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The defence of Washington.

--A correspondent of the Providence General enumerates the following, as a portion of the defences of Washington: Fort Greble, 15 guns; Fort Carroll and redoubt, 14 guns; Fort Snyder, 6 guns; Fort Stanton,16 guns; Fort Ricketts, 4 guns; Fort Good Hope, 4 guns; Fort Baker, 7 guns; Fort Davis, 6 guns; Fort Dupont, 6 guns; Fort Meigs, 10 guns; Fort Mayhem, 8 guns; Fort Lincoln, 12 guns; Fort Thayer, 4 guns; Fort Saratoga, 6 guns; Fort Bunker Hill, 8 guns; Fort Slemmer, 3 guns; Fort Totten and redoubt, 14 guns; Fort Slocum, 10 guns; Fort Massachusetts, 10 guns; Fort De Russell,7 guns; Fort Pennsylvania 12 guns; Fort Gaines, 4 guns; Fort Ripley. 6 guns; Fort Alexander, 7 guns; Fort Franklin, 6 guns; Betterton Vermont, 3 guns; Martin Scott, I gun; Cameron, 2 guns.

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