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From the North.

The Washington Star, of the 19th, publishes an order issued by Gen. Pope ‘"to correct irregularities in the conduct of a small portion of his troops and a large portion of the followers of his camps, which of late have been bringing disgrace on our country's fair fame."’ The following is a copy:

Another order from Gen. Pope--his former order Qualified.

Headquarters army of Virginia,

Near Cedar Mountain, Va., August 14, 1862.
General Orders, No. 19.

The Major General Commanding discovers with great dissatisfaction that General Order, No. 3, requiring that the troops in this command be subsisted on the country in which their operations are conducted, has either been entirely misinterpreted or grossly abused by many of the officers and soldiers of this command. It is to be distinctly understood that neither officer nor soldier has any right whatever, under the provisions of that order, to enter the house, molest the persons, or disturb the property of any citizen whatsoever.

Whenever it is necessary or convenient for the subsistence of the troops, provisions, forage, and such other articles as may be required, will be taken possession of and used; but every seizure must be made solely by the order of the commanding officer of the troops then present, and by the officer of the department through which the issues are made. Any officer or soldier who shall be found to have entered the house or molested the property of any citizen, will be severely punished. Such acts of pilotage and outrage are disgraceful to the army, and have neither been contemplated nor authorized by any orders whatsoever. The perpetrators of them, whether officers or soldiers, will be visited with a punishment which they will have reason to remember; and any officer of soldier absent from the limits of his camp, found in any house whatever, without a written pass from his division or brigade commander, will be considered a pillager, and treated accordingly.

Army corps commanders will immediately establish mounted patrois, under charge of commissioned officers, which shall scour the whole country for five miles around their camps at least once a day, and at different hours, to bring into their respective commands all person absent without proper authority, or who are engaged in any interruption of citizens living in the country, and commanding officers of regiments or smaller separate commands will be held responsible that neither officers nor men shall be absent from camp without proper authority.

By command of Maj. Gen. Pope.
R. O. Selfridge, A. A. G.

Washington Views about recent and Pending movements.

The Washington Star, of the 18th, has the following paragraphs in its editorial columns:

The fact that the rear of the army of the Potomac has reached Williamsburg, in its march to a position to co-operate effectively with the army of Virginia, without a serious effort on the part of the rebel army before Richmond to interfere with its progress, confirms our belief that the latter is utterly without the necessary transportation to that end, an element of successful campaigning quite as requisite as any in the hands of soldiers. We shall doubtless next hear of McClellan's force on the north side of the York river, at some point from which a march to the support of Pope's army, or from which it can receive promised co-operation (if attacked,) from Gen. Pope, will be an easy task.

Major Davis Tilson, of Maine, has been appointed Chief of Artillery in McDowell's corps. One of Major Tilson's batteries, the 2d Maine, Capt. Hall, came gallantly up to the fire at the battle of Cedar Mountain, and opened upon the flank of the rebel camp, near morning. His first shot killed General Winder, and killed or wounded his whole staff, thus throwing the right wing of the rebel army into confusion, and his rapid fire afterwards dealt death and destruction into them at a fearful rate.

At the rate at which the new levies are being sent to the field, it is clear that Pope's and McClellan's armies may be strengthened in the next fortnight to the extent of at least 60,000, while as many more new levies will join our armies in the field in the West in the same time.

A letter from Aquia creek informs us that Gen. Reynolds is now in command of the Pennsylvania Reserves, having succeeded Gen. Seymour, removed by Gen. McClellan.

The exchange of prisoners is still progressing at Aiken's Landing, on the James river, through Adjutant-General Thomas. It is now confined to officers.

The public around us are evidently momentarily expecting to hear of another battle in the vicinity of Slaughter's Mountain. A considerable portion of the army of Major-General Pope is now on the Rapidan, seven miles south and west of that now historical eminence. All of it is however, so posted, we apprehend, as successfully to resist an onslaught of double their own number. So we believe that whenever attacked it will win a glorious victory. Up to the night before last the signs were that Jackson, having had quite enough of fighting recently, was seeking to fortify himself in and around Gordonsville, from Louisa Court House to Charlottesville, along the line of the Central Road. Since then we have heard of no forward movement on his part, though troops are certainly being sent forward from Richmond so rapidly to reinforce him, as that we may at any moment hear that he has ventured another attack upon Gen. Pope's army of Virginia.

It is clear, we apprehend, that the rebels mean no attack whatever upon McClellan's army in transits between Harrison's Landing and the position it is hastening to assume; which in turn, means that they propose to attack Pope's if able to mass all or nearly all their great army in his front with sufficient celerity. Their deficiency in transportation must, however, delay their movements materially. So we believe that Pope is improving in the means of meeting them successfully quite as fast as they are accumulating upon his immediate front sufficient troops to justify them in attacking him.

The rear guard of McClellan's army probably left Harrison's Landing on Saturday night last, and, we trust, a portion of his (McC.'s) advance has already reached the point from which it can co-operate with Pope, if necessary. Every hour is doubtless adding to its available strength at that point. Much, (in the way of safety,) however, depends upon the promptness with which Major-General McClellan executes his grand movement, the success of which will, in turn, insure beyond peradventure the success of the approaching campaign of our combined two grand armies.

Arrival of Col. Corcoran in Washington.

The arrival of the celebrated Col. Corcoran in Washington has been noticed. His regiment, the 69th New York, was ordered there to meet him, and was to have serenaded him last week. Hon Alfred Ely was to have made a speech, and on his arrival in the city the following scenes took place.

The party, on arriving here, immediately took quarters at Willard's, and their arrival soon being known, crowds of their friends filled the rooms during the afternoon. As the Massachusetts 33d regiment, Col Magi, were on the way to ‘"Dixie"’ yesterday afternoon, hearing of the arrival, they marched up Fourteenth street, and after the band had played an appropriate piece, loud Calle were made for Col. Corcoran by the soldiers and the large crowd of civilians present, and in response he made his appearance on the balcony over the private entrance on Fourteenth street.

Col. C. thanked them for the compliment, and complimented the troops on their fine appearance. The Massachusetts troops were a fine set of men. All wished to see the rebellion put down, and each State should vie with the others in doing its utmost to accomplish this result. He was glad that he was free, that he might take the sword or gun and go into the field again, for he was not tired of battling in this great struggle, and was willing to go in any capacity — to serve as a private if necessary. He hoped both calls for troops would be promptly responded to by volunteers; but it drafting is necessary, he hoped that it would be the means of getting fault-finders, who stay behind and criticise the army, into the service. He wanted to see this class put into the front ranks, and he did not think they would be disposed to find fault after a few engagements. He would excuse himself from making a speech now, and would promise hereafter to speak more at length. The cheers from the soldiers did his heart good. He had heard nothing like it except the cheers he heard at a Union celebration in the ancient town of Salisbury, on the 4th of July last, while a prisoner there. During the remarks of Col. C. he was frequently interrupted by applause.

Col. Magi, of the 331, replied in a few remarks, in which he said it was well enough for men to cheer, but it was men with guns that were wanted.

After cheering Col. Corcoran and others, the line was formed and the 33d proceeded to Virginia.

Col. Corcoran has been commissioned a Brigadier. General, to date from July 21st, 1861, the day on which he was taken prisoner at Bull Run.

The arrival of the New Levy troops in Washington.

Washington is again resuming its former military liveliness, by the arrival and departure of troops — On Saturday evening the 122d Pennsylvania regiment arrived. It is commanded by Col. Emlen Franklin, who rendered efficient service during the ‘"three months"’ campaign. This regiment is between 1,000 and 1,100 strong, and was raised entirely in Lancaster country. It would not be easy to fine better material for soldiers — most of them being strong, healthy farmer boys. Glorious old Lancaster! she has sent her sons forth to South Carolina, Virginia, and Kentucky, regiment after regiment and company after company, and ‘"the boys"’ say she is able to do as much again. It is estimated that she has over 12,000 soldiers in active service.

The 129th Pennsylvania arrived yesterday morning. The field officers are--Col. J. G. Frick, Lieut., Col. Armstrong, Major Jos. Anthony. The regiment numbers $50 sturdy patriots, form the beautiful hills and valleys and the soul misses of Behuyl kill, Northampton and Laigh.

The old Rey State is nobly doing her duty, and has sent her 33d regiment, 1,000 strong, principally from the counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Suf-

folk. The regiment is commanded by Col. A. C. Maggl.

The 125th Pennsylvania, Col. Jacob Higgins, arrived this morning, and were marched to the other side of the Potomac. The regiment is 920 strong, and was raised in Blair and Huntington counties.

The 34th regiment Massachusetts volunteers arrived about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and were quartered last night at the Soldiers' Rest.--The regiment numbers 960 men, who are remarkably fine looking, and will no doubt be fully up to the standard of Massachusetts troops in the fighting line. There are ten companies here and two others incomplete at Worcester, which they expect to join them this week. A large number of the officers have seen service, among them Col. J. D. Wells, who has until recently been second in command of the 1st Massachusetts, in the army of the Potomac, which he left about two weeks since to take command of the 31st. Major Bowman is a paroled prisoner, having been captured at Ball's Bluff, and has not yet been exchanged.

The 127th Pennsylvania regiment arrived about 2 o'clock this morning from Jump Curtin, Pe. and at once went into quarters at the Soldiers' Retreat, which they left at noon to day for one of the surranding forts. The regiment numbers about 856 men, and is well armed and equipped for immediate service. The principal officers are Col. Jennings, Lieut. Col. Allman, and Major, J. Robert, will have already seen some service. The regiment is well supplied with field music.

During yesterday quite a number of recruits arrived, that is being at the Retreat this morning about 400 of whom are for the Massachusetts 15th, and for the 1st Ohio battery.

These regiments are as fine sad splendid looking bodies of men could be gathered together. They are mostly Saturday yeomen, and are of a class who have rallied at the call of their country in a time of real danger, and when their services are most needed. As they marched through the city on their way to the encampment, on the scared soil, every one was struck with the soldierly bearing of each volunteer. They are fully equipped and armed with muskets of the latest pattern, and of this year's manufacture. With such men as compose the new levies, nose need despair of the Republic.

Enlisting in Maryland.

The Washington Star says that a ‘"very lively"’ spirit is aroused in some portions of the State of Maryland, in favor of responding to the recent call of the Government for additional troops. It adds.

In a number of the counties this feeling has manifested itself to a very great extent, while in some localities it has reached the point of actual enthusiasm.

We have before us the proceeding of a war meeting recently held in Westminster, the seat of justice of Carroll county, which is said to have been one of the largest and most enthusiastic gatherings of the people ever known in that region. Augustus Shriver, Esq., the presiding officer, as well as the assistants and those generally in attendance, are of the very bone and sinew of the country. Resolutions were adopted heartily approving of the war policy of the President, and pledging those present to the support of the cause of the Union, at any and every sacrifice. Pifcy recruits were obtained on the spot and a course of action were initiated which will insure the enrollment of more than the proper quote of the county under the call for additional volunteers. Since the meeting was held, it is represented that squads of young men are coming forward from every part of the country, to join the different companies thus organizing. Maryland will yet range herself alongside of the most loyal States of the Union.

Martial law in Chicago — an attempted stampede to Canada, and how it was stopped.

[From the Chicago Times.] Immediately after the reception in this city of the order from the War Department, concerning persons subject to military duty who might contemplate and attempt an escape from the country, in order to avoid the impending draft, C. P. Bradley, Superintendent of the Chicago Police, prepared to enforce the order in all cases that come within his jurisdiction. The order was received yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock. Between that hour and sunset quite a number of men in the city, not liking the appearance of things military hereabouts, prepared to leave for Canada, or some other portion of the globe where drafting is not at present a needful regulation. But unfortunately for these would be excursionists, the vigilant eye of the newly constituted Provost Marshal was upon them — Learning that there would probably be a stampede at night, by the Michigan Central and Michigan Southern Railroads, Capt. Bradley took the precaution to have a posse of his men stationed at each depot, a short time before the departure of the evening train.

Capt. Nelson, of the first precinct polices, was stationed with a posse of the police at the Michigan Central Depot, while Sergeant Beade had an inferior force at the Michigan Southern Depot. At eight o'clock both trains were entered and a rigid scrutiny was had of all outgoing passengers. This resulted in the street of thirty men, who had tickets to Detroit, and who were at once taken in custody and marched under guard to the Central police station for further examination. A few of those arrested, however, were soon discharged, having furnished satisfactory evidence of their loyalty.--Most of them, however, were deemed guilty of at tempting to escape from the jurisdiction of the United States, contrary to the order from the War Department. They were accordingly confined in the county jail for the night, and this morning will be conveyed to Camp Douglas, sworn into the service, and made to do military duty for the term specified in the order for the draft.

Two propellers, the Galens and Acme, left this port yesterday afternoon, loaded with passengers, most of whom are supposed to be on their way to another clime. A tug was dispatched last evening in search of these propellers, with orders to bring them to and take in custody all persons unable to give satisfactory reasons for their departure. This game, however, will be blocked to-day, as a tug, carrying a six-pound cannon, will be stationed at the entrance of the harbor, and overhaul every passenger boat and vessel that passes out.

Our citizens may as well bring their friends to a realication of the fact that Chicago is virtually under martial law. Captain Bradley is now clothed with the powers of a Provost Marshal, and in future no male citizen between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years will be permitted to leave the city, on any route leading east, or on any of the lake boats, without a pass from the proper source.

We find that this sudden arrest of fugitives, in conformity to the new order, will operate as a complete cheek upon all attempts to escape from the country to avoid the draft. The authorities are in earnest about his matter, and such cowardly sneaking as was manifested last night and during the whole of the past week will be at once stopped.

This running away from duty has been practiced in most instances by wealthy men, while the poor men have been left to become the victims of the draft. In future there will be no more sneaking, no more running away, no matter what may be the wealth of the individual.

Capture of the British steamer Columbia.

New York, Aug. 17.
--A Key West letter reports the capture of the English steamer Columbia, with a cargo of forty Armstrong guns and several thousand Enfield rifles, army blankets, and other articles, by the gunboat Santiago de Cuba. The Columbia is a new iron propeller, of 400 tons, and her cargo cost $200,000.

An order.

War Dep't, Adj't Gen's Offices. Washington, Aug. 18, 1862.
General Orders, No.111.

1. Hereafter no appointments of Major Generals or Brigadier Generals will be given except to officers of the regular army for meritorious and distinguished services during the war, or to volunteer officers who, by some successful achievement in the field, shall have displayed the military abilities required for the duties of a General officer.

2. No appointment to such grades will be issued by the War Department till an examination is made to ascertain if there are any charges or evidence against the character, conduct, or fitness of the appointee, and if there should be any such charges or evidence, a special report of the same will be made to the President.

By order of the Secretary of War.
S. D. Townsend, Ass't Adj't Gen'l.

From the army of Virginia--the advance of the army at the Rapidan — the rebels make a demonstration to cross but are driven back by Gen. Siegel.

Culpeper Court-House, August 17.
--Major Tifield, the officer having charge of railway affairs at this post, yesterday went with a constriction train as far as the Rapidan Station, but it being announced to him that a considerable body of the enemy were within gunshot of the river on the other side, it was denied injudicious to commence operations upon the bridge until our forces under Gen. Pope, who were then on the march should reach the river, to cover our workmen. Major Tifield was notified that a short distance from the road there was stored a considerable quantity of flour, and, with a sufficient force, he proceeded there and secured over one hundred bags of flour, marked Confederate States, amounting, probably, to 12,000 pounds.

Contrabands from Gordonsville report a continuous arrival of troop trains there from Richmond.

Heavy bodies of troops have been sent out, right and left of our centre, to protect it against any flank movement by the enemy. We now occupy the line of the Rapidan from Raccoon Ford on the east to Case's Ford on the west, with pickets and scouting parties beyond these points. Culpeper is now comparatively relieved from the wounded, excepting such cases where death would ensues from immediate removal. Several amputations were performed yesterday upon the rebel wounded who were found and collected this side of the Rapidan.

Gen. Banks is fast recovering from his injuries. Yesterday he was able to walk about with the aid of a cane.

Culpeper,Aug. 16.--Gen Sigel, who occupies the advance, near the Rapidan, reports that the enemy made, this morning, and attempt of felut to cross the river, but he drove them back.

All was quiet at last advised.

From Fortress Monroe.

Fortress Monroe, Aug. 16.--Harrison's Landing

was evacuated by the rear of Gen. McClellan's army this morning, after all the public property best been removed, All was done in good order.

The advance of the army arrived at Williamsburg this (Saturday) morning. Nothing of city importance occurred on the march.

A body of one hundred rebel cavalry drove in our pickets last night, near Suffolk, and some little excitement prevail there to-day in consequence.

The transports with the disabled soldiers from Harrison's Landing have all passed down the Roads accept the steamers New York, Elm City, Montreal, Forest City, and some sailing vessels.

Two or three hundred sutlers came down the river this morning, and their schooners are now laying in this harbor.

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Armstrong (2)
Winder (1)
Willard (1)
J. D. Wells (1)
S. D. Townsend (1)
Thomas (1)
Gen Sigel (1)
Siegel (1)
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Seymour (1)
R. O. Selfridge (1)
J. Robert (1)
Reynolds (1)
Nelson (1)
McDowell (1)
Magi (1)
Jennings (1)
Jackson (1)
Jacob Higgins (1)
Hall (1)
J. G. Frick (1)
Emlen Franklin (1)
Essex (1)
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Banks (1)
Joseph Anthony (1)
Allman (1)
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