
The Yankee raid at Beaver Dam.

We have received a full and correct account of the raid made by the Harris Cavalry, of New York, upon the depot at Beaver Dam, Manover county, on morning last. From the best information appears that they left Fredericksburg on Saturday evening about o'clock, and came four the way that night. Early Sunday morning they came in to Beaver Here they found nothing them and they at once work to water and cord In the were about 170 bbls. of a few bushels of of a some few other all of which

in several places, a half dozen telegraph pulse was arrested for refusing but succeeded in making They also obstructed the railroad track, to throw the train off; but luckily failed The up train was signaled and in Richmond by a servant named property of Dr. of Hanover.--was limited to some 30 of which time the Whistle of the and someone having told that they would probably be some four or aboard, they hurriedly

on their route in and from or eight prisoners of war Whilst returning they of the Hanover at home or . These wounding one of the Their love of by their taking off some six or the consent of their own They had along with quantity of counterfeit Confederate money city of Richmond and other notes They gave a man $15 counterfeit Confederate bills for a basket of chickens. In another city, they gave their bond, in counterfeit an old watch, for a horse. At every they demanded food, milk, and the from Richmond.

(Davies) said he regretted the now only a fight for boundaries; that not afford to lose the They between five and six hundred, and were but indifferently save a good horse, which looked very . They were on this by several buck negroes, who were mounted and armed. The principal of these negro will known as the J. C. Jerrold, at Thomasburg, in Spotsylvania general behavior was good. They with no private property save horses. as we can bear, carried off no negroes. their return, they stopped and a battle of whiskey, made in the lackey recipient acknowledges to

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