamations were exchanged in the streets, and men hurried early to dinner at their homes, to unburden to families and wives the pent-up elation of their souls.
Beauregard and Johnston, the great military athletes of the rebellion, had been met and crushed, and all felt that two mighty pillars of that great tower of crime had been struck from its support.
The heavy stated loss of eighteen to twenty thousand men was doubted by all, and, thank fortune, there was reason to suppose that few or no Pennsylvania troops were engaged in the fearful strife.
Mothers and wives of our city were thus for once spared the agony of suspense for the safety of bright young hearts and noble souls, and all were enabled to discuss with equanimity the absorbing topic of the hour.