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A tragedy in Georgia.

--Jasper Lovett, a soldier in the Confederate service, was murdered near Saundersville, Ga., last week by Moses Brown. The Saundersville Georgian, gives the following particulars of the tragedy:

‘ About seventeen months ago Lovettieft this county in one of the companies that was then going into service, leaving a wife and two children. Whether his wife had heard from him or not, we are unable to say; but she says she never expected him to return. Brown, a neighbor, and also a married man, professes to have conceived an ardent passion for her, which was reciprocated on the part of Mrs. L. The two proceeded to make arrangements to leave for a distant part of the country, when Lovett, who was wounded in one of the late battles, suddenly and unexpectedly to all parties, comes home. Upon the return of her husband, Mrs. L. repents of the step she was about to take and refuses to see Brown. Finding that she was not at home one day, he sends a messenger to her, begging to see her, but was positively refused. Becoming enraged he determined to take the life of her husband — believing if Lovett was dead their plans might still be carried out. For this purpose he goes home, gets his axe and goes over to Lovett's for the pretended purpose of grinding it. Lovett assisted Brown in grinding the axe. This being done. Brown stated to Lovett that he was going to split rails, and asked him to walk down in the woods with him, to which Lovett readily consented. After proceeding a short distance, Brown made it convenient to get behind Lovett, and as they walked along Brown struck him a blow on the back of the head, breaking in the skull and prostrating him at his feet. Fearing that Lovett might not be dead, he struck him another blow in the forehead. He then carried the body to a thicket, where he left it. He (Brown) then went home and confessed the whole matter to his wife. Lovett's absence being discovered and exciting alarm, search was made, but the body could not be found. As he was last seen with Brown, suspicion naturally fell upon him. On Saturday morning last he confessed the murder and discovered the body to those in search of it.--Brown is now in jail awaiting his trial.

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