

Letter from a Lady in Fauquier.

Charlottesville. Va., May 23d, 1862
To the Editors of the Dispatch:
I enclose an extract from a letter written by a young lady of Fauquier, which county, as your readers are aware, is now in the possession of our enemies. I thought it might interest the patrons of the Dispatch to know the spirit of our women in those portions of our State where the Yankees have full away, as well as the way in which the latter are conducting operations against us when they have the opportunity.

Fauquier County, Va.,May 15th.

On, it is impossible to describe to you the true of this given up part of Virginia. Externally, at this lovely reason, it is all beauty more than the usual quantity of land is in glass, and every tree and plant that blossom is more beautiful than I ever saw it before, day by day I feel more and more that it is a land to love, to fight and to die fort. And this beauty might be balm, in our torn and distressed condition, but it is not — no, it is not so, because, ever uppermost is the thought that we are at the mercy of the foe — and such a foe! It is true that they have behaved far better that we had expected, in and about Warrenton; but that we have so , is no guarantee for the future, and no proof that they have not elsewhere most shamefully, of which I could give you of instances, had the spice or taste for such details. I do trust that what we have beard is true, and that Capt. John Scott will soon be here, with a large guerrilla force, which would keep them in check, and the servants, too, who need it quite as much, Oh'! if you could Yankees when they come into town, been in on their horses to tailgate the gather room as if angels had dropped from the skies. If you could hear them told them. "It will be over the rebels done for, and the yank will soon be off of every neck, perhaps you stay about here, and wait, the possession of the Secessionists will all be divided among you; but if you want to leave, don't go out empty handed take whatever you can lay your hand on; it is all yours. Tell me what you have heard your master any about these things, has be got anything at all hid, and where is it? Those are the words, the very words, and they do not persuade and ask questions in vain — no, they succeed admirably, and the servant can be insolence itself, and if the master or mistress says a word they are informed on with all possibility and exaggeration, and the one is and the other insulted. What fools it middling officers disclaim interfere with our institutions, what every man in the has full leave to do his utmost for our destruction? Oh, the lying, the treachery, the machinations which surround us — only the scrutiny and the right of the judgment day will fully reveal them! And have we nothing to fight for? Don't keep what I say a secret--‘ "tell it in Gath and in the street of Asketon;"’ for surely if the fathers, and husbands, and brothers, who have gone out from among us know all these things, they would never stop fighting until they redeemed every inch of this precious soil, and taken vengeance wherewith to satisfy their souls besides. Surely, one man could then be brave enough to ‘"chase a thousand."’ And what do you think they tell the servants wherever the white family is away and the servants remain? Why this ‘"Your master will never return, make all you care for yourselves, he will never return Oh! will it be so, will it be so? You know that lovely flower garden of it place, "’ ‘"Listers View"’-- Mrs. Robert Randolph's. They are encounter near the house, and it is a rendezvous for and aways, and there they are in hundred--all sexes and colors hundred together — engaged in such shameless, ungodly, proceedings as the darkness cannot last long enough to cover, for it is a thing which the sun looks down upon daily, and the officers are powerless to restrain. I have just finished reading a Philadelphia paper of the 9th inst.; If I believed all that is in it. I would wish myself dead and out of my misery. It is impossible to resist the depressing effect of these papers when there is no opposing testimony at hand.**** There is but one cheering sign, and that is the course of Vallandigham, Voorhees, and one doten others; but they must be overpowered. Oh, when will deliverance come!

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