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From the North.

The latest Northern papers received contain some further news of the war. We make up the following summary:

The expedition up James river.

Washington, May 19.
--At the time of the preparation of this dispatch, no official dispatches had been received regarding Commodore Goldsborough's expedition up the James river, but the following statement, gleaned from the Evening Star and other sources, it is believed embraces the material facts:

Com. Goldsborough was accompanied by the steam frigate to Buchanan and the gunboats Dakotas, Deafitazze, and Wachusett, and tug Zouave, the latter being mounted with a single gun. They found the first rebel battery, at Dog's Point, deserted, but the rebel flag was still flying over the rebel battery at Hardy's Point, fifteen miles above Newport News. Com. Goldsborough, on arriving within range of the last named work, at once shelled it, and on receiving no response, after duly reconnoitering, landed a force of marines, found it also deserted, and most of the guns dismounted.

Through a solitary inhabitant picked up there he ascertained that on the previous Wednesday night its late garrison of four hundred rebels evacuated it.

He then proceeded up the river, finding all the rebel batteries, which were numerous, between Hardy's Point, Fort Huger, and Jamestown, deserted, with their guns mostly dismounted and rendered temporarily useless. Com. Goldsborough took the proper precautions to secure the ordnance thus left by the rebels.

The affair at Fort Darling.

Near Jamestown he met the division of his squadron that had previously gone up the river, under Commander John Rodgers, and learned the history of the fight of the day before at Fort Darling, and also of the bursting of the Haugatuck's large gun, and the evacuation by the rebels of all their James river fortifications and batteries below Fort Darling, which was supposed to have taken place on the previous Wednesday night.

It seems that the Monitor and Galena were the only vessels of the squadron able to run past all the lower fortifications of the rebels on Dog's Point and at Hardy's Bluffs, which is fifteen miles above Newport News, and all the way up to Fort Darling, eight miles below Richmond, where they found the channel effectively blockaded, as stated in a previous dispatch.

On arriving in range of the guns of Fort Darling, which is situated upon an elevation of two hundred feet above the water surface, the further progress of the two iron clads up the river was therefore prevented, and that of the remainder of the fleet stopped at points below. The heavy guns of the fort were so depressed in their range as to play most effectively upon the two gunboats. Of the twenty-eight shots that struck the Galena, eighteen-penetrated her armor. Not one of those that struck the Monitor, however, did her any damage whatever — all glancing off.

It seems that the armor of the Galena was not designed to resist heavy shot of the description fired at her from the fort at so great an angle of elevation, and thus is the fact that her armor proved insufficient on this occasion accounted for. On Friday last the two iron-clad gunboats returned down the river. The Galena, though pierced eighteen times, was not materially injured, and with the Monitor, and all her original consorts, doubtless on Saturday followed Commodore Goldsborough and the other portion of the squadron up the river.

When last heard from on Friday, Commodore Goldsborough was continuing his progress, with the most of his squadron, up the river above Jamestown, securing the ordinaries, etc., abandoned by the rebels as he progressed.

The general evacuation of their works be low Fort Darling has doubtless enabled Commodore Goldsborough to get within range of Fort Darling Certain mortar boats and other vessels are likely to be able to act effectively against the works, as well as the supply vessels necessary to make any future naval attack upon it effective.

The James river and its banks is now clear of rebel vessels and soldiers in arms up to a point eight miles below Richmond.

Formal occupation of Suffolk.

Suffolk, Va., May 18.
--This place, which is 17 miles from Norfolk by fall and 26 by road, was occupied by the Union troops at 8 o'clock this morning. No rebel troops were found in the vicinity, and no opposition was made to the occupation of the city. Many of the inhabitants have left, and those remaining are very bitter in their feelings and expressions. It is reported that there is but one Union man in the town; others will be discovered in a day or two, of course. The place was evacuated by the enemy on Sunday last.

All the rebel troops from Norfolk passed through Suffolk on the way to Richmond.

Suffolk is a beautiful town, the streets being wise and pleasantly shaded with trees.

A reconnaissance was made yesterday by Maj. Dodge's mounted rifles as far as Kempsville, Gov. Wise's place. No prisoners were taken, and but little information was obtained. The place was found almost deserted.

A flag of truce was sent out yesterday in the direction of Suffolk, to return a prisoner of State released from Fort Warren.

The Seaboard and Roanoke railroad has been found in good condition to Suffolk, only a single bridge having been destroyed. The road will be repaired immediately, and the rolling stock put on as soon as possible.

A large quantity of copper bolting was found stored on the railroad yesterday, of which possession was taken.

Affairs at Norfolk.

Norfolk, May 18.
--The city still continues very quiet, and the citizens admit that the state of affairs is much more satisfactory under the authority of the United States then it was under rebel rule for some months past.

One by one the stores are opening, though but little business is done. Perhaps the real cause of the delay is the scarcity of money, excepting Confederate notes, which are refused in many cases. It is possible that some suffering will be occasioned by the scarcity of money, as Confederate notes are the only kind of currency that many persons have. In case of any suffering from this cause, the United States Government will probably be compelled to forward assistance.

The inhabitants appear quite intelligent, and although now professing confidence in Jeff. Davis, they will doubtless soon see their mistake.

Examination was made to-day of the condition of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, between Norfolk and Suffolk. A small stealth engine started to Suffolk this afternoon, with a party of four, including James Hand, Road Master; Andrew Ainsworth, of the Quartermaster's Department, and Alexander Worralf, Government Railroad Engineer.

All the movable property of the road was carried off by the retreating army. Otherwise everything was found in good condition, and not a rail displaced for sixteen miles.

At this point, about a mile this side of Suffolk, we found the bridge over a small stream burned.

Engines and cars will be brought to Norfolk, and put on the road within a few days in the meantime the platform cars, drawn by horses, will be used for transportation.

It is understood that the bridge over Black Water was burned by the retreating army.

NorfolkMay 19.--Several stores were opened this morning, for the first time since the occupation of the city by the Union forces. When the embargo upon trade is removed, business will revive.

Already the good effects of the change of armies is seen in the increasing confidence of the inhabitants.

The most absurd and exaggerated rumors are constantly circulating. Among the latest are reports of the defeat of the Union forces near Richmond, and wounding of General McClellan; the recognition of the Confederate Government by England and France, and visit of the French and English Ministers to Richmond; the blowing up of the Pensacola Navy-Yard, and a great victory by General Milroy.

The Post Office was re-opened here to-day by Colonel Trott; of the Department. No Post-master has yet been selected.

The flag of truce which left Norfolk on Saturday morning with the released prisoners from Fort Warren, returned yesterday afternoon.

The rebel steamer Planter.

In the Federal Senate on Monday, May 19, Mr. Grimes introduced a bill for the relief of Robert Small and others, colored, who recently delivered the rebel steamer Planter to Com. Dupont's squadron. The bill provides that the steamer Planter, with all her cargo and appurtenances, &c., be appraised by a competent board of officers, and one- half of its value thereof shall go to Robert Small and associates, who assisted in the rescue of the Planter, with the provide that the Secretary of the Navy invest the same in United States stocks, the interest to be paid to Small and his associates, or their heirs.

The bill was taken up and passed.

From the Peninsula--Yankee gunboats of the Pamunney.

The Philadelphia Inquirer's correspondent writing from ‘ "Waterico, New Kent county,"’ Friday, May 16, says:

‘ To-day the pickets of the 3d Illinois cavalry advanced to this point, which is six miles by water from White House Point. Here is the residence of a wealthy planter named Braxton Garlick. His residence is built upon a high bluff, in a romantic and beautiful spot. He is as bitter a rebel as is to be found in the country. It was he who had the schooners sunk in the river above and below here, but our gunboats run by them easily. He has taken nearly everything to Richmond, except some fifty old and young slaves. He took his departure last night for Richmond. He has been watching our advance, and with his fleet horses he acted as courier for the rebels. The negroes at once commenced to remove the furniture from his house to their huts, and to-night the tables are turned. The master fleet, and the old and the young slaves riot upon his substance as our pickets withdrew again a short distance.

It appears he has been most active in persecuting Union man and having property confiscated.

’ In his desk we found the following form all ready to have been signed. Perhaps our sudden appearance from behind his blockade prevented its execution:

‘"Braxton Garlick vs. Clyde.--And now in this — day of — in the year 1862, comes the said defendant, Braxton Garlick, by R. T. Danfel, his counsel, and says the said plaintiff,--Clyde, ought not further to have and maintain his said action against him, because he says that since the — day of--, in the year--, from which day until this present term of this Court, this suit has been continued, to wit, on the — day of--, in the year 1861, the said plaintiff was and has ever since been, and now is, a citizen of the United States of America, and in the said State resident, inhabiting and cormorant under the Government of the United States of America, and that, since the last continuance of this suit, to wit, on the said day of--, in the year 1861, a public war existed, and has been ever since existing, and is now carried on, between the Government of the Confederate States of America and the said Government of the United States of America, and that the said plaintiff is not and has never been engaged in the military service of the Confederate States of America, but was, on the said — day of--, in the year 1861, and has ever since been, and is now, an alien enemy of the said Confederate States, aiding and abetting the United States in the existing war against the Confederate States, and this he is ready to verify; wherefore he prays judgment if the said plaintiff ought further to have and maintain his said action against him."’

The gunboats returned to the Point this afternoon. While they were here a little canoe came down the river, and on being hailed, it was found to contain a real ebony contraband. He had come thirty miles. He says he had heard the Yankees were down the river and were setting all the slaves free; so off he came; could not wait till we got up there matter is a secessionist, but there are no rebel soldiers along the routs he came, nor have there been any. He was taken on board the boat.

An officer informs us that along the river the slaves ran out and waved their hate. They came down to the water's edge and gaged at the boat as long as she was in sight. Not a white man, woman or child greeted the old colors with any manifestations of joy.

Arrest of Major Williams.

Major Williams, Sixth Cavalry, has been placed under arrest, charged with holding communication with the enemy. It is said he was very intimate with Mrs. Greenhow, at Washington, and that his conduct there was the subject of investigation, but nothing was proven against him. He has had charge of the White House Point property, and we have already criticized his liberal treatment of the overseer, in letting him retain charge of everything and run at large, while he refused to give us any information, and is as in and defiant as though he expected to see us driven from here and he again resume his wonted sway. It is said that letters were found upon one of the rebels taken prisoner, giving them information. He was arrested while passing the lines, by an officer of the Second Rhode Island, and escorted to close confinement by his own regiment. He has been turned over to General McClellan by General Stoneman, who caused his arrest.

St. Peter's church occupied.

The 6th cavalry occupied St. Peter's church to-day, the rebels falling back, Gen. Stuart and Col. Lee having been there but a few hours before. The church has been closed, and further desecration of it will be prevented by our troops. Here it was that Gen. Washing promised to ‘"love, honor, and protect"’ the beautiful widow.

Another retreat.

Contraband coming in last night say the rebels are again moving back over the Chickahominy. A reconnaissance was at once ordered, and they were found to have all gone, their cavalry pickets retreating whenever we came in sight. They no doubt feared being out off. Some nights since we moved up the whole army near White House Point. We can now open the railroad to within fifteen miles of Richmond.

On to Richmond.

The welcome face of Old Sol has again made its appearance, and the roads are drying so rapidly that by to morrow they will again be quite dusty. A thousand different varieties of birds are warbling in the trees by day, and the melancholy whistle of the ‘"whip-poor-will," ’ with the hooting of the owl, would prevent every not tired soldier from sleeping. Snakes, lizards, ants, mosquitos, and myriads of bugs and vermin abound, to annoy us as much as possible, but they do not dampen the ardor of the men in the least, and the cry is still, ‘ "On to Richmond!"’

Rebels advancing upon Fredericksburg.

Washington, May 19.
--Two contraband have just arrived at Gen. Bayard's headquarters below Fredericksburg, and report that the rebels are about fifteen miles below Fredericksburg, with a considerable force of infantry, cavalry, and artillery. The information seems reliable.

The bridge across the Rappahannock will be completed to night; the Locomotive arrived over the road from Aquia Creek to Falmouth last evening, bringing one hundred and fifty workmen, who are to-day employed in finishing the bridge.

The telegraph "on to Richmond."

The U. S. military telegraph has an office open and in operation in a saw-mill at the 14th mile post from Richmond. The lines to the various camps and stations between the headquarters and Fortress Monroe are in good condition, and working admirably under the personal superintendence of Mr. Thos. F. Eckert.

Nation of the Secretaries.

Secretaries Welles and Seward, and Attorney-General Blair, returned to-day from their visit to Fortress Monroe and the Peninsula. They appear to be well satisfied with their visit, and express the utmost confidence in the progress of Gen. McClellan's campaign.

The war in Kansas.

Leavenworth, May 19.
--Gen. Blunt has issued marching orders to the New Mexican expedition. It consists of the Kansas 1st, 2d and 7th, and the Wisconsin 12th and 15th regiments, commanded by Gen. R. B. Mitchell, and is in every respect a splendid brigade.--It is said that Col. Barstow, of the Wisconsin 3d cavalry, is to made Provost marshal of the State.

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Goldsborough (7)
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Black Water (1)
Washing (1)
Trott (1)
Stuart (1)
Stoneman (1)
Seward (1)
John Rodgers (1)
R. B. Mitchell (1)
Milroy (1)
Stephen Lee (1)
Grimes (1)
Greenhow (1)
Thomas F. Eckert (1)
Dupont (1)
Dodge (1)
Jefferson Davis (1)
R. T. Danfel (1)
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Blair (1)
Bayard (1)
Barstow (1)
Andrew Ainsworth (1)
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