Battle between Floyd and the enemy in Kentucky.
Capt. Stephen Halsey, of
Floyd's command, arrived at
Lynchburg on Sunday evening and reports that a fight occurred between a portion of
Floyd's command, about 300, and a force of the enemy, supposed to be about 400, at
Lawrence county, Ky., on Sunday, the 12th inst. The enemy was driven through the town and pursued about three miles.
Col. Wm. E. Peters, commanded on our side and received a painful wound in the leg.
Capt. Warfield Semmes was shot through the thigh, and
privates Hampton and
Ball were wounded, the latter supposed to be mortally, as he was shot through the lungs.
We captured 20 horses, 100 head of settle, and six prisoners.
Captain Halsey represents
Floyd's command as being well clad, well armed, with plenty of provisions, and in good spirits.