Attack on the Charleston Railroad--Repulse of the enemy.
The following official dispatch was received yesterday:The Abolitionists attacked in force Pocotaligo and Coomwatchie yesterday. They were gallantly repulsed to their gunboats, at Mackey's Point and Bee's Creek Landing, by Col. W. S. Walker, commanding troops sent from here. The enemy had come in thirteen (1.7) transports and gunboats. --The Charleston Railroad is uninjured. The Abolitionists left their dead and wounded on the field.--Our cavalry are in hot pursuit.
(Signed) G. T. Beauregard,
General Commanding.
General Commanding.
[press Dispatches.]
Charleston, Oct. 23.
--The enemy advanced yesterday morning in two columns--one against Coosawhatchie, the other against Pocotaligo.--They were repulsed from Pocotaligo by our forces.
At Coosawhatchie they succeeded in gaining the railroad, but before they could do it much damage our troops came up and drove them off. The railroad and telegraph have already been mended, and are both in working order.
The enemy's gunboats are anchored below Coosawhatchie,
[second Dispatch.]
Charleston, Oct. 23.
--Information has just been received that the enemy has been driven to his boats.