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Confederate States Congress.
[adjourned session.]
not in session.

House of Representatives. Saturday, Aug. 23, 1862.
House met at 12 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Bishop Early. Journal of yesterday road.

The following gentlemen have been appointed by the Speaker, under the resolution of Mr. Clarke, of Ga., to investigate the management of Military Hospital: Mosars. Wright, of Ge.; Parrow, of S. C.; Goode, of Va.; Smith, of N. C., and Bell, of Mo.

On motion of Mr. Holt, of Ga., Hon. Mr. Hartridge was added to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. Miles, of S. C., introduced a bill to authorize the grant of models as a reward for courage and good conduct on the field of battle. Also, a bill to change the organization of the engineer corps of the Provisional Army. Also, an act to authorize the appointment of additional officers of artillery for ordnance duties. Also, a bill concerning partisan rangers. Also, an act to regulate promotions in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States, and to amend the act entitled an act to provide further for the public defence, approved April 16th, 1862.

Mr. Bonham offered a resolution of thanks to Col. Thomas G. Lamar and the officers and soldiers of his command for their brilliant victory over the enemy at Secessionville. Agreed to.

Mr. Villers offered a resolution requesting the President to take some steps to secure the exchange of Pierre Soule, now a prisoner at Fort Warren.--Resolution adopted.

On motion of Mr. Jones, of Tenn, the House then resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the President's message and accompanying documents, Mr. Curry, of Ala, in the chair.

Mr. Kennan, of Ga, being entitled to the floor, addressed the House in support of the Conscript bill. He alluded to some statements made by the gentleman from Tennessee, Mr. Foots, in his speech of yesterday, relative to the correspondence between the President and the Governor of Georgia, on this subject. He understood the gentleman to justify the action of Gov. Brown. He wished to know if the gentleman approved of the act of the Governor in his order to the militia officers of the State to disregard the Conscript Act passed at the last session of Congress. He held here, and at home, that act of the Governor of Georgia was unpatriotic, and would not be sustained by the people of his State.

Mr. Foote would inquire of the gentleman if he did not know that Gov. Brown's opposition was limited to a determination to resist the seizure of his militia officers!

A colloquial discussion then ensued between Messrs. Kennan and Foote. which consumed some half hour.

Mr. Herbert. of Texas obtained the floor, and addressed the Committee a support of the proposition of Mr. Foote for increasing the army 250,000 by a requisition upon the States. He spoke of the effect of the Conscript Act upon the people of his State. The ‘"Lone Star"’ had been unfurled twice, and if the extension of this bill was persisted in, it would be unfurled for the third time.

Mr. Sexton, of Texas, regretted the tone of his colleague's remarks. He knew that the people of Texas felt themselves allied and identified with the other members of the Confederacy, and he was satisfied that the gentleman did not reflect the sentiment of Texas when he spoke of a disposition to raise the standard of revolt.

Mr. Wright regretted the necessity that required him to take the floor, especially in opposition to his colleague (Mr. Herbert.) It was true he had not been in Texas since the passage of the Conscript bill, but he had been with the army at Tupelo, where he had mingled freely with ten thousand of the soldiers of his State, and among them all he had not found one dozen who did not cordially acquiesce in the bill.

Mr. Gaither, of North Carolina, said that it was known that he voted against the Conscript measure, but had acquiesced in it, and had advised his people to do the same. The people had responded to it, but it was not a favorite mode of raising troops in his State. He was not in favor of repealing the present law, but for carrying it out in all its provisions. But the question was not on its repeal, but whether it should be extended. He thought the army should be increased at least 300,000. How should this be done? By an extension of the Conscript law, or by voluntary enlistment? He preferred the system of enlistment.

Mr. Collier. of Va., thought the discussion of this bill out of place at the present time, and expressed himself in favor of at once filling up our regiments to the proper standard by some efficient and expeditions means, so that our armies might continue to drive back the enemy as they had driven them back of late, until their own country had been made to feel some of the effects of war as Virginia had felt them.

Mr. Chilton, of Ala, sustained the Conscription bill at some length, and spoke of the necessity that existed at the time of its adoption.

At the suggestion of Mr. Holt, of Ga, Mr. Foote withdrew his proposition, and the question then recurred upon the resolution of Mr. Jones, of Tenn, for referring the Message and documents to appropriate committees, and the vote being taken, the resolution was adopted.

Mr. Barksdale, of Miss., introduced a joint resolution of thanks to Gen. Van Dorn, the officers and soldiers of his command, and the citizens of Vicksburg, for the heroism and gallantry displayed by them during the seventy days siege of that city. The resolution was passed.

Mr. Foote gave notice that he would on Monday introduce similar resolutions, tendering thanks to Capt. Brown. of the Arkansas, for his brilliant and unparalleled engagement with the Federal fleet on the Mississippi.

Mr. Clopton, of Ala., offered a resolution to in struct the Judiciary Committee to inquire what legislation, if any, is necessary to protect the Government and people of the Confederate States against the disastrous consequences of a counterfeited currency, Adopted.

Mr. Hanley, of Ark., offered a resolution respecting the monthly pay of soldiers in our army.

Mr. Strickland, of Ga., offered a resolution to put in operation the mint at Dahlonega, in the State of Georgia. Also, a bill to amend the Sequestration Act, passed August 30, 1861.

Mr. Trippe, of Ga, presented a joint resolution in relation to the discharge of non-commissioned officers and privates in certain cases. Referred to the Military Committee.

Mr. Read, of Ky., offered a resolution that the office of Sergeant-at-Arms be created, and that this House proceed to elect such officer on Monday, the 25th of August. This resolution was withdrawn without action upon it.

Mr. Moore, of Ky., submitted a resolution of thanks to Gen. Breckinridge and his officers and soldiers for the brilliant victory over the enemy at Baton Rouge. Adopted.

Mr. Crockett, of Ky., offered a resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to report to this House what number of additional troops would be raised by the extension of the Conscript bill. Referred to the Military Committee.

Mr. Perkins,of La., offered a resolution that the Military Committee be instructed to inquire into the propriety of providing by law for the relief from duty in the civil service, and as clerks in the Quartermaster and Commissary Departments of the army, of all persons between the ages of 18 and 35, and employing in their places those who have be come disqualified for active service. Referred.

Mr. Singleton, of Miss., offered a resolution that the Military Committee be instructed to inquire into the propriety of so amending the Conscript Act that when a substitute deserts the principal be required to take his place. Referred.

Mr. Bell, of Mo., presented a bill entitled an 'Act to provide for the raising and organising, in the State of Missouri, of additional troops for the Provisional army.

On motion, the House adjourned.

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Foote (5)
Brown (3)
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Jones (2)
House (2)
Adolphus Holt (2)
Herbert (2)
Bell (2)
Villers (1)
Trippe (1)
Strickland (1)
Lone Star (1)
Pierre Soule (1)
Smith (1)
Singleton (1)
Sexton (1)
Read (1)
Perkins (1)
Jonathan Moore (1)
Miles (1)
Thomas G. Lamar (1)
Hartridge (1)
Hanley (1)
Goode (1)
Gaither (1)
Foots (1)
Early (1)
Dorn (1)
Curry (1)
Crockett (1)
Thomas Collier (1)
Clopton (1)
Clarke (1)
Chilton (1)
Gen Breckinridge (1)
Bonham (1)
Barksdale (1)
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