A good Story is told of the Rev. Dr. Mullen. the well known pastor, of St. Patrick's Church in New Orleans. He was known to be a bitter Secessionist in felling, and, on account of his well known bluntness of speech, many of his friends feared that he would be one of the first consigned by Butler to a dungeon. Soon after the occupation of the city by the enemy, he was sent for by a Yankee officer to perform the burial service over one of the Northern soldiers who had died. To this request Dr. Mullen seceded. The service being over, the Yankee officer was profess in his expression of thanks. The reverend gentleman, however, cut the conversation short by blandly informing him that there was no obligation at all in the matter, and that he ‘"would, if required, take pleasure in burying the entire Yankee garrison."’
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