
Later from the North.

We have received New York papers of Friday, Oct. 10th. We give below their dispatched relative to the battle between Bragg and Buell, at Ferryville, Ky., on the 8th. Washington dispatches deny that any changes are "immediately to occurred in the Cabinet. The Sioux war, by the same authority, is declared to be practically ended. --fifteen hundred of the hostile Indians are prisoners, and many others coming in. The leading chiefs who are proved to have participated in the late massacres will be summarily executed. Reconnaissances have been made by Sigel's cavalry to Rappahannock Station, without finding any Confederates.

Great battle is Kentucky.

The New York Herald, of the 10th, has dispatches announcing a general engagement between Bragg and Buell at Perryville, Ky., which is preceded by a long heading, in which the word ‘"victory"’ does not occur once. This is almost equal in that paper to a frank confession of defeat. The battle commenced on Wednesday morning by an attack by the Confederates on McCook's corps at Perryville, about 41 miles due South from Frankfort and situated between Danville and Bardstown.--The following are the dispatches:

Cincinnati, Oct. 9, 1862. --Intelligence has been received here to-night of an attack on General McCook's corps at Perryville, Ky., yesterday, by Bragg. who threw his entire force upon him.

Our loss was nearly two thousand in killed and wounded. Gen. Jackson was killed and General Terrell badly wounded. The enemy's loss is not ascertained, but is probably heavy.

There is a prospect of a general engagement being brought on by General Buell to day.

Gen. Dumont attacked Morgan at Frankfort yesterday, killing part of his force, scattering them in every direction, and capturing many.

The new troops behaved admirably.

Louisville, Oct. 9.--The battle of Ferryville commenced early in the morning by an artillery duel, which continued all day. General McCook's corps was engaged alone.

At 2 o'clock the rebels made an effort to turn our left flank, and desperate fighting ensued at close quarters.

The rebels were twice driven back with heavy loss.

The battle continued till dark, when both parties rested.

Gen. Terrell was mortally wounded, also, Col. Webster, of the Ninety-eighth Ohio. Gen. Jackson was killed.

The report of the death of Gen. Rossen is not confirmed.

The Union loss is estimated at two thousand killed and wounded. The rebel loss is greater, if anything.

Gen. Crittenden and Gen. Gilbert have reinforced Gen. McCook, and the battle was resumed this morning.

Perryville, Ky., Oct. 9.--Bragg's army attacked two divisions of Gen. McCook's corps darmce near this place yesterday.

The fighting was desperate. General James S. Jackson, ex-Congressman of Kentucky, commanding a division, was killed; Gen. Terred of Virginia, commanding a brigade, formerly of Terrell's battery, was very seriously wounded.

On two occasions the fighting was hand to hand. The rebels were greatly superior to the Unionists in numbers.

McCook was then heavily reinforced, and the battle was resumed to day.

The fighting was mainly done by Rosse and division, formerly Mitchell's.

Col. George Webster, of the 98th Ohio, acting Brigadier of the 34th brigade, was severely wounded

Firing ceased about seven o'clock on the evening at the 8th.

A doubtful rumor says that at the close of the engagement the rebels had possession of a part of the field.

General Sheridan, of Illinois, is reported killed, but it is doubtful.

Our loss is stated at two thousand killed and wounded. The rebel loss was unascertained.

The enemy is north of Perryville.

A general attack is expected immediately by our troops.

From the above dispatch is would appear that our troops attacked the right wing of the enemy under McCook, and that he was reinforced by Gen. Crittenden, commanding the left wing, and by Gen. Gilbert, commanding the centre. The Federal army consists of twelve divisions. Gen. Jackson, who is reported killed, was commander of the 9th division. Gen. Thomas is the commander in the field. A letter from Louisville, written on the 6th, shows what great expectations the Yankees rest on Buell's army:

This morning we started bright and early to overtake our columns, which were in close pursuit of Bragg. When I came out upon the turnpike I found that Thomas's and Gilbert's corps had joined, and much as I had before seen of the mighty armies of the republic, I confess I was astonished, as for three hours I remained and watched the apparently interminable columns of men and endless trains of wagons moving by.

At first, the column formed by Gen. Mitchell's division, which came into the pike by the Shepardsville road, moved along the turnpike, wagons and all, parallel with the other column formed by the great body of the two corps. This army is in pursuit of Bragg ! Wednesday morning it commenced moving from Louisville. To night its advance is half a dozen miles beyond Bardstown In two weeks there will not be a rebel regiment in Kentucky. With armies less numerous than those Gen. Buell now commands, Napoleon, in the course of a single campaign overthrew empires. With the armies Gen. Buell now commands, he should, before Christmas, extinguish the rebellion between the Alleghenies and the Mississippi, and carry the national flag triumphantly to the Gulf. Let us press onward.

Rapid Movements of the Federal army.

A letter from Louisville, October 6th, says:

‘ The news from the front to day, while it is of an extremely interesting nature, yet has a smack of disappointment in it. At all points the rebels fly as our forces advance, without giving us a chance to fight them; and so rapidly is Buell pushing his columns forward that the retirement of the rebels partakes very much of the nature of a complete rout. The news is of the same character both from the left, right and centre. Buell's movements seem to prevent the rebels effecting a concentration of their forces, and they are rapidly becoming demoralized from their frequent and hasty retreats. Our right occupied Bardstown yesterday, (Sunday,) and so rapidly were they moving that last evening three divisions of Crittenden's corps were in Lebanon, twenty-seven miles distant. This is the fastest army travelling on record, and is conclusive evidence that when the occasion demands it Buell can make as rapid strides as any commander we have. Gen. Hardee had commanded the rebel forces at Bardstown and in that vicinity, and his force is estimated by citizens of Bardstown at not less than thirty thousand men, some accounts putting the number as high as thirty-five thousand.

Gen. Bragg's Address to the people of the Northwest.

Gen. Bragg has issued from his headquarters at Bardstown, Ky., one of the strongest addresses which has been issued by any military man during this war. It is addressed to ‘"The people of the Northwest."’ He assures them that the Confederate Government is waging this war with no design of conquest, but ‘"to secure peace and the abandonment by the United States of its pretensions to govern a people who never have been their subjects, and who prefer self-government to a union with them."’ "He further assures them that the Confederate Government and people, deprecating civil strife from the beginning, and anxious for a peaceful adjustment of all differences growing out of a political separation, which they deemed essential to their happiness and well being, at the moment of its inauguration sent commissioners to Washington to treat for these objects, but that their commissioners were not received or even allowed to communicate the object of their mission, and that on a subsequent occasion a communication from the President of the Confederate States to President Lincoln remained without answer, although a reply was promised by General Scott, into whose hands the communication was delivered.

That among the pretexts urged for the continuance of the war, is the assertion that the Confederate Government desires to deprive the U. States of the free navigation of the Western rivers, although the truth is that the Confederate Congress by public set prior to the commencement of the war enacted that ‘"the peaceful navigation of the Mississippi river is hereby declared free to the citizens of any of the States upon its borders or upon the borders or its tributaries"’--a declaration to which our government has always been and is still ready to adhere.

From these declarations, people of the North west, it is made manifest that by the invasion of our territories by land and from sea, we have been unwillingly forced into a war for self- defence, and to vindicate a great principle once dear to all Americans, to with; that no people can be rightly governed except by their own consent. We desire peace now. We desire to see a stop put to a useless and cruel effusion of blood, and that waste of national wealth rapidly leading to and sure to end in national bankruptcy. We are, therefore, now, as ever, ready to treat with the United States, or any one or more of them, upon terms of mutual justice and liberality. And at this juncture, when our arms have been successful on many hard fought fields, when our people have exhibited a constancy, a fortitude and a courage worthy of the boon of self-government — we restrict ourselves to the same moderates demand that we made at the darkest period of our reverse — the demand that the people of the United States cause to war upon as, and permit us in peace to pursue our path to happiness, while they in peace pursue theirs.

We are, however, debarred from the renewal of former proposals for peace, because the relentless spirit that actuates the Government at Washington leaves us no reason to expect that they would be received with the respect naturally due by nations in their intercourse, whether in peace or war. It is under these circumstances that we are driven to protect our own country by transferring the seat of war to that of an enemy who pursues us with an implacable and apparently aimless hostility. If the war must continue, its theatre must be changed, and with it the policy that has heretofore kept us on the defensive on our own soil. So far it is only our fields that have been said waste, our people killed, our homes made desolate, and our frontiers ravaged by rapine and murder. The sacred right of self-defence demands that henceforth some of the consequences of the war shall fall upon those who persist in their refusal to make peace. With the people of the Northwest rests the power to put an end to the invasion of their homes; for, if unable to prevail upon the Government of the United States to conclude a general peace, their own State governments, in the exercise of their sovereignty, can secure immunity from the desolating effects of warfare on their soil, by a separate treaty of peace which our Government will be ready to conclude on the most just and liberal basis.

The responsibility then rests with you, the people of the Northwest, of continuing an unjust and aggressive warfare upon the people of the Confederate States. And in the name of reason and humanity, I call upon you to pause and reflect what cause of quarrel so bloody have you against these States, and what are you to gain by it?--Nature has set her seal upon these States, and marked them out to be your friends and alifes. She has bound them to you by at the ties of geographical contiguity and conformation, and the great mutual interests of commerce and productions. When the passions of this unnatural war shall have subsided, and reason resumes her away, a community of interest will force commercial and social coalition between the great grain and stock growing States of the Northwest and the cotton, tobacco and sugar regions of the South. The Mississippi river is a grand artery of their mutual national lives which men cannot sever, and which never ought to have been suffered to be disturbed by the antagonisms, the cupidity and the bigotry of New England and the East. It is from the East that have come the germs of this bloody and most unnatural strife.

It is from the meddlesome, grasping, and fanatical disposition of the same people who have imposed upon you and us alike those tariffs, internal improvement, and fishing bounty laws whereby we have been taxed for their aggrandizement. It is from the East that will come the tax-gatherer to collect from you the mighty debt which is being amassed mountain high for the purpose of ruining your best customers and natural friends. When this war ends, the same antagonism of interest, policy, and feeling which have been pressed upon us from the East and forced us from a political union, when we had ceased to find safety for our interests or respect for our rights, will bear down upon you and separate you from a people whose traditional policy it is to live by their wits upon the labor of their neighbors. Meantime, you are being used by them to fight the battle of emancipation — a battle which, if successful, destroys your prosperity, and with it your best markets to buy and sell. Our mutual dependence is the work of the Creator. With our peculiar productions, convertible into gold, we should, in a state of peace, draw from you largely the products of your labor.

In us of the South, you will find rich and willing customers, in the East you must confront rivals in productions and trade, and the tax gatherer in all the forms of partial legislation. You are blindly following abolitionism to this end, while they are nicely calculating the gain or obtaining your trade on terms that would impoverish your country.--You say you are fighting for the free navigation of the Mississippi. It is yours freshly, and has always been, without striking a blow. You say you are fighting to maintain the Union. That Union is a thing of the past. A Union of consent was the only Union ever worth a drop of blood. When force came to be substituted for consent, the casket was broken and the constitutional jewel of your patriotic adoration was forever gone.

I come, then, to you with the olive branch of peace and offer it to your acceptance in the name of memories of the past and the ties of the present and future. With you remain the responsibility and the option of continuing a cruel and wasting war, which can only end after still greater sacrifices in such treaty of peace as we now offer; or of preserving the blessings of peace by the simple abandonment of the design of subjugating is people over whom no right of dominion has been conferred on you by God or man.

Braxton Bragg, Gen'l C. S. Army.

M'Clellan's Congratulatory Address to his troops.

The following is Gen. McClellan's ‘"congratulatory order to the Army of the Potomac for their recent victories;"’

Headqrs army of the Potomac, Camp near Sharpsburg, Md., Oct. 3, 1862.

The Commanding General extends his congratulations to the army under his command for the victories achieved by their bravery at the passes of the South Mountain and upon the Antietam creek.

The brilliant conduct of Reno's and Hooker's corps, under Burnside, at Turner's Gap, and of Franklin's corps at Crampton's Pass, in which, in the face of an enemy strong in position and resisting with obstinacy, they carried the mountain, and prepared the way for the advance of the army, won for them the admiration of their brethren in arms.

In the memorable battle of Antietam we defeated a numerous and powerful army of the enemy, in an action desperately fought and remarkable for its duration and for the destruction of life which attended it. The obstinate bravery of the troops of Hooker, Mansfield, and Sumner, the dashing gallantry, of those of Franklin on the right, the steady valor of those of Burnside on the left, and the vigorous support of Porter and Pleasanton, present a brilliant spectacle to our country men which will swell their hearts with pride and exultation.

Fourteen guns, thirty-nine colors, fifteen thousand five hundred stand of arms, and nearly six thousand prisoners, taken from the enemy, are evidences of the completeness of our triumph.

A grateful country will thank the noble army for achievements which have rescued the loyal States of the East from the ravages of the invader, and have driven him from their borders.

While rejoining at the victories which, under God's blessing, have crowned our exertions, let us cherish the memory of our brave comrades who have laid down their lives upon the battle field, martyrs in their country's cause. Their names will be enshrined in the hearts of the people.

By command of Major-Gen. McCLELLAN,
S. Williams, A. A. G.

Account of the battle at Corinth--the desperate fighting — the Confederates "Pulverized"--important admission of the Federal.

The New York papers contain very little additional about the battle at Corinth. The Herald has a regular Munchausen letter, evidently written just after the writer's tenth horn. It says:

‘ Early in the morning Price made a fierce and determined attack on our right, near the entrance of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to the town. This attack was intended as a feint, as the main body of the rebels under Van-Dorn were on our left, concealed in the low ground behind College Hill.--The ruse, however, did not succeed. The contest lasted until half-past 11 o'clock A. M. The enemy drove in our centre, and a large number of them penetrated to the Corinth House. The most desperate fighting took place in the public square of the town. It is said to be literally covered with the dead. Finally they are driven out at the point of the bayonet, and Gen. Hamilton secured the centre with two regiments.

’ Van-Dorn and Lovell made a most determined attack on the extreme left, near the Chevalier road. They led their men to the attack through the abattis. Two of their columns reached the ditch, and the other two stopped not fifty paces from it.--During the advance a perfect storm of grape and canister was poured upon them. When, however, despite the fierce resistance, they had reached the point above indicated, the 27th Ohio and 11th Missouri made a charge on them. This was too much for their staggering columns. Many of them fell down, and, holding up their hands, begged for mercy.

The Seventh Missouri, First Kansas, and a Wisconsin regiment, reached the break in the road, disembarked from the cars, marched to the scene of action, and cut their way through the enemy's lines and entered Corinth just as the battle closed Price withdrew to the deep cut in the Memphis and Charleston Road, and remained there till after dark Saturday evening, when he retreated to the hills between the forks of the Hatchie river.

There is no doubt but that he intended a further movement in the same direction the next day; but a movement had been made which had effectually cut him off. Gen. Hurlbut had started from Bolivar at two o'clock on Saturday morning, and was now directly in his front, and in possession of the only road leading to Ripley.

Gen. Rosecranz also started in pursuit at day-light Sunday morning. Thus Price was all day yesterday between two fires, Hurlbut in his front and Rosecranz in his rear. The roar of artillery was distinctly heard yesterday at 4 P M. at Bolivar and Corinth. What the result is, is not yet known; but I am assured by high official authority that the results are glorious.

The rebel dead are strewn along the road for five miles from Corinth to where they had a hospital.--They have lost two general officers. One. lying in the square at Corinth, very much mutilated, hears the description of Breckinridge. We had this afternoon over one thousand prisoners at Corinth, and more were coming in.

Of the result of the pursuit of Sunday, a letter in the Cincinnati Gagetts says:

General Ord says on Sunday we lost several hundred in wounded, and probably more than the enemy. We have taken several thousand stand of of arms thrown away by the rebels in their flight. They are mostly new muskets of English make.

’ Our loss at Corinth is about three hundred killed and one thousand wounded. Some eye-witnesses put the estimate higher. The fighting on Saturday is described as desperate in the extreme, the rebels rushing up to the months of the cannon, many of them being blown to atoms.

Many houses in Corinth are badly shattered by shot and shell. One shell plunged through the Tishomingo House, killing a wounded soldier.

More than half the rebels are barefoot; many are ragged and have ears of corn in their haversacks.

Northern account of the skirmish at black-water.

A letter in the New York Herald, dated Suffolk. Oct. 4th, gives their version of the skirmish near Franklin, in Southampton, a few weeks since, He announces that General Gustavus W. Smith was in command of the Confederates, which is just about as true as the rest of the story, which is as follows:

‘ On Thursday evening Major-General Peck ordered a reconnaissance in force, which was placed under command of Col. Spear, of the 11th Pennsylvania cavalry. Col. Spear started upon his mission about 9 o'clock, and on Friday drove in the enemy's pickets upon the main body, which was command by General G. W. Smith. A smart skirmish ensued, in which the Colonel had one Lieutenant and two Sergeant wounded. He succeeded, however, in completely routing the foe, and pursued him as far as Franklin, on the other side of the Blackwater. The object of the reconnaissance was fully accomplished and much valuable information gained in regard to the strength and position of the rebel force in this quarter. There is not now a rebel soldier on this side of the Blackwater, and the probabilities are that they will not soon make another appearance in our vicinity. Col. Spear has won new laurels by the gallant manner in which he performed the mission entrusted to him. The loss of the enemy was not ascertained.

Affairs in Richmond — statement of a prisoner — opinion of the "French gentleman."

Capt. H. G. Young, who was captured by some of the 30th Va cavalry, Col. Chamblien, near Bull Run, and brought to Richmond, has returned to Washington, and gives his statement of affairs in the ‘"rebel capital"’ as follows, in a dispatch dated from Washington:

The prisoners spent four days pleasantly on the way to Richmond, and were treated kindly and hospitably by their captors, and by all whom they met on the route. The cavalry regiment of Col. Chambliss was handsomely mounted, and uniformed, and fully equipped. There appeared to be an abundance of salt, flour, fresh beef, and shoes among the soldiers. Good discipline prevailed among the rebel troops. They treated each other-with great kindness and courtesy. No whiskey drinking or card-playing was allowed among them. Much comment is made by the rebel troops as to the careless manner in which our dead were buried on the plains of Manassas.

Ad the rebel soldiers denounce General Pope, but speak in the most complimentary terms of General McClellan. The country districts are exhausted of food for man and beast, and in consequence apprehensions exist of great distress among the people during the coming winter. Everybody has plenty of paper money of all descriptions and denominations.

The treatment of Union prisoners at the Libby prison has been changed for the better, and those confined with Captain Young had no cause to complain. He and thirty others were put in a large, cool, pleasant room, and were attended by the guards and servants with marked kindness Rations were served regularly and a sutler was constantly present. The morning newspapers were served at daylight.

The rebel troops are rapidly resolving their new uniforms. consisting of dark gray woolen jackets and light blue pants, &c. They say there is no no lack of arms and that they have more cannon than can be used. The general impression among them is that the war will not end until the expiration of President Lincoln's term of office. Everybody, however, is sick of hostilities, and the troops desire to return to their homes; yet one constantly hears the remark, ‘"You may exterminate us, but you cannot subjugate us."’

A French gentleman from Georgia, by way of Richmond, arrived in New York on the 9th, with some ‘"interesting details concerning the spirit and the operations of the rebels in the various parts of the country through which he passed."’

On his way from Atlanta to Richmond he saw the country people enlisting for the war indicative of a strong national feeling and of the sense of the perils to which the Confederacy was exposed. As to those who showed a reluctance to muster, they were compelled by the force of public opinion, and sometimes by physical compulsion, to join the others. The sentiments expressed in his presence were indicative of the immutable resolution to conquer the independence of the South or to perish in the conflict.

In so no places the planters were gathering the crops, consisting chiefly of corn and potatoes, which they had sold to the Government to food the army during the winter. The provisions already accumulated were deemed more than sufficient for that object.

On his arrival at Richmond he met several regiments coming from the interior en route for the seat of war. All the soldiers arriving in the city were immediately forwarded in the direction of the Rappahannock, where the rebels, he was told, had gathered an army of forty thousand strong. The general impression among officers was that Gen. Lee would not leave his line of operations on the Potomac, the Confederates having enough men between Washington and Richmond to defend the latter city against any force which the Federal could bring against it.

The American question in France.

The Paris correspondence of the New York Herald is dated on the 26th ult. The letters were written before the news of the Maryland battles had reached the French capital. One of the correspondents states that, if the war is not ended by the 1st of January next, Napoleon, with England, is likely to recognize the Southern Confederacy and follow up the act by an armed intervention. He adds that the French Minister in Washington has been already instructed to report in reply to certain questions — forwarded to him by the previous mall — on the subject, his answers to shape, in a great measure, the course of the Imperial interference.--The writer says that the announcement of decisive Union victories in the meantime may tend to alter Napoleon's present plan of American policy.

The New York markets — Rise in gold and Breadstuffs.

The N. Y. Herald, of the 10th, says gold rose the day before to $1,26 ½ and exchange to $1,39½ Money was easy at 4@5. Government stock rose It adds:

‘ The most noticeable feature in the movements of produce yesterday was the decided rise in breadstuffs and provisions, owing to the rapid advance in sterling exchange. These movements are in part at triturable to the great change going on in the currency of the country. This is becoming almost daily more apparent, and extends its influence to nearly all kinds of merchandize, foreign and domestic. The transactions in breadstuffs and provisions were large and generally at higher prices. Flour advanced 10 per bbl., wheat full 3 and corn 1 per bushel. Pork was active and higher. Mess sold at $12@$12.25 and prime at $10.62@ $11.75. Sugars were steady, with sales of 927 hhds and 280 boxes. Cubes were unchanged, while New Orleans was about ½c. lower. Cotton was somewhat less firm especially for uneven lots. The sales embraced 700@800 bales, within the rather wide range of 54½c @55 ½c for middling uplands, chiefly at 55 @55½c.--Freights were easter but more active, especially for Liverpool, at the concession. Coffee was firmer, with sales of 3,000 bags, part of a cargo of Rio, at 24½ showing an advance of ½c. per lb.

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Gen Buell (9)
Braxton Bragg (9)
McCook (7)
James S. Jackson (4)
Terrell (3)
Spear (3)
McClellan (3)
Gilbert (3)
Crittenden (3)
H. G. Young (2)
George Webster (2)
Thomas (2)
Gustavus W. Smith (2)
Rosecranz (2)
Price (2)
Napoleon (2)
Maggie Mitchell (2)
Abraham Lincoln (2)
Hurlbut (2)
Hooker (2)
Dorn (2)
Burnside (2)
S. Williams (1)
Terred (1)
Sumner (1)
Sigel (1)
Sheridan (1)
Scott (1)
Rossen (1)
Rio (1)
Reno (1)
Porter (1)
Pope (1)
Pleasanton (1)
Peck (1)
Ord (1)
Munchausen (1)
Morgan (1)
Mansfield (1)
M'Clellan (1)
Lovell (1)
R. E. Lee (1)
Hardee (1)
Hamilton (1)
Franklin (1)
Dumont (1)
Christmas (1)
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Chamblien (1)
Breckinridge (1)
Americans (1)
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