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Northern news.

We continue our extracts from the latest Northern papers. The Conts Rican Minister has entered a formal protest against the President's proposed negro colony in Central America, for the reason that Conts Rica claims all that part of Chiquia upon which it is intended to found the colony of Linconia, and, further, that Mr. Pomercy's expedition is considered by the Central American representatives here as a filibustering ra , Walker and is, therefore, to be resisted by force, if necessary. The supplies for the Federal army on the Upper Potomac are being sent from Georgetown over the Chesapeake and Ohio canal. The Commissioner of Indian Affair warns the public against crossing the Plains this fall, as there is good reason to apprehend hostilities on the part of the and Shoshone of Snake Indians, as well as the Indians upon the Plains and along the Platte river.

The conspiracy of the Governors against old Abe — the Habeas Corpus proclamation to Settle them.

The New York Herald is fully satisfied, from the treasonable developments at the Convention of State Governors at Altoona, Pa, that a plot is on foot by the ‘"radicals"’ at the North to abolish the Union without regard to ‘"the disastrous consequences that will follow the execution of their desperate programme"’ It thinks the ‘"originators are the local descendants of the rebel Roundheads in England, who kept that country for forty years in hot water and civil war, and the treason commenced in New England"’ It says:

‘ The first intimation we had of the existence of this secret organization was the disloyal response of Governor Andrew, of Massachusetts to the of Secretary Stanton for troops, in May last, when he refused to send the desired regiments, intimating that the call was not a ‘"real"’ but a sham one; but that if the President was in earnest, and would proclaim negro fraternally, and equality, and let the blacks fight side by side with while men, then the roads would swarm with the multitudes that New England would pour out to obey the of the Secretary of War. In other words, Governor Andrew would deliberately let the Government be over thrown by the rebels of the South unless it consented to submit to the decision of the Round heads and agreed to a tical policy which, if successful, would make the South another St. Do m go, and inflict a blow upon the whole country from which it could not recover in hall a century.

The next evidence we have of the existence and objects of the Society of Roundheads in the meeting at Providence of the New England Governor with the New York Jacobin Club. which men by the misnomer of ‘"The National War Committee,"’-- Then and there it was proposed, to view of the refusal of the Government to permit them to organize a revolutionary army of fifty thousand men to be placed under the command of General Fremont, that the Governors of the Northern States should be applied to for that number of men and arms, as a nucleus around which the elements of Northern fanaticism and revolution might gather for the destruction of the Government unless it feel in with their designs to abolish the Constitution of the United States by force and arms. The recent withholding of troops from the General Government in the hour of need and the developments of the radical Governors at Altoona, complete a cham of evidence as to the existence of a most dangerous conspiracy. Then object appears to be to prolong the war, in order to make fortunes for themselves or their friends by contracts, and at the same to ensure the final dismemberment of the United States in order to the permanent of control of the Northern section by a fanatical faction which would compel all men to a their standard of morality and religion like the rant Procrustean, who if his victims were too long, cut off their legs in order to reduce them to the mansions of the bed on which he tortured them or if they were too short, stretched to the requisite tonight.

Upon one frivolous pretence of another the troops raised in several of the Northern States have not been send forward by these Governors to Washington. In a single State 10,000 are said to be ed The last of the troops having been held back at this particular crisis, when their presence in the field might have rendered the great battle in Maryland immediately by preventing the escape of the rebel army into Virginia is very significant when coupled with another fact developed at that the radicals proposed to call upon the President to remove Gen. McClellan just after he had won the most brilliant victory of the war, and were only defeat in their attempt to carry this proposition by the threat of Governor Tod, of Ohio, that the people would rise up en masse against them, and by the conservative course of Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania who supported General McClellan and by the rebuke of Governor Morgan, of New York, declined attending the Convention because he disapproved of its object, and maintained that the loyal and patriotic way to serve the Government was to send it men, as he did New York having contributed more troops in proportion to its population than any other State, under the last two calls. The conspirators showed their teeth with the representatives of the great States of New York, Pennsylvanians, and Ohio, against the radicals of the New England States, what could they do? The population of the State of New York alone far exceeds their combined population.

Governor Morgan is right. There was no necessity for any Convention. The President is made by the Constitution. Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy and it is the duty of the Governor to obey, and not to dictate. The Constitution moreover expressly forbids any combinations or alliances of States Article L, section 9 declares that ‘"No State shall, without the content of Congress, enter into any agreement or compact with another State"’ But this assemblage was worse than the Hartford Convention of half a century ago, and had the President sent a division of General McClellan's army to disperse the illegal gathering at the point of the bayonet, and the whole batch to the nearest first, he would not have transcended his duty. But the President checkmated them in another way. He took the wind out of their sails by issuing his proclamation one day in advance of their meeting. Had he not done so they would have demanded immediate and unconditional emancipation, just as they demanded the dismissal of McClellan, and the appointment of foolish Fremont in his stead. But under President's proclamation published yesterday these radical Governors are all liable to be seized and sent to some fortress, as ‘"discouraging volunteer enlistments and resisting militia drafts thus affording aid and comfort to the rebels."’ The volunteer troops have been hold back by their position and the militia drafts have been delayed by their authority. We trust, therefore, that Mr. Lincoln will direct that these ‘ "disloyal persons"’ (men whose loyalty by their own showing is only conditional, will be arrested by the United States Marshall, particularly Gov. Andrew, of Massachusetts, and Gov. Sprague, of Rhode Island, who manifested the most treasonable spirit under the pretence of negro philanthropy. Let a signal example be made. There is still room in Forts Lafayette and Warren.

A Yankee Sketch of a rebel General.

The Philadelphia Presbyterian gives a biography of Major General D. H. Hill of North Carolina. It says:

‘ In former days, General D. H. Hill was Professor of Mathematic in Davidson College, North Carolina, which position he left in 1850 to become Principal of the North Carolina Military Institute, at Charlotte. He was then familiarly known as ‘"the Major,"’having won that degree in the army of the United States, which be resigned to enter upon civil life. He was born in South Carolina, educated at West Point, and fought under General Scott Lom Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico, and hours still on his personal house honorable scars which he in the great contest. He is a small, slender man, with a quest, determined air; not quite reserved, if not morose in manner and gives the impression generally of one who is content to mind his own business, without concerning himself much with the affairs of others.

In his house he is calmly, coldly polite — nothing more. He was an admirable professor, being thoroughly versed in the studies of his department and stimulating the students to unusual ; but so much of a martinet as to wish to introduce the strictness of West Point discipline into the college. He is a religious man and was a ruling elder in the college church, and certainly discharged all the duties of his office in the church conscientiously and diligently. He taught a bible class on the Sabbath, composed of the more advanced students, and having carried this class through the " on the Mount, he afterwards published the result of his studies on this part of Scripture in a volume which has been highly spoken of in various quarters. He afterwards wrote a serious of articles for the North Carolina Presbyterian which were collected and published in a book with the title.‘"The C of Christ"’ He was a member of the General Assembly which met at Indianapolis in 1859.

General Hill is a South Carolinian in all his feelings, principles and prejudices, and d rejoices that be is such. He has ed his hatred to the North to such a degree that it had as near to a passion as his cold nature permit. In the year 1860 he delivered a lecture at several places in North Carolina, in which he complained bitterly of the injustice which had been to the South by the Northern historians of the Revolutionary war, and in which he asserted in substance that all the battles gained to the Revolution by Northern troops were a of ‘ "Yankee tricks"’ and that the real, hard, open fighting had been done by the South. So inve in this en ty to Northern men and the Northern character in General Hill, that it creeps out in unexpected places and in most remarkable ways.

It would puzzle the ingenuity of most men to impart sectional feelings and prejudices into the neutral region of pure mathematics, but General Mill has succeeded in conveying covert sneers by algebraically symbols, and ting disparagement through mathematical problems. In 1857 the published a text book called the ‘"Elements of Algebra"’ of which ‘"T. J. Jackson,"’ then ‘"Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy in the Virginia Military Institute,"’ new the famous rebel General, said, in a formal recommendation, that he ‘"regarded it superior to any other north with which I am accumulated on the same branch of refence."’ In this book we find a number of problems, of which we give the following as temples.

"A Yankee mixes a contain number of wooden nutmegs, which cost him one-fourth of a cent a piece, with real nutmegs worth four cents a piece, and sells the whole assortment for $15 and gams $3.75 by the fraud. How many wooden nutmegs were there? P. 124.

‘"At the Woman's Rights Convention held at Syracuse New York, composed of one hundred and fifty delegates, the old maids, childrens, wives, and helpmates, were to each other as the numbers 5. 7 and 3. How many were there of each class P 122"’

Davidson College in which General Hill was Professor, in an institution belonging to the Presbyterians of North Carolina. Four years age the writer was present at the annual commencement and hard the late Dr. Thornwell deliver one of his powerful and elaborate sermons. A number of persons were sitting on the day of commencement in the President's house, then occupied by Dr. Lucy, when the President entered, and introduce a gentleman to the company by the name of ‘"Professor Jackson, of Va"’

He was a tall, rather noticeable person of such tussive manners, and t engaged in conversation with some of those near him while in the room, and presently took his leave. It was understood that he was to be married in a few days to a daughter of the Rev. Dr. R. H. Morrison, a leading member of the Presbytery of Concord, and pastor of a church in the into whose family General Hill had presently married. This was the only we ever had at the man who has since won so much notoriety as General‘ "Stonewall"’ Jackson. His first wife, as is well known, was the daughter of Dr. George Junkin, now of Philadelphia.

Yellow Flyer at Key West.

A letter to the New York Tribune, dated Key West, Fla. September 13th, says there is no abatement of yellow fever there. All the hospitals are filled and the vacancies made by death are quickly supplied by new cases. Dr. D. A. Lewis of Philadelphia superintendent of the hospitals, died of the fever on the 1st inst. The letter says:

‘ The military hospitals are quite ample in accommodation for both officers and soldiers, where they are made as comfortable as good nursing care, and situation can make them. Here however, a large preparation of the cases terminate fatality. Thus far not a women or child has died of fever. The general hospital at the barracks has one hundred and twenty sick, and some die here daily.

There have recently died of fever three officers of the Ninetieth regiment N. Y. S. V. viz. Capt. Sullivan, Lieut Mulligan, and Lieut. Irwin also, Sergeant Rose and Sand master Boswell. Four companies of this regiment still remain at Fort Jefferson, where their health still continues unimpaired. Col. Tenalle, commanding there, has instituted a rigid quarantine on everything from Key West, except the mails.

We are now without later dates from the North than the 31st, and yet so engrossed is the mind with the insidious foe lurking unseen in our midst, that a very moderate desire only is manifested for war Some express a desire to know what has followed upon Pope's rectory of the 30th upon the battle field of Bull Run, where our news ceases.

At this moment, I am advised of the death of Lieutenant Newton, of the Ninetieth New York Volunteers who but three months since returned from a trip to his home in New York, where be then was married to a young lady, who may from this writing get the thousand news of her man.

What was gained in the in the battles in Maryland.

If any one doubts that the Federal got a thrashing at the battle of Sharpsburg, (or A etan as the Yankee papers call it,) an article in the Washington Republican--Lincoln's organ-of the 22d, will relieve their minds of uncertainty. After stating that the surrender of Harper's Ferry was ‘"unrelieved by any decided success in that quarter,"’ the Republican says:

‘ The aspect of affairs, as far as General McClellan's army is concerned, as we regret to say, more unfavorable than it seemed at the date of our last issue. The enemy has crossed the Potomac with all his trains and artillery untouched with all his wounded to five hundreds, and with the loss of number of smugglers. He is sad to be now well posted on the South of the river, with artillery in position and prepared to dispose our passage. That he thus escaped substantially without damage is in itself a serious m for us, and furthermore, It admire by but one and that not favorable the character of the battle of Wednesday must be left to in a drawn from which one party withdraws in perfect order the other party being disabled from moving until movement in the late.--It may have the moral effect of a victory to us and we still think it has, but that is only because a drawn battle it defeat to an advancing and hither to successful army, while such a battle is victory to an army which has been suffering continuous--This battle of An was a Victory for us in that since only.

It is gratifying to find that the reports continue orm of the good conduct of the whole of the army. Every division, every brigade, every regiment and so far as appears, every man did well. The new regiments vied with the aid. The battle has also loss our troops in good has strengthened their confidence in themselves rather than in paired it. To great future

Of the losses in the battle of Au continues to be said that those of the enemy exceeded ours. From the description given of the contest involving charges upon the enemy in advantageous and the reading of a creek, this world seem probable, and yet it may be true.

We are said to have captured ten thousand stand of grass on the battle field of Autie which will balance the enemy's captures of small arms at Bull Run. But it does not balance our losses of that kind at Harper's Ferry, nor our losses of artillery, which were heavy both at Bull Run and Harpers Ferry.

As the result of the whole campaign commencing with the advance upon Gen. Rope, be have gained in the material of war, and have very much upon stores captured from our army, and upon provisions and forage plundered in Maryland. They must now subsist, for the present upon the secession far more of the Valley of Virginia.

Without speculating further upon the future is obvious that the present military although a good one, if nothing more to proposed than the defence of the loyal States is a very bodies, in view of the fact that it is not a defensive war we are engaged in, but a war for the repression of in the seceded States. We are today no nearer the possession of Virginia than we were in April, 1861, and It is doubtful P. the military strength of the resistance to has not increased in quite as great a proportion as our own That is the plain truth of the case and we may as well look it in the face.

The Republican makes the following na ve admission in its com ts on affairs on West and affairs at ink

What particular strategic importances may be we do not profess to have specially studied, but we believe it to be always good strategy to fight the enemy and whip him. That was a more general opinion before broke out than it is

A whole camp Skedaddled,

The New York Post states that about 9 o'clock on the morning of the 19th, the 30th and part of the New Jersey regiments, numbering about men who were in camp near Roseville., N. J. sc tions The Post says:

‘ The we sworn to on Thursday received their clothing yesterday, and ‘ "skedaddled"’ to day atte nly imploring the officers to give them a day or two of grace in town. The camp is near Newark, and the men effected a ‘"strategic"’ movement down the bank of the canal to that city, choosing the shortest route.

As they passed the guard the men seized the arms, planted the bayonets in the ground and carried on the sentiments with them. The guard offered no resistance. Acting Major Rabcock some of the soldiers on their way cut of the camp and fired his pistol at one of the ringleaders, the ball passing through his arm.

The Colonel in command at the camp, (Cornelius Van Vost) on hearing of the ‘"skedaddle, "’ have the small remainder of the men the furloughs which the others had fled for failing to get, and ordered out his others to pick up the stragglers. Such of the non- commissioned officers as were caught in Newark to day had their stripes tore off and are reduced to ranks. Few of his commissioned officers left camp, which place is peopled today by a corps consisting of officers, with no men. It is represented that the men appointed a committee by remonstrate with the officers concerning tax refusal to furloughs, but that the subsequent consolation failed to satisfy the discontented. Very few of the thousand men who first left camp in a body have yet been discovered. They are supposed to have scattered all ever Newark and the adjacent country, and the regiments are for the time completely disorganized.

Dismissed from the U. S. Navy.

The following order has been issued from the U. S. Navy Department:

Commander George Henry Preble, center officer in command of the blockading force off Mobile, having been guilty of a neglect of duty, in permitted the armed steamer Oreta to run the blockade, thereby not only disregarding article section 10, of the Articles of War, which requires an officer to do his utmost to overtake and capture or destroy every vessel which it is his duty to encounter," but omitting the plainest ordinary duty committed to an officer is by order of the President, dismissed from the naval service from this date.

The commander of each vessel of war, on the day of or the receipt of this published General Order, will cause it to be read on the quarter deck at general muster, together with the accompanying reports, and enter both upon the vessel's leg.

The plan of truce at Sharpsburg

The flag of truce for burying the dead, after the battle of Wednesday, at Sharpsburg came from the Federal, though they allege that it was sent through mistake. The following letter to the New York Herald gives an interesting account of the mistake.

It appear that some tender hearted Colonel thinking that provision must immediately be made for the s ccor of the wounded who were lying on the field just beyond the picket lines, authorized one of his Lieutenant to display a flag of truce for the purpose of suggesting that the sharpshooters desist from firing on men who were simply engaged in picking up the wounded. The Lieutenant appeared on the crest of a hill in front, displaying his flag of truce. About the same time another officer in an adjacent position of the field, also displayed a flag of truce. They were soon perceived and acknowledged by the enemy. The Union officers went down to the Confederate lines and had a conference with the rebel officers who met them. It appears that our officers, having been sent without any recognized authority, had no distinct proposition to make, but simply suggested the suppression of hostilities until the dead were buried and the wounded cared for.

Now, there were vastly larger numbers of the rebels killed and wounded within our picket lines than within the picket lines of the enemy. The rebel officer, not understanding the precise conditions of the indicated armistice, sent word to his superior officer, who came upon the ground in person to inquire into the matter. He proved to be Gen. Roger A Pryor, of Virginia, commander of a brigade, but now, as he said, in temporary command of a division. The be of the flags of truce could not make themselves any more intelligible to Gen. Pryor than to the other officer. At length word was sent to the headquarters of Gen. Sancock, who, after Gen. Richardson was wounded yesterday, was assigned to the command of this division, which, as it appears, confronts the one on the rebel side commanded by Gen. Pryor, that a flag of truce appeared in front. He sent one of his side to receive it, and bring to him whatever proposition the rebel commander might wish to make.

When the aid converted with Pryor, it came out, for the first time to our knowledge, that the flag of truck had emanated from our side. In the meantime, however, General Thomas Francis Meagher was sent by General Hancock to represent the Union army in the matter. The Union and rebel Generals — who, by the way, are old acquaintances — met on the neutral ground and had quite an interesting conversation. General Pryor was dressed in the homilies manner, with blue pants, gray shirt and a loose homespun coat, without the least to indicate his rank as a General. General Meagher, on the contrary, was attired in appropriate uniform, of such texture and finish as his aristocratic tastes would naturally lead him to display. There was quite a contrast in the matter of costume between the Generals.

When the interchange of civilities was ended and the purposes of the meeting of the Generals were mentioned, a conversation opened which disclosed the fact that had been displayed on our side without the least authority from any proper source, and was by General Meaghar, on our behalf, distinctly and indignantly repudiated General Hancock sent word to the effect that it was sent without his sanction or his knowledge, and that the guilty parties would be found and punished. Then it was suggested by General Pryor that if we wished to enter into any such arrangement in the proper manner, he had no doubt the Commanding General of the Confederate forces would accede to any reasonable proposition we might make. This was a rather cool statement for General Pryor to make, when so many more of the Confederate killed and wounded than of our own were within our pocket lines.

Of course, he was immediately informed that we had no proposition whatever to make but General Meagher in turn remarked that if the Confederate commander, moved by the feelings of humanity which might prompt him is the matter, should desire and request a brief suspension of hostilities for the purpose of establish him to bring in the wounded he had no doubt no obtaction would be interposed on our side. But Pryor said he had no proposition to make. Gen. Meagher as proudly replied that he had none. And so it was agreed between them that the whole affair was a proceeding caused by the carelessness of subordinate officers and was . The interview was friendly, and was conducted in a pleasant and dignified manner throughout, Some of the rebel officers who accompanied General Pryor were Irishmen. They entered into conversation with Gen. Meagher. It was interesting to see men of the same nationality, and of a foreign country, arrayed on the opposing lines in this civil contest.

‘" It's a pity that we're fighting each other,"’ said Gen. Meagher, instead of whipping the world. The Irish officer laughed, and made an appropriate humorous reply, to the effect that the Irish fought the best on either side. When the interview was ended the parties retired within their respective lines.

The of the greatest battle of the War.

The correspondent of the New York Tribune gives a highly interesting account of the close of the great basic of Sharpsburg. It shows how narrowly the Federal army escaped utter defeats.

In another moment a rebel battle line appears on the brow of the ridge above them moves awfully down in the most perfect order, and though met by incessant discharges of musketry, of which we plainly see the flashes, does not fire a gun. White spaced show where men are talking, but they close up latently and still the line advances. The brigades of Burnside are in heavy column; they will not give way before a bayonet charge in line. The rebel think twice before they dash into these hostile masses.

There is a halt, the rebel left gives way, and scatters over the field, the rest stand fast and fire — More comes up, Burnside is outnumbered; flanked, compelled to yield the hill be took so bravely. His position is no longer one of attack; he defends himself with but he sends to McClellan for help. McClellan's glass for the last half hour has seldom been turned away from the left.

He sees clearly enough that Burnside is pressed — needs no messenger to tell him that. His face grows darker with anxious thought. Looking down into the valley where 13,000 troops are lying, he turns a half-questioning look on Fitz John Porser, who stands by his side, gravely scanning the field. They are Porter's troops below, are fresh, and only impatient to in this fight. But Porter slowly shakes his head, and one may believe that the same thought is passing through the minds of both Generals: ‘"They are the only reserves of the army; they cannot be spared."’

McClellan remounts his horse, and with Porter and a dozen officers of his staff rides away to the left is Burnside's direction. Sykes meets them on the road — a good soldier, whose opinion is worth taking. The force Generals talk briefly together. It is easy to see that the moment has come when everything may turn on one order given or with held, when the history of battle is only to be written in thoughts and purposes and of the General.

Burnside's messenger rides up. His message is, ‘"I want troops and guns. If you do not send them I cannot hold my position for half an hour."’ McClellan's only answer for the moment is a glance at the western sky. Then he turns and speaks very slowly: ‘"Tell Gen. Burnside that this is the battle of the war. He must hold his ground till dark at any cost. I will send him Miller's battery. I can do nothing more. I have no infantry."’ Then all the messenger was riding away he called him back--"Tell him if he cannot hold his ground, then the bridge, to the last man — always the bridge! If the bridge is lost, all is inst.

The sun is already down; not half an hour of daylight is left. Till Burnside's message came it had seemed plain to every one that the battle could not be finished to-day. None suspected near was the peril of defeat, of sudden attack on exhausted forces — how vital to the safety of the army and the nation were those fifteen thousand waiting troops of Fitz John Porter in the hollow. But the rebels halted instead of pushing on, their vindictive died away as the light faded. Before it was quite dark the battle was over. Only a solitary gun of Burnside's thundered against the enemy, and presently this also ceased, and the field was still.

The peril came very near, but it has passed, and in spite of the peril, at the close the day was partly a success — not a victory, but an advantage had been gained. Mooker, Sumner and Franklin held all the ground they had gained, and Burnside still held the bridge and his position beyond. Every thing was favorable for a renewal of the fight in the morning. If the plan of the battle is sound, there is every reason why McClellan should win it. He may choose to postpone the battle to away his reinforcements.

The rebels may choose to retire while it is possible Fatigue on both sides might delay the deciding battle, yet if the enemy means to fight at all, he caused afford to delay. His reinforcements may be coming, his are His troops have been in woods and hollows, where artillery has had its most terrific effect. Ours have been deployed and scattered. From infantry fire there is less difference.

It is hard to estimate losses on a field of such extent but I think our cannot be less than 6,000 killed and wounded--it may be much greater. Prisoners have been taken from the enemy. I hear of a regiment captured entire, but I doubt it.

An opinion of the rebels.

The army correspondent of the Baltimore American, who open on the late battle side in Maryland, says:

‘ And here let me say that we found all their wounded as well our own wounded they have captured, in our possession, and they satisfied us that the rebel army is just now at that stage of discipline, courage, determination, desperation, or call it by any other name, that they cannot be routed. We convalesce with a number of their wounded officers and men as well as prisoners, and they were of one opinion. First, they would not run — that they would obey orders though it destroyed every man; and that their case was now hopeless beyond redemption. Our soldiers engaged in the fight satisfied as of the truth of their desperate bravery. They say the man will fight so long as their leaders command it, and that their men know no greater danger man the penalty of disobeying their officers.

One of their wounded officers remarked to us that he saw more stragglers and southers while being carried off the field to our hospital than could be found in their whole army, and that they had long since put an end to such conduct, and to fear and cowardice, and several of their men confirmed this by saving they never to punish with death any man guilty of cowardice.

The Retreat of the Confederate army.

The New York World wonders what will now be the probable cause of the Confederate military leaders. It says:

‘ They are in a desert far away from their supplies at Staunton and Gordonsville and are liable to be cut off from Richmond by a flanking army from Washington. They cannot retreat down the Valley of Virginia as it would expose these to an overwhelming attack from our whole in Washington, added to Gen. McClellan army while if they retreat down the Shenandoah Valley, it may be equally fatal, on account of the detour they would be compelled to make in reach Richmond, while our army could feed them off by the shorter route via Warrenton or Fredericksburg.

The theory that they will remain at Welch over to recruit and again offer battle is not at all probable. Their army is not in a condition to fight another battle immediately, and if they wait Ge. McClellan can bring two regiments into the field to their one.

A precipitate retreat upon Richmond is the only course open in the Confederates. The moment Washington Baltimore, and Pennsylvania were freed from menace Richmond was placed in extreme peril. A grand "skedaddle down the Shenandoah Valley, there with Gen. McClellan in two pursuit will be sent in order.

By the news publish this morning, it will be that a portion of our army has secured a tenting on the Virginia side of the Potomac, and we presume there will be no delay in the onward movement after the rebel fo Every soldier that can be spared should be sent immediately to Washington to take part in this new invasion of Virginia.

Interesting Incidents.

The correspondence from the fields of the late battles are filled with interesting paragraphs and sentences. We make some extracts. The day after the great battle is thus pictured.

A day of rest — such rest as ran be found with three miles of dead men to bury and thousands or wounded to bring from the field. A day of standing on the line where the battle closed — of intermittent sharp-shooting occasional discharges of artillery, but no general skirmishing — no attempt to advance on either side.

In front of Couches lines by commands consent, both the rebels and our own soldiers were ringing freely, taking away the wounded. One of our regiments was within a quarter of a mile of a rebel battery, and the ground near it was covered with spectators from our lines. Whenever the enemy detected any one using a field glass on his camp or battery, his sharpshooters would at once not withstanding the infer

The rebels fight with perfect sell devotion. As long as their officers will lead them and command them, the rebel rank and file will obey in anything possible to self-sacrifice, while they have breath. It is not for love, however much as they of the cause. It is for in part, of the d — d Yankees. They have been educated to hate us for generations by all the art and y of their subtle masters the slaveholders.

‘"A great victory,"’ said Wellington, ‘"is the most awful thing in the world except a great defeat."’ If yesterday's battle was not a great victory, at least it had all the terrific features of one. Our loss in Generals is unparalleled, and the Commander in Chief estimates the total of our killed and wounded at 10,000.

Notwithstanding we occupied the battle field or had made an advance, we did not held as far as we advanced in some of our sets and the result followed, of course, that come of our brave fellows fall beyond the ground within our control, and out of reach of danger. Many of such could not be reached, as the sharpshooters of the enemy were outposted to pick off all who dared to come within their range. One of the 12th Ohio, a regiment detailed as skirmishers to-day, Corporal Verian Goodlow, of C, overhearing one of those poor suffering souls screeching out for water, determined to approach him, and release him from the torture of dying of theist; but crack, crack one rifle after another, and he was stopped half way in his mission of mercy by a bullet in his forehead penetrating quite through his

It is impossible to form an estimate of our entire loss, there being so many hospitals, and so few regiments have made official reports. In killed and wounded no battle of the war will approach it.--The rebels seem to take off our officers almost before they have time to draw their men up in of battle. Nearly all the rebel officers cannot be distinguished from the privates a short distance off — Our own can be seen a mile.

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