
By the Governor of Virginia — a proclamation.

--In order to relieve the forces who are now employed in protecting the bridges across James River; and guarding the prisoners in this city, and to place them in more active service on our important defences; and allaying are many citizens of Richmond and the surrounding counties who will cheerfully volunteer for each duty; L. John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth do hereby invoke all such persons, without regard to age, to come forward immediately and enroll themselves for this peculiar service. Suitable officers will be appointed to receive the names of volunteers and organize the force as rapidly as possible. An officer for this purpose will be found at the Capital, in the Hall of the House of Delegates. Regulations for the government of the corps will be forthwith prescribed. The corps will be entitled to the same story with the Militia when called into actual service. Each volunteer will bring with him such as he may be able to procure.

It is needless to appeal to the patriotism of the people of Richmond and the surrounding counties. They have heretofore evinced their spirit and said by ardently responding to every call upon and will never be found wanting.

Given under my hand, and under the zeal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this 25th day of May, 1862. and in the eighty-sixth year of the Commonwealth.

John Letcher.

By the Governor.

George W. May. Ord.

Secretary of the Commonwealth.

my 27--3t

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