Late from the North.
the evacuation of Yorktown
Yankee reports of Affairs in the West.
&c, &c, &c,
We were yesterday placed in possession of late New York and Baltimore papers, including dates as late as May 5th. They make no allusion to the reported stampede of the Border States members from the Lincoln Congress, nor to the rumor of the prospective European intervention in affairs on this continent.
The extracts which we publish contain the usual quantity of exaggeration, and must be perused with due allowance:
The retreat from York town.
[official dispatches]
War Department, Washington, May 4, 1280 P. M.--The following highly important announcement is just received from Fortress Monroe:
‘"Yorktown was evacuated last night.
Our troops now occupy the enemy's works.
The enemy left a large amount of camp equipage and guns, which they could not destroy, for fear of being seen."’
[Second Dispatch]
Headquarters Army of the Potomac, May 4,9 A. M.
Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War:--"We have the ramparts of the enemy.
We have his guns, ammunition, camp equipage, &c., and hold the entire line of his works, which the engineers report as being very strong.
"I have thrown all my cavalry and horse artillery in pursuit, supported by infantry.
"I move Franklin, and as much more as I can transport by water, up to West Point today.
No time shall be lost.
The gunboats have gone up York river.
I omitted to state that Gloucester is also in our possession.
"I shall push the enemy to the wall.
‘"G. McClellan, Major General."’
[from the Army correspondent of the associated Press]
Headquarters Army of the Potomac, A. M
This morning, at five o' clock, your correspondent had the pleasure of entering the enemy's works at Yorktown, which the ar of their army deserted four hours before.
Everything was found to be in rather confusion, as though they left in great haste Between forty and fifty pieces of heavy artillery have been left in their works, after being spiked, together with a large amount of ammunition, medical stores, camp equipage, tends, and private property of their officers.
A negro who was left in the town states that the rebels threw a large amount of ordnance stores into the river to prevent its falling into our hands.
Several deserters have succeeded in running into our lines.
One of them, a very intelligent man, from New York, who had been connected with the ordnance department ever since the works at Yorktown were constructed, states that the rebels evacuated the place owing to the near approach of our parallels covering the immense siege works of our men. That they feared the success of the Union gunboats on the York river and James river, by means of which their communication with the outer world would be cut off.
The order was given to evacuate by Gen Johnston on Thursday, to commence the following morning, which was accordingly done.
General Magruder is said to have most strenuously opposed the measure, stating that If they could not whip the Federals here, there was no other place in Virginia where they could.
He's wore in the presence of his men that this was so, and they vociferously cheered him. He become much excited and completely lost control of himself.
Gen. Robert E Lee, commander-in-chief, arrived at Yorktown on Wednesday, and minutely examined the works of McClellan, when he is supposed to have recommended the abandonment of the works, deeming them untenable.
The deserters all agree in stating that their troops were very much demoralized, and he came dis ed when the order to retreat was made, as they all anticipated having an engagement at this point.
The deserters also agree in saying that the rebels had a force of 000,000 men on the peninsula, together with some 400 pieces of field artillery.
From the best information received, they have fallen back to Chickahominy creek, beyond Williamsburg, where they are expected to make a stand.
Immediately after the flight of the enemy becoming known, the troops were ordered under arms, and are now in motion from the right and left wings of the army.
A large force, under Gen. Trueman, consisting of ca ry, artillery and infantry, are in the advance, and probably come up with the rear of the enemy before night, if they should remain near Williamsburg.
Our gunboats have passed above Yorktown, and are now shelling the snore on their way up. Following the gunboats is a large steamer and other transports loaded with troops, who will effect a landing above.
It is said that Magruder said he was not afraid of McClellan, if Lee was, and that if he could not successfully fight him here, he could do it nowhere.
Only one man was left in Yorktown, and he was a negro.
Gen. Jameson and Col. Samuel Black were the first to enter the enemy's main works.
The only casualty that occurred was the kitting of two men and the wounding of three by the explosion of a concealed snell within the enemy's works.
Their names are as follows.
They belong to company A, 40th New York: Killed, Geo. McFarland and Michael McDermot; wounded, Serg't James Smith.
Frederick Steick, and Laurance Burns.
The works are very extensive, and show that they were designed by scientific engineers.
Later--An official report just ade to head quarters shows that the enemy left 71 guns on the works at Gloucester Point.
The ordnance stores were also lest.
Another deserter has just come in, and reports that Jefferson Davis came with Gen. Lee on Wednesday last, and after a consultation with Lee and the most prominent officers, all were agreed to the evacuation except Gen. Magruder.
Capture of General Johnston's baggage.
Headquarters Army Potomac, May 4, 9 P. M.
--it in certain that the rebe s received reinforcements by steamers from Richmond on Thursday, but did not disembark them.
The enemy's troops are badly demoralized, and they evinced symptoms of mutiny on account of the retreat.
I side the fortifications, and all along the Williamsburg road on which they are retreating, they have buried orpe oe and percussion shells, which are occasionally exploding and injuring persons.
General Joseph Johnston's baggage has just been captured.
D. B. Lathrope, army telegraph operator, has been mortally wounded by the explosion of a torpedo.
Another torpedo, to a 13-inch shell, has just been discovered in the telegraph office.
The latest.
Fortress Monroe, May 4, P. M.
--The news received here this morning of the of Yorktown took everybody by surprise.
For some days we have had evidence of the intention of the enemy, but the evidence was not strong enough to induce belief.
On the arrival of the news here it quickly on snore and through the fl et, and the greatest excitement was manifested.
[Second Dispatch]
Fortress Monroe, May 4, 4 30 P. M.
--The Merrimac made her appearance beyond Sewall's oin at o' clock this afternoon.
She stopped off the Point, and up to the oresent hour, 4 o' clock, has not changed her location.
She is not attended by any other gunboats, as usual, and it is supposed it is not her intention to visit us to-day.
The Monitor and other vessels of our-naval fleet are all in readiness for action on short notice, and all hands are hoping she will come down.
The supposed design of the enemy is to edde vor to prevent any expedition from going up the James river to out off the retreat from Yorktown.
Three deserters arrived here this morning in a rebel schooner, and report the evacuation of Mulberry Island and Jamestown early yesterday morning.
From General Halleck's command.
General Pam's Division made a reconnaissance to Farmington to-day, and found about 4,500 of the enemy, and drove them in hand some style, killing 30 and wounding many also capturing some prisoners and their tents camp equipage, etc. At dark our cavalry was in pursuit of their artillery and a bag gage train beyond Farmington, in the direction of Corinth. witnessed the fight. Our men behaved splendidly. An artillery reconnaissance went to Glendale this morning and destroyed two trestle bridges and some of the tracks of the Memphis and Charleston railroad. It has been a splendid day's work for the left wing. The weather is clear and the roads are becoming good.The latest — important Ts to Transpire Ortly
Washington, May 4
--The War Department at ne to-day received advices from General Halleck, m which it is interred that important event will take place in the neighborhood of Corinth within the next two or three days.
Operations of the gunboats on the Tennessee River.
Washington, May 4.
--The following, from a report of Lieutenant-Commanding Owing.
of the United States gunboats' Taylor.
addressed to Commodore Foote, has been receive; at the Navy Department.
The report is Hamburg, Tennessee, April 23d
I have to inform you that on the 21st I proceeded on this vessel high up the Tennessee river as Florence, Alabama, capturing the steamer A fred Hobb, (which has been used as a rebel transport on the upper part of this river, not having been unk as we first supposed) and burning the unbar, which had been used as a gunboat previous to the fall of Fort Henry.
I found the bar some distance up Cypress Creek, which is two miles below Florence, Ala., sunk the water being above her guards.
It was impossible for me to raise her.
I am happy to inform you that the rebels have neither a boat or a gun on river — I captured their last gun at Florence, and it is now on board the ‘"Lady Foote,"’ late Robb.
I learned at Florence that their bridge was destroyed by order of Gen. Beauregard.
The inhabitants were very indignant at such a wanton destruction.
Operation of General M Hell in East Tennessee
Your dispatch is received. A soldier's highest reward for service is to merit and receive the approbation of his superior officers. An expedition from Bridgeport crossed the river on the 1st and advanced towards Chattanooga, a distance of 12 miles, and captured a quantity of stores and a southern mail carried by the railroad hands. A panic prevailed at Chattanooga. The enemy are moving all their property in the direction of the Atlantic. Gen. Leadbeater had been punished for cowardice at Bridgeport. There were not more than 000 troops at Chattanooga. They destroyed sal pstre cave, and returned safely with the captured property. Another expedition penetrated to Jasper, and found a strong Union le ing. On the same day a skirmish with the enemy's cavally took place at Athem ur outposts were driven back but on being reinforced, the enemy retreated in the direction of Florence, Alabama. There are straggling bands of mounted men, partly citizens, scattered along my entire threatening the bridges, one of which they succeeded in destroying.The battle at South Mills.
The following official report from General Burnside shows that falsehood and misrepresentation still constitute a chief element of the Yankee character: Headq'rs Department of N Carolina, Newbern, May 2d 1862.
To Hon E. M Stanton, Secretary of War.
I have the honor to enclose Gen. Reno's report of the movements made by him in accordance with my order, for the purpose of accomplishing certain objects already indicated in a farmer dispatch, the main order of which was most successfully accomplished.
Gen. Reno's report gives a detailed account of the movement, and I need only add that I feel an increased confidence in the brave officers and soldiers who accomplished so much in so short a time.
Our l s in the engagement was 14 killed and 96 wounded, and 2 taken prisoner.
The enemy's loss must have been much greater, as the captain of the New York regiment, left in charge of the wounded, reports having seen on the field 30 killed, besides several wounded, the main body of the wounded having been taken from the field when they retreated.
Our forces drove the enemy from the field in a most gallant style buried our dead, bivouacked on the field for several hours, and transported all the wounded except 14, so severely wounded that they could not be moved, but who were comfortably provided for and left in charge of a surgeon and a chaplain.
Gen Reno then, in obedience to orders, returned to his f t and embarked his men. He felt less reluctance in leaving behind these fourteen wounded with the surgeon and chaplain from the fact that I had but a few days before sed some eighty wounded, with the surgeons, who were left by the enemy in Newbern, and the commanding officer in that neighborhood would be less than human were he to refuse to release these wounded as soon as they can be transported safely.
I beg to enclose my congratulatory order with the report of Gen. Reno, also the correspondence between the general and the commanding officer at South Mills. To Hon E. M Stanton, Secretary of War.
I have the honor to be your ob't serv't.
S. E. Burnside., Maj. Gen.,
Commanding Dep't of North Carolina.
S. E. Burnside., Maj. Gen.,
Commanding Dep't of North Carolina.
Capture of S vessels.
Flag Ship Wabash, Port Royal Harbor, S. C., April 28, 1862.
--I have just me this morning, before the Department of the Susquenan to inform the Department of the rroval here of the rebel steamer Isabel, (Ellen Worley) in charge of Lieutenancy Gibson and a prize crow she having been captured by the J g de Cuba, Commander Ridgeley, one hundred miles north of Abaco.
She is deeply loaded with ld and has, supposed, rifled cannon in her hold, which has not yet been examined.
These guns were taken on board or course, at one of the neutral colonies off our coast.
I am informed by Lieutenant Gibson that the St. Jago de Cuba discovered and chased the Nashville; but the latter was much too swift for her. The Nashville also has guns on board for the reb 1., intended to run the blockade, if possible. Sir:
Very respectfully, your ob't serv't,
H. F. Dupont, Flag Officer Com'g, &c.
Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary Navy, Washington.
New York, May 3--The United States gunboat Santiago de Coba, from Port Royal on the 30th ultimo, has arrived, bringing as a prize the captured rebel steamer Isabel.
The Santiago chased the Nashville several hours on the 23d ult., but was unable to overtake her. The same day she captured a schooner from Charleston loaned with cotton, which was sent to Key West.
Also, two other schooners with assorted cargoes for Southern trade.
Both are now on their way to New York.
There was nothing important transpiring at Port Royal when the Santiago left.
Philadelphia, May. 3.--The rebel steamer Bermuda, which sailed from Liverpool about the 1st of April for Bermuda, was captured on Sunday last off the Hole in the Wall, by the steamer Mercedita, Commander Solingen.
She was brought here to-day, in charge of prize master Abbott.
Her cargo is principally powder and munitions of war. She is heavily laden with arms.
The captain, crew, and twelve passengers were on board the Bermuda.
Also taken, the steamer Florida, captured in St. Andrew's Bay, Florida.
She also arrived at the Navy Yard this afternoon, in charge of prize master Lewts.
She has on board about two hundred bales of cotton.
W. H. Harrison, pilot, with the engineer and nine of the crew, took the oath of allegiance and came on board the steamer.
Nine of the crew, who refused to take the oath, were put ashore in a Andrew's Bay.
New York, May 4.--The United States steamer Empire City has arrived with the prize steamer Nostra, Signor de Regia.
Also, the captains and crews of the prize steamers Dixie, Wave, and Bells.
H. F. Dupont, Flag Officer Com'g, &c.
Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary Navy, Washington.
From Washington-important Circular from the State Department relative to Trade with the South.
Washington, May 4
--The following two important circulars have been addressed to the foreign Ministers, announcing the reopening of communication, which Southern localities reconquered from the insurgents.
Department of State, Washington, May 2.
I have the honor to state for you that the mails are now allowed to pass to and from.
New Orleans and other places which, having heretofore been se ed by insurgent forces, have since been recovered and are now reoccupied by land and caval forces of the United States.
It is proper, however, to add that a military surveillance is maintained over such mails so far as the Government flags it necessary for the pur sate y
Department of State, Washington, May 5
I have the honor or to state, for the information of your Government, that a Collector has been appointed by the President for New Orleans, and that the necessary preparations are being made to modify the blockade so far as to permit limited shipment is to be made to and from that and one or more other ports which are now closed by the blockade, at times and upon conditions which will be made known by proclamation.
What is to be done with Runaway Negroes.
The following instructions have been sent to the flag officer of each of the blockading squadrons. Sir:
The approach of the hot and sickly season upon the Southern coast of the United States renders it imperative that every precaution should be used by the officers commanding vessels to continue the excellent sanitary condition of their crews.
The large number of persons known as ‘"contrabands"’ flocking to the protection of the United States flag affords an opportunity to provide in every department of a ship, especially or boats' crews, acclimated labor.
The flag-officers are required to obtain the services of these persons for the country by enlisting them freely in the navy, with their consent rating them as boys, at $9, or $10, per month, and
one nation.
Let a monthly return be made of the number of this of persons employed on vessel u your command.