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Latest from the North.

Federal accounts of the battle at Cedar Mountain--from McClellan's army — affairs in Norfolk — the draft, &c., &c.,

We have been placed in possession of a copy of the New York Times, of Tuesday, the 12th inst. From all points of the North the panic produced by the recently ordered draft of 600,000 volunteers is represented as perfectly frightful — to the Yankees. Before their departure, all European steamers, and other vessels, are rigidly searched, and each passenger made to show positive evidence that he is not trying to evade military duty.

The following summary embraces the most interesting matters from the North;

The Northern account of the battle of Cedar Mountain.

We copy entire the following account furnished the New York Times, by its special correspondent, of the battle of Cedar Mountain, in which our glorious Stonewall Jackson gave Pope such a severe thrashing:

On the Field, Cedar Run, Eight Miles South of Culpeper, Va.,Saturday, Aug. 9, 1862

This has been an eventful day with the army of Virginia. It had been known since yesterday morning that the rebels were in force immediately in our front. They had been driving back Gen. Buyard's cavalry for several hours before the force under Gen. Crawford was sent forward to give them battle, and no sooner had we arrived here than our outposts were fired upon by their pickets Skirmishing was kept up all the forenoon, and the enemy held completely in cheek; but it was not until 3 o'clock P. M. that the fight assumed the dignity of a battle. At that hour the rebels opened their artillery upon Gen. Crawford from the wood to the right of the road about one mile. This was done to ascertain the position of our batteries, and if possible bring out our force. Gen. C. ordered Knapp's Pennsylvania battery to reply, and at the second shell the enemy's guns were silenced. Their long line of cavalry had moved around a high hill on our left towards the Rapidan ford. At once a strong force of cavalry was thrown in that direction, and soon after the enemy, finding he could do nothing counter marched his cavalry to our right. Thus matters stood, the large force of the enemy having been held in check by Gen. Crawford's single brigade of infantry, artillery, and cavalry. The cannonading continued on both sides until 4 P. M., when Gen. Banks appeared upon the field with Gen. Augur's division and the remainder of Gen. Williams's division. Gen. Crawford's force, consisting of the 28th New York, Col. Donnelly; 46th Pennsylvania, Col. Knipe; 10th Maine, Col. Beale, and 5th Connecticut, Col. Chapman, with a battery of the 4th U. S. artillery, under Lieut. Muhlenberg, Roomer's New York battery, and Knapp's Pennsylvania battery, was thrown to the right, with the exception of the artillery, for the purpose of making a movement upon the enemy's flank — the most important movement of the day. The 10th Maine was then moved forward to the support of the centre, and the remainder of the brigade formed, as stated, on the right, with the addition of the 3d Wisconsin, and an effort was made to drive the enemy from their cover in the wood.

During all this time the firing on both sides was terrific, and the men were falling by the score. The line advanced steadily, with the exception of the 3d Wisconsin, under a galling fire, and drove the rebels back. The Wisconsin regiment fled at the first fire, and it was with great difficulty and at great personal risk that the General succeeded in getting them into line again. They had hardly returned to their position, however, before they broke and ran again — in fact, proved worse than useless. The remainder of the infantry charged upon the enemy's batteries, several of which could not be seen until they entered the wood, where they came suddenly upon a large infantry force that had lain concealed from the commencement of the fight. This force opened fire upon our men with frightful effect. The slaughter at this point was very great, more than one half the men of the 28th New York were killed and wounded. Col. Donnelly, commanding, was mortally wounded; the Lieutenant-Colonel, Brown, and the Major, are both wounded, and there is not a Captain of a company left the regiment. The 10th Maine lost about one hundred and fifty in killed and wounded; the 5th Connecticut suffered similarly, besides losing Col. Chapman, who was taken prisoner. The 46th Pennsylvania had hardly enough men left to form a full company. Col. Knipe was wounded in the head and in the arm, but not fatally; Lieut-Col. Seltridge was slightly injured, and the Major was shot through his arm.

But in the confusion of the hour it is impossible to get particulars accurately. Geary's and Gordon's forces have all suffered. Gen. Geary is slightly wounded, and a few minutes ago Gen. Banks received an injury from a cavalry man, who ran violently against him while he was about to mount his horse.

Gen. Crawford and staff were near being taken prisoners twice during the fight. On both occasions they were examining different points, with a view to a change of position, when they came upon the rebel pickets. Fortunately, they all escaped unhurt.

While I am writing the wounded are being carried to the rear; for although the firing on both sides stopped at 9 P. M. it is expected the fight will be renewed in the morning with largely augmented forces on both sides.

Our cavalry force at Madison Court-House, under Gen. Beaufort, has been driven out, and from every point we receive intimations that the rebels have determined to offer us an obstinate and bloody resistance. What the rebel loss has been to-day we cannot ascertain.

Another account of the battle.

Culpeper, Va., Saturday, Aug. 9.
In consequence of the advance of the rebels to this side of the Rapidan, Maj-Gen. Pope sent forward too army corps, commanded by Gen. Banks, to hold them in check.

At daylight this morning it was discovered that the enemy had advanced as far as Cedar Run Mountain, holding its wooded sides and cleared slopes.--Only a small portion of their strength, however, was visible. They also held a range of elevations and ravines westward of the mountain.

An elevated spot, a mile and a half from the mountain, and a mile long, east and west, was selected by Gen. Banks as the best place to receive their attack. The forenoon was spent by the enemy in manœuvres, only occasionally showing themselves.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a battery on our front, at a mile and a half range, opened upon us, and their infantry drove in our pickets into the woods on our right wing. Afterwards battery after battery was unmasked on the mountain slopes and on every hill, making a crescent of batteries of nearly three miles, commanding our position for two hours. Our batteries were exposed to cross fires and flank fires at every point. The rebels evidently outnumbered us in guns and weight of metal. We replied shot for shot till 5 o'clock, when the rebels opened an enfilade battery on our right. Gen. Banks here gave orders to cease firing and charge this battery. The duty was assigned to Crawford's brigade of Williams's division, and the 46th Pennsylvania regiment led the charge. Behind the battery was a thicket of shrub oak, and before the 46th Pennsylvania regiment could reach the rebel guns they were mowed down by a terrific fire from the thicket. The rest of the brigade was quickly brought up, and subsequently the rest of Gen. Williams's and Gen. August's commands; but the brigades of the rebels were found at every point.

This battle-ground was in a thick-set wood, with a ravine on our right. Here nearly all the enemy's infantry had been concealed during the shelling, after securing themselves from observation by expelling our pickets.

This was probably one of the most hardest contested battle-fields in Virginia, lasting until dark, when our forces retired from the field, taking a new position beyond reach of the enemy's guns, which were in an advantageous position on the heights.

Our infantry were badly cut up. We lost two guns. The enemy's loss was certainly greater than ours, as their dense columns were frequently riddled by our artillerists. We took many prisoners. [Nothing is said about the number of prisoners which we have captured.]

Permission asked by the Confederates to bury their dead.

Culpeper, Aug. 11.
--The enemy, this morning, sent in a flag of truce, asking permission to bury their dead. This shows that, with all their superiority of numbers, they were too badly cut up to maintain their position, and that their falling back yesterday was from necessity, not choice.

Our troops are engaged in bringing off our wounded from the field and burying the dead.

Latest reports via Washington.

Washington, Aug. 11.
--Accounts from Culpeper represent the enemy's estimated force engaged at 20,000, and our own, exclusive of cavalry and artillery, as not exceeding 7,000.

The number of United States soldiers wounded is large, but the wounds are generally slight. The number of killed is small.

On Saturday night the teamsters let their fires burn, causing the enemy to shell our new position for two hours with considerable effect.

Yesterday morning the rebels were not in sight on our front, but the indications were that they were reinforced on Saturday night, and were at tempting to flank our movements.

Nothing has as yet been heard from Gen. Baford at Madison Court-House.

During last night trains arrived from Culpeper, bringing a number of officers wounded in the late battle and skirmishes in that vicinity.

Washington, August 11. P. M.--Advices have been received down to three o'clock this afternoon. There had been no further hostilities up to that time.

A large number of wounded officers have arrived here from the scene of the late battle. They report our loss in officers disproportionately heavy.--Some who were in the battles of Winchester and Port Republic declare that his fight was much severer than either of those.

The excitement over the battle has engrossed public attention here to-day, almost entirely to the exclusion of everything else.

Newspaper Comments.

From an editorial in the New York Times, of the 12th instant, in relation to the recent battle at Cedar Mountain, we extract the following:

‘ The rebels, most certainly have nothing to beast of in this engagement. Neither, however, has Gen. Pope. He knew at least two days before the battle that the rebels were marching to attack him; he knew that they had a very numerous force, and that it was under command of Stonewall Jackson, whose penchant for surprises and sudden movements is well enough known; he knew that Gordonsville and the line of the Rapidan would inevitably be contested to the last by the rebels. On Friday morning our pickets were driven across and beyond the river, and on the same day the rebel column passed over, and took up a strong position some five miles to the north, on the slope of a wooded mountain. Nothing, one would imagine, could be clearer than that they intended to give battle, and nothing could be less likely than that they would throw a feeble force on a position strong in itself, but, if inadequately defended, hazardous in the extreme to their whole army. And yet it seems that Gen. Pope sent forward less than one-quarter of the forces under his immediate command and ready to his hand to give them battle. The enemy, according to an authorized telegram from Washington, had in the battle a force of 20,000 men, while "our own, exclusive of cavalry and artillery, did not exceed 7,000." Seven, or eight, or ten thousand men were thus dispatched against an enemy numbering 20,000, strongly posted and hidden behind woods, and well supported by artillery! At 7½ o'clock in the evening, after the unequal struggle had been raging for nearly five hours, and after the battle was substantially over, Gen. Pope, --accompanied by McDowell and a part of his corps," arrived on the field from Culpeper, some six miles to the north of the battle ground, and where if previous authorized telegrams were true, they had been stationed for several days. It adds to the already well-earned fame of Gen. Banks as a brave soldier and an accomplished strategist, that he was able to maintain his ground for such a length of time against such odds; but it cannot add to Pope's repute that, in his first field essay in Virginia, he should have failed so to concentrate his troops at the point of danger and bring them up to time, as to imperil the safety of one of the finest corps of his army. If the rebels could quickly throw 20,000 men from Gordonsville to the Rapidan, and from thence forward to Cedar Mountain, while we were forewarned both of their purpose and movement, it was surely possible for Pope to throw forward to meet them at least with a half of the twice twenty thousand men under his command, which has been represented as so located that the different columns could be easily concentrated at the shortest notice.

We suppose that reasons for the failure to do this will be as plenty as they have been for the hundred previous mishaps of the same kind. But it will require more convincing arguments in this case than on previous occasions; for the facts as recited, taken in connexion with previous statements, make it appear the most unaccountable failure we have yet known. And the fact will stand, that while Pope had a force twice as great as that credited to the rebels, he brought on an engagement with them with a force not half as large as theirs, and less than a quarter of that of his command.

As already said, we have had this kind of strategy too often already. We thought that under the new military regime we had got quite through with it — that we were to hear of no more surprises; no battles voluntarily begun by us in which the rebels had two to our one; and that no more apologies were to be needed. The country has anticipated so much from Gen Pope that its disappointment will be proportionate to previous expectations. Success in the field is the soldier's only little to public applause and confidence.

From Gen. M'Clellan's army.

The movements of McClellan's army have ceased to excite much interest. In alluding to the late evacuation by the Federals of Malvern Hill, the ‘"Army of the Potomac"’ correspondent of the New York Times, under date of August 10, says:

‘ This retrograde movement was deemed expedient, as reliable information had been received at headquarters that a force of 75,000 of the enemy were advancing to retake possession of the bill.--Gen. Hooker's force was not sufficient to meet the overpowering numbers of the enemy, and it was not the plan of McClellan to bring on a general engagement at that time. The return of our troops to camp created considerable surprise among those who had not been with the advance, as a few hours previous there was unmistakable evidence that it was the intention of McClellan to permanently occupy the hill.

It is not probable any movement will take place here for some time, unless the enemy make an attack. We do not believe that he will risk a battle in front of our line on this side of the river, but it would not be a surprising event if he should march a large force to meet our men on the South side.--The point of interest now is on the South side of communication is kept up from one to the other shore. One afternoon last week Gen. McClellan stood beside a signal officer for two hours, sending and receiving messages. Over 200 messages were communicated during the day. Gen. McClellan expressed himself highly pleased with the usefulness and success of the system.

Affairs in Norfolk and Suffolk — no Union sentiment among the people.

A correspondent of the New York Times, writing from Suffolk, Va., under date of August 8th, says:

‘ Several weeks ago, in writing to you about the lenient policy which was being observed towards the rebels in this part of the world, (Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk,) I said that, in my humble judgment, there was much to recommend it. It seemed so plausible and natural a belief that in meeting hatred and ingratitude with kindness, ferocity with mildness; bad deeds with good ones. we should be able to soften the heart of treason; to win rebels back by showering blessings upon the helpless women and children they had left to our charge, and leave a channel open for future reconciliation, that I at once became a convert to the doctrine. But events have taught me to see the utter fallaciousness of any such system of Government, and that a rebel, like any other madman, must first be knocked down, then argued with. I am sorry to say that if all the kindness which our military Governors here have, in the goodness of their hearts, showered upon the rebels, has produced any fruit, it is either so small as to be invisible — like the Dead Sea fruit,

‘"Fair to the view, but rotten at the core."’

Secession, in short, is more rampant, insolent, haughty, and hopeful to-day in these places than it was two months ago. The Union feeling, at one time bidding fair, by proper nourishment, to grow and spread its overshadowing influence over every grade of society here, has been week after week, growing.

‘--Small by degrees, and beautifully less,"’

until it is now all but extinct. The Union Club, once numbering some 150 or 200 staunch loyal citizens, determined to uphold the majesty of free labor, amid the oligarchic influences now struggling for ascendancy on this Continent, have found so little encouragement, according to their own accounts and the overwhelming testimony they bring forward, that they have temporarily disbanded, by a sort of tacit understanding, feeling themselves about as useful as the fifth wheel to a wagon. So far is this feeling carried that there are now, so at least I am assured and fully believe, many Union men in Norfolk who are deliberately passing themselves off as Secessionists.****

Norfolk is just as dull, stupid, and stubborn as it was two months ago, Nobody trading, nobody willing to meet you half way; but the same moody, treasonable kinds of loafers, whispering at street corners and religiously believing in the return of Jeff. Davis & Co. There appears, however, to be ‘"something rotten in the State of Denmark,"’ spite of all rebellious proclivities. For instance, they refuse their own money. At the Atlantic Hotel — the first hotel in the place--(it ought to be, by the way, since they charge twenty-five cents for a very poor sherry cobbler)--the following notice is conspicuously stuck up:

‘"Specie and Northern bills only will be received at par in payment of bills due this hotel. Southern bills taken at a discount.--Proprietor."’

Dodging the draft — stringent Orders from the War Department concerning Passengers to California.

The most stringent precautions have been taken by the Federal Government to prevent the spontaneous flight of a very large proportion of the citizens of the North subject to draft. Just before the sailing of the steamer Northern Light for California from New York, on the 11th inst., the following order was issued by Marshal Kennedy, of that city:

Office of the Sup't of the Metropolitan
Police and Special Provost Marshal,
no. 413 Broome street, corner of Elm,
New York, August 11, 1862.

General Order, No. 1.--Captain--, --Precinct: The order of the War Department of August 8th, inst., relative to ‘ "Preventing evasion of military duty, and for the suppression of disloyal practices," ’ is to be vigorously enforced. All persons, by any conveyance, who are about leaving this district with the design of evading military duty, must be detained. And where any unusual effort is made to effect the purpose — such as using a false name, another person's passport or pass, assuming any disguise of dress or occupation, or by falsely claiming to be an alien, or in any other way attempting to pass by deception; or where the same person is discovered a second time endeavoring to go improperly on board of such conveyance, car or vessel, with such design; or where any person has clandestinely obtained entrance on board of such conveyance, car or vessel, such person shall be arrested and held under the third paragraph of the said order of the War Department.

On the day any vessel bound to a foreign port, including vessels to Aspinwall, is to sail, she shall be thoroughly examined at an early hour, and any person found on board beside the proper officers and crew of such vessel, or the owners or agents of such vessel, and not provided with a proper passport, which has been duly certified, as required by this order, or of such persons as are hereby permit- ted to go on board without a passport, shall be held under arrest. And a guard shall be placed on and about such vessel until she sails, to enforce the requirements of this order.

Passes by the Special Provost Marshal or one of his deputies, or by the U. S. Marshal of this district, will be recognized as authority to pass on board any person who is over or under the age making him liable to perform military duty, or who is incapacitated from performing military duty by reason of physical disqualification.

All other persons before being allowed to go on board must exhibit their passports; such as are aliens from the Government or Council of the country to which they claim allegiance; such as are citizens, from the Secretary of States.

The passports of aliens must in all cases, bear evidence of having been examined at the office of the Special Provost Marshal, and certified correct. The passports of citizens must be of a date later than July 31, 1862. or be certified as correct at this office. John A. Kennedy.

Superintendent Metropolitan Police,

and Special Provost Marshal.

Explanatory order of Sec'y Stanton.

The following explanatory order of Mr. Stanton Secretary of War, with reference to the detention of travelers, has been published:

War Department,

Washington, D. C., Aug. 11, 1862.
To Military Commandants, Provost Marshals, United States Marshals, and Police Officers:
You will receive herewith an order of the War Department to prevent the evasion of military duty, and for the suppression of disloyal parties, dated the 8th of August, 1862. This order, to be efficient, is necessarily very comprehensive in its terms, and its proper execution requires the exercise of sound judgment and discretion by the officers to whom its enforcement is entrusted; and, to guard you in its execution, the following instructions are to be observed:

  1. First--The order comprises of persons, viz: Those who are about leaving the United States to evade military duty, and those who, for the same purpose, leave their own State. Leaving the United States until the military drafts is perfected is absolutely prohibited, but it was not the intention of the order to interfere with the transit, from State to State, or any persons but those who design to evade military duty. Whenever you have reason to believe that the purpose is to evade military duty, the order will authorize the detention of any person leaving his own State, county, or military district.
  2. Second.--Any person detained may be released on giving bonds to the United States, with sufficient security, in the sum of $1,000, conditional for the performance of military duty, if he should be drafted, or the providing of a proper substitute.
  3. Third.--Immediate report is to be made to this office of all persons detained, with the cause of their detention.
  4. Fourth.--You will exercise the powers of arrest and detention with caution and forbearance, so as to avoid giving annoyance or trouble to any persons excepting those who are seeking to evade the performance of their duty to their country.
  5. Fifth.--The Governors of the respective States are authorized to give passes and permits to their own citizens desiring to leave the State, without intent to evade military duty.
By order of the Secretary of War.
L. C. Turner, Judge Advocate.

Order Exempting couriers of Legation from restrictions upon traveling.

War Department, August 10, 1862
The temporary restrictions upon traveling, deemed necessary to prevent evasions of liability to be drafted into the militia, were not intended to apply to couriers with dispatches to and from the legations of friendly Powers in the United States. All authorities, civil and military, are consequently required to allow such couriers to pass freely with out let or investigation.

Edwin M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.

Contraband Trade between Maryland and Virginia.

Washington, Aug. 11.
--The Freeborn arrived at the Navy-Yard yesterday afternoon, bringing 25 prisoners, five sailboats, a number of canoes, and a lot of merchandize, which were captured on Friday and Saturday nights last, near Blackston's Islands. On the boats they found about 200 bushels of wheat, a large number of sacks of salt, 60,000 cigars, three chests of tea, boxes of boots and shoes, handkerchiefs, pins, needles, thread, etc.; quinine, morphine, opium, and other medicines, a trunk containing percussion caps, a lot of gray cloth for rebel officers' uniforms, etc. These persons have been engaged in regular commerce between Maryland and Virginia, taking over salt, etc, and bringing back wheat.

From Fortress Monroe.

Fortress Monroe, Aug. 9.
--The sick and wounded Union soldiers are being moved away from the army of the and transport State of Maine, this morning with three hundred sick and about forty wounded. The transport Louisiana has also arrived with about three hundred, mostly sick, from the same place. They are all bound for Philadelphia.

There are now at Fortress Monroe about 1,500 sick and wounded soldiers on transports, all of whom are going to different places North.

It is understood here that the army hospitals of the Potomac are to be immediately cleared out of all the sick and wounded.

From Missouri.

Hudson, Mo., Aug. 10.
--Col. McNeill again over took Porter's guerrillas yesterday at Stockton, in the western part of Macon county, and after a sharp fight, routed them, killing and wounding a large number and capturing many horses. The rebels were scattered in all directions. Some of the prisoners captured had taken the oath and given bonds.


The statement of the Philadelphia Press that Gen. McCook was shot while kneeling, begging for mercy, is denied. The General's Adjutant says he was kneeling, assisting the driver to manage the frightened horses.

The Navy Department have advertised for proposals for building a number of iron-clad gunboats, for service in the Mississippi flotilla. They are to be partially on the plan of the Monitor, with revolving turrets.

The big gun of the Naugatuck, which burst during the naval engagement in the James river, arrived at Philadelphia on Saturday on its way to the West Point foundry, where it is to be re-cast.

The Canadian Parliament is summoned to meet on the 28th inst.

Gen. Frank Patterson is said to have been placed under arrest by Gen. McClellan.

Important from San Francisco — late news from China — Capture of Ning-Po by the allies.

San Francisco, Aug. 8.
--The ship Western Continent, from Hong Kong, with dates to the 7th of June, has arrived here.

Fourteen pirates had been sentenced to be hung.

Ning-Po, the rebel stronghold, had been captured by the allies.

The French Admiral Bratel was killed.

The news from Honolulu is to the 12th ult., but is unimportant. There is a bill before the Legislature which provides that no officer be appointed to the Government who cannot read, write, and converse intelligently in Hawaiian.

The news from Arizona, without date, states that Gen. Carleton, with the California volunteers, had reached the Rio Grande without opposition. The rebel General Sibley had withdrawn his forces from New Mexico into Texas.

The Apache Indians attacked two companies of Federal cavalry passing through Mesilla Valley, killing seven and wounding several. The Indians were repulsed with great loss.

Butter 23 cents per pound. No other change.

The loss of the Golden Gate — no probability of saving the treasure.

San Francisco, Aug. 7.
--Capt. Budson, at Manzanilla on the 30th of July, reports to the agents of the Golden Gate here that, owing to the shelving beach and heavy surf where the wreck is lying, there is little probability of saving the treasure.--He, with a part of the crew and officers, remained as agents of the underwriters, protecting the wreck, with the hopes of saving additional lives. The third officer, Mr. Scott, in charge of a boat containing from twenty to thirty persons, had not reached Manzanilla at last accounts.

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Gen Pope (16)
McClellan (7)
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Edwin M. Stanton (3)
Stonewall Jackson (3)
Washington (2)
McDowell (2)
Knipe (2)
Knapp (2)
John A. Kennedy (2)
Geary (2)
Donnelly (2)
Chapman (2)
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Seltridge (1)
Scott (1)
Roomer (1)
Porter (1)
Frank Patterson (1)
Muhlenberg (1)
McNeill (1)
McCook (1)
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Hooker (1)
Gordon (1)
Jefferson Davis (1)
Carleton (1)
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W. D. Brown (1)
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