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General Pope.

This officer, who Lincoln has determined to turn upon Virginia, is a descendant of Virginia stock. He is of the Kentucky Pope family, which emigrated from Virginia. It may be all the more grateful to the malignant Government at Washington in ordering him to Virginia, that this officer is thus descended. But the fact will, if it have any effect at all, only nerve the arm of our gallant and true Southern men to strike the surer and heavier blow when they meet him.

General Pope commanded in Northern Missouri, and was more distinguished for his severity and tyranny towards those who fell in his power than for generalship. Lincoln possibly thinks these traits amongst the highest military attributes, and selects him to conquer Virginia. The Northern press say he is the man to meet Jackson.

Well Stearwall will be glad to give the last grand commander with ‘"three divisions"’ a chance for ‘"existence"’ He has wound up the fame of no less than four Generals in the Valley, and, as misery loves company, he is prepared to comfort them by sending another to herd with them.

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