New slave trade.
A gentleman direct from
Alexandria, Va., where the
Yankees have possession, informs us that two vessels left that port one day last week loaded with slaves stolen from the loyal citizens of
Virginia, and doubtless bound for St. Croix, or some other
West India Island.
A vessel recently sailed from the
York river, where she arrived a few days previous with
West India fruits, and by the cunning and duplicity of the
Yankee skipper and his crew, many slaves in the neighborhood were induced to go on board.
As soon as a load of these deluded creatures was obtained, the vessel drifted off, and setting all said, despite the tears and entreaties of the negroes, who too late discovered the trap in which they were caught, bore them off, as prizes no doubt to Yankee cupidity and love of gain.
If anybody believes that none of these slaves will be re-sold into bondage, he has more faith in their professed liberators than their past history and recent actions justify.