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Colonel Morgan's late Exploit in Kentucky.

The accounts hitherto published of Morgan's gallant dash into Kentucky having been somewhat meagre, and in some respects erroneous, we are induced to give the following, written by a gentleman who participated in the affair:

The arrival at Cave city, by.

Col. M. arrived at Cave City in time to stop a freight train — a splendid new engine and 37 cars — from Louisville. I arrived soon after with our small army, when a detail of six men was sent up the railroad for the purpose of tearing up the track after a passenger train should have passed them, and which was soon due from Louisville. The freight train and engine were then destroyed. The passenger train soon coming in sight, the engineer discovered something wrong and tried to put back, but our men had performed their work in the rear of the train, and they were obliged to "halt," Major Coffee making his appearance and firing at the boys; but a bullet knocking splinters about his head, convinced the Major that trifling would not do. The train was surrendered and ran down to the station. A scene of hysterics, confusion, and excitement being enacted in the ladies car that is more easily imagined than described, Majors Coffee, Elbetter, and a Lieutenant surrendered as prisoners of war. An affecting scene transpired at this juncture. A beautiful young lady, the wife of Lieutenant--, her eyes red with weeping, came up to Col. Morgan, begging him to be kind to her husband. Col. M. replied that he did not know whether he should be doing her husband an act of kindness, but he was free to accompany her. The fair girl caught hold of Col. M.'s hands, covering them with tears and kisses. Other ladies came up, requesting their baggage to be saved. Morgan replied to their solicitations by saying that he represented a Southern soldier and gentleman, and that although the engine, one passenger and baggage car, were worth thousands of dollars to the Southern Confederacy, they should have them to go back to Louisville. The expression of gratitude, that came from fair women, who but a short time before had been blinded by prejudice, was sufficient compensation for the engine and car.

An incident.

An incident also occurred of painful interest to Col. M. The conductor, an insolent fellow, approached him, not knowing that he was Morgan, and commenced the following conversation:

Conductor.--Captain, one of your d — d rebels is out of the way, thank God.

Morgan.--Who do you allude to, sir?

Conductor.--Morgan, the d — est of all the rebels. He was killed at Lebanon, and his mother and sister, from Lexington, came to Louisville to-day to receive his remains.

Morgan.--Are you telling me the truth, sir?

Conductor — Yes, by G — d, I am.

Col. M. turning aside to hide his emotion, one of our men came up and addressed him as Col. Morgan, asking what he should do with the prisoners. The conductor for the first time became aware that Morgan was not dead, but in propria persons before him, and, in great trepidation, asked what would become of him. Morgan turned upon him, and in one of his characteristic, sarcastic, and searching looks when mad, told him that being worthless as a prisoner and too mean and contemptible to kill, he was free to go where he chose.

The captured Treasury notes.

We took from the Express $7,278 in Federal Treasury notes, being the large size note with coupons attached, which were being sent to the army paymaster at Nashville. [Note.--Other papers please correct.] All private individual papers were left with the Express agent, after having destroyed fifty-three cars, one engine, and some other Government property, estimated in the aggregate to be worth over one million of dollars. Hearing by telegraph that the train from Nashville had been alarmed a few miles below and sell back, we commenced our march for a return to Sparts, well satisfied that we had given the Northerners proof positive that we were not very badly whipped at Lebanon.

The return — Morgan as a Lecturer.

On our return through Burksville, we surprised and captured eight of Wolford's cavalry, and took dinner with our loyal friends, who seemed very agreeably surprised to see Morgan and his men, whom they had supposed dead or prisoners. Morgan delivered a short lecture to the Union men, which the Court session had drawn together at this place, when we resumed our march towards Sparta, where we arrived in due time without further incident. Major Elbatte was paroled here, Major Coffee having been paroled on the first day's march from Cave City. One interesting incident connected with Major Elbette is worth relating. The Louisville Journal, a number of which we got from the same train that brought the Major as a passenger, contained an article relative to news being that morning received that the rebel Morgan had escaped, and his men were then rendezvousing at Sparta, and that Maj. Elbette had that day left Louisville to join his regiment (Wolford's) for the purpose of capturing the d — d rebel. Instead of capturing, he was captured — a slight difference. The Major evidently appreciated the joke. Stopping only enough in Sparta to feed our horses, we marched for Chattanooga by a circuitous route for the purpose of misleading the enemy, who were after us in large force, they having been at Cooksville when we passed the White Plains, two and a half miles distant.

Patriotism of the ladies.

And now, having labored through the recital of so much of our rather exciting adventure, let me mention a few incidents of devoted patriotism and heroism exhibited by our fair lady friends along the route. At Lawrenceburg and Pulaski we were greeted with the wildest demonstrations of joy; handkerchiefs were waved from windows by fair hands, bouquets fell thick and fast upon us. Some came out to shake hands with the boys, while others, with a very commendable forethought, came with their servants bearing huge baskets of provisions, &c. At Lebanon, also, we were received much after the same cordial fashion, and when, on the 5th instant, the fight was raging hottest, and missiles of destruction were flying in every direction, brave women came out on the street to cheer us on, exposing themselves to danger with as much coolness and nonchalance as did our own brave boys.

A brave Boy.

One little bright-eyed lad, not more than, ten years of age, rushed out into the thicks of the fight, anarchy up a gun, and resting it upon a fence, sent its contents crashing through the brain of an approaching Yankee. Brave, noble boy. The next moment he had paid the forfeit of his daring with his own precious life. We saw him lay with his bright sunny locks stained with his own warm gore, and the eyes that had flashed forth defiance, now looked blank up into Heaven. Does not the blood of such innocent martyrs cry aloud for vengeance? And shall not the day of reckoning be a terrible one for our enemies?

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