The armies below Richmond.
the escape and pursuit — position of affairs — an engagement Imminent — Incidents of the battle, &c., &c.No intelligence of a definite nature was received yesterday from the armies below, although rumor was busy, as usual; and in this instance the most prominent was that McClellan had been reinforced, was throwing up fortifications at Westover and preparing for a final and desperate struggle for the possession of Richmond. Whether this be true or otherwise, we feel quite confident that the ‘"young Napoleon"’ is in a position where he can do no harm for the present, and meanwhile it is intimated that important military movements are on foot, on the success of which the result of the great struggle depends. As early as Sunday week, large numbers of the enemy passed down the Quaker road to its junction with the Charles City road, and thence in the direction of the Court House. This force, it is supposed succeeded in effecting an escape. Others left the Quaker road, and proceeded to the river ever the road running down to Shitley, the residence of Hill Carter. Esq. At 11 o'clock on Monday McClellan with his sides, stopped at the residence of Mr. Marton Cary on the Quaker road, from McClellan before He is said to Lieut accompanied that portion of the army, taking the Shirley road. The battle of Tuesday evening, one of the most terrific of the whole war, and in which immense loss was sustained by both parties, was with the rear guard of the army, which seems to have maintained the most thorough discipline. After the termination of the fight, which lasted until after 9 o'clock P. M., the enemy moved off under cover of night, and it was not until early in the day of Thursday that his exact position was defined and understood. Moving down the river, the forces engaged in the struggle succeeded in forming a junction at or near Shirley with that portion of the army preceding it. On Thursday the pursuit was continued, our forces following in the roads passed over by the enemy, and on Friday evening bivouacked within striking distance of the enemy, about four miles from the river, on the Charles City road. The position of the enemy was understood to be between our forces and the river, posted on two ranges of his running parallel with the river, and under cover of their gunboats. On Friday night, during the entire night they were engaged in felling trees on the first range of hills, and within three hundred yards of our outposts. This range of hills was thickly timbered and covered with dense and almost impenetrable undergrowth. Up to noon on Saturday everything was quiet; but an engagement was momentary anticipated. Our forces at this point consisted of the divisions of Longstreet. Jackson, and A. P. Hill — Longstreet occupying the right, and Jackson and Hill the left and centre. During the day on Friday, the enemy threw a number of shell, some of which fell in close proximity to the advance of our forces, fortunately doing no injury however.
The affair on Sunday.
We have been placed in possession of further information relative to the fight on Sunday, June 30th which we are assured may be relied upon as correct. Semmes's brigade occupied the position extremely in the left of the York River Railroad. has composed of the 15th and 32d Virginia regiment 5th and 10th Louisiana regiments, and 10th and 53d Georgia regiments. Griffith's Mississippi brigade supported the left of Semmes's command to advancing through the dense wood, the 10th Georgia being about the centre of Semmes's brigade got some distance in the advance and claims to have been the first to open fire upon the enemy Almost immediately afterward they were subjected to these fires at the same times--one in front from the enemy, one from the 23d Georgia regiment and the other from the 21st Mississippi; yet, never flinching, they bore the galling fire like veterans.--The 10th Georgia was formed in line of battle partly in the woods and partly in the field, and it was the remark of a Yankee orderly sergeant the next day that ‘"that regiment stood like a wall."’ Its lies in the engagement on Sunday, in killed, wounded and missing is 100, among whom is the Lieut. Colonel, badly shot in the arm. The other part of the brigade behaved with its usual gallantry.The capture of the Confederate gunboat
Teazer — escape of all on Board.
The capture of the gunboat Teazer, mentioned by us Saturday morning, will not prove much of a gain in the Yankees.
The Teazer was commanded by Capt Davidson, and went down on Saturday with a balloon on board to make a reconnaissance in the vicinity of City Point.
While doing so she get ashore, and shortly after the U. S. steamer Mustang a large ship, carrying nine 10 inch Dahlgren guns, turned an abrupt point near the Teazer and made for her. In the meantime Capt. D. had been making every effort to get her off, but without avail, and he was forced to perform that most disposable duty to a brave seaman, firing his ship; to, however, before he had put a shot in the wheelbase of the approaching steamer.
The Teazer was fired, and all hands got into the boats and pulled for shore.
A terrific fire was opened on the boats from the guns of the Mustang, but without fleet, though the shot ploughed up the water in every direction around the escaping crew.
Had the officer of the enemy's steamer been cool enough to have ordered a fire of small arms on our boats.
Not a man would have escaped, as they were only to yards from them.
Hardly had our men reached land before some of the powder on board the Teazer exploded, tearing the stern of the vessel up. After getting ashore they were fired at by the Mustang's guns, but not injured.
The Teazer was sealed off by the enemy's iron-clad steamer Galena, and towed down the river.
Capt. Davidson had destroyed her log and signal books, and everything valuable on board, before leaving her.
The Teazer was a wind propeller, formerly used to the river as a tugboat.
She carried one gun of large calibre, and a small 12-pound Parrott.
She was commanded by Capt. Davidson, formerly of the U. S. Navy, and one of the best officers in that capitalization.
He was on the steamer Jamestown in the memorable Merrimac engagement, and was transferred to the Merrimac.
A faithful negro.
Town and Hustin Greenwood, volunteers in an Alabama regiment, from the Western part of that State, brought with them to Virginia a negro man, who on all occasions has shown himself ‘ "faithful into death."’ Three weeks since, one of his masters, Hustin Greenwood, was brought to this city sick, and remained at a gentlemen's house here, attended by the faithful negro until on last Tuesday getting leave of absence, he started home, leaving the servant with orders to rejoin his brother. He walked sixteen miles to the battle-field to do his, and not long after getting there, approached a any charged with the duty of burying the dead. The men were just then in the act of burying his brother without coffin, covering, &c., as in usual tales of exigency. The first burst of grief being our, the faithful fellow claimed the body, and carrying it on his back to the nearest farm house walked to Richmond, and procuring a coffin brought the body to this city, where it was given the. These of Christian burial. This instance of the faithfulness of the negro is well authenticated. It is a suggestive commentary on the professions and protection of the Yankees in regard to the poor African.Side of their wounds.
Among the gallant soldiers who fell in the Battle on Friday the 27th, was Capt. Henry Shearer, of is 13th Virginia Regiment. He received a most painful wound in the head, and lodgered in extreme Way as Stark Hospital until last Saturday afternoon when he expired. He was a young, but gallant and accomplished officer, and his untimely death will be deeply lamented by a large circle of as well as by the members of his command. Col. Bradfute Warwick, who was shot while infantry in the recent battle, died at the of his father (Corbia Warwick, Esq.,) in yesterday morning.Gen. Wright's
... Wright. It was one of the first in the fight, and during its continuance bore itself with masked coolness, and without flinching or wavering received the appalling fire of the enemy. The following is a list of the casualties sustained by this brigade:Killed. | Wounded. | Missing. | Total. | |
3d Georgia | 25 | 110 | 22 | 150 |
4th Georgia | 15 | 52 | 8 | 75 |
22d Georgia | 6 | 32 | 18 | 56 |
1st Louisiana | 8 | 36 | 33 | 77 |
54 | 230 | 81 | 365 |