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Latest from the North.

We have received Northern papers of the 30th int. The news is not of great interest, and there has been no foreign arrival since the Australasian. We give the extracts below:

The advance of McClellan's army — they Find Lee and Stuart in an hour

The Washington Star, of Wednesday evening, says that the late copious rains have saved the Confederates the trouble of watching the fords across the Potomac, and that they are preparing to leave a position which exposes them to an attack in the rear. It says:

‘ It is believed in the front that Lee has divided his army into two large corps--one under Jackson and the other under Longstreet, and is leaving the region in which he has been posted since recrossing the river into Virginia.

From information received this forenoon, we believe that portions of Jackson's advance have crossed the Blue Ridge by the gap at Front Royal, while we are also satisfied that the force of eight thousand rebels, under Walker, known to have been for two days past at Upperville, are the advance of Longstreet's corps.

The expectation of the rebel Generals was probably to be able to make a successful dash at Sigel's corps at and around Centreville on their retreat toward; Gordonsville. Hence the appearance of their troops at the points indicated above.

We may not inappropriately add that our army of the Potomac is promptly in motion to meet these rebel movements; and Burnside and Fitz John Porter are already so close on the heels of Longstreet's army as that he will probably essay to retreat down the Valley rather than to advance further down in this direction.

A gentleman who left Pleasant Valley yesterday morning informs us that all the troops in and about Pleasant Valley moved on Sunday and Monday to wards Lovettsville. The advance is general along the entire line below Harper's Ferry. Gen. Sumner's corps remains at the latter point.

Our latest information from the army in front of Washington is up to 10 o'clock last night.

A Pennsylvanian, who left Warrenton on Sunday last, has reported 599 rebel cavalry and about 50 infantry at that place, and a small picket at New Baltimore. No troops this side of those points.--He reports that reinforcements are sent to Jackson's army up the valley.

A scout, then just in, reported about three hundred cavalry and three hundred infantry at Warrenton Junction — none at Drentsville. A deserter from the 10th battalion Georgia volunteers reported that the 40th North Carolina and 59th Georgia at rived as reinforcements for Jackson's army, at Culpeper on the 12th instant, poorly clad, and without shoes for the most part. They are armed with Enfield rifles. He has also reported about 2,000 troops at Gordonville; size, a great many wagons. He also says there are about 5,000 troops at Richmond, building fortifications about four miles north of the city.

Then he deserted the two infantry regiments at Culpeper had marching orders, by way of Flint Hill, he thinks, to Jackson's army. He believer Walker's is portion of Mill's) force at Upperville was only sent there to cover the right flank of Lee's army.

It was generally believed at Gordonsville that Fredericksburg was in the hands of the United States army. No reliable news in regard to Walker's force yet.

’ ‘ The rebels are picketing again very strongly on our front. Their videttes and two places of artillery, just this side of Charlestown, are visible from Bolivar Heights. They guard the line so vigilantly that no contrabands or refugees come through.--Yesterday they captured one of our pickets. No doubt is entertained about the falling back of the rebel army. McClellan and Burnside have moved their headquarters.

’ ‘ The rebel are picketing again very strongly on our front. Their vidette and two places of artillery, just this side of Charlestown, are visible from Bolivar Heights. They guard the line so vigilantly that no contrabands or refugees come through — Yesterday they captured one of our pickets. No doubt is entertained about the falling back of the rebel army. McClellan and Burnside have moved their headquarters.

’ A letter, dated opposite Shepherdstown, says:

‘ Two men belonging to Gen, Humphrey's division were shot dead while on picket yesterday. Ever since the capture of one of the rebel pickets the other night their pickets shoot at ours at every opportunity.

’ A dispatch, dated near Harper's Ferry, Wednesday night at 11 o'clock, shows that the rebels were not very far off, It says:

‘ No news of importance has been received from Gen, Pleasanton to-day. The news received to-day from the vicinity of the main body of the rebel army, shows that Hill, Jackson, and Hampton, are encamped between Martinsburg and Bunker Hill, the majority being near the latter place.

A request was made to day to remove the bodies of two soldiers buried near Shepherdstown but it was denied until the consent of Gen, Lee or Stuart could be obtained, which occupied an hour. --This shows that the leading rebel Generals are not a great distance from our lines, and that the rebel army has not yet retreated up the Shenandoah Valley. The rebels have sent their sick and wounded back to Staunton, evidently anticipating an early movement of the Army of the Potomac. It is believed that no large force of the enemy have crossed to the eastward of the Blue Ridge.

Alleged defeat of Guerilla Bands.

A dispatch from Gen. Curtis, dated at St. Louis, says 1,500 Confederates were defeated at Putnam's Henry, on the 27th, ‘--Killing several and taking over prisoners."’ The following is a dispatch from General Davis, (who killed Nelson,) at Columbus, Oh.

The expedition to Clarkson, Mo., 34 miles from New Madrid, under command of Capt, Roger Cook, of the 2d llinois Artillery, has been entirely successful in dispersing the guerillas, killing 10, wounding 2, and capturing Colonel Clark, in command, a Captain and 3 Lieutenants, 3 Surge one, 37 men, 70 round of arms, 42 horses, 13 mules and 2 Legroom, and a large quantity of ammunition — burning their barracks and magazines, and entirely breaking up the whole concern. No loss on our side.

The Row in Baltimore — Explanation of the cause--Gen'l Wool Too Lenient to the rebels.

The Baltimore papers explain the cause of the a difficulty between General Wool and the of that city. Some months ago a Union meeting was hold in Monument Square, and other proceedings appointed a committee, been was to continue in session as a sort of ‘"viginia sommittee,"’ to ‘"spot"’ and imprison the dis A good many suspected citizens were put rough by this committee, who felt emboldened through to tackle higher game, and evidence was taken by them implicating Gen. Wool, as far as saving shown favor to the Secessionists. The says:

‘ Tuesday evening the Vice-Presidents of the mass meeting were called together at the Temperance Temple to receive the report of the Committee of investigation, A number of these gentlemen accordingly assembled, the meeting was organized, and the committee proceeded to report the result of the investigation, and of their action at Washington. Whilst these proceedings were in progress, Major Jones, of Gen, Wool's staff, accompanied by several other officers and a Provest Guard of soldiers, appeared and at once seined the papers of the committee, which comprised not only the evidence taken under the orignal resolution, but also some dosuments ralating to the military government in this city.

Major Jones then ordered the arrest of the following persons, member of the Invevestigating Committee, who were present, viz: Alfred D. evans, Thos, H. Gardner, Col. T. R. Rich, and Thomas Sewall, Jr. He. also called the names of Henry. Stockdale, Amos McComas, John Woods, and Wm. Wysham, who were not present, and stated that he had orders for their arrest. The four persons arrested were taken to the Central Police Station and detained there.

The interference of the military authorities caused considerable excitement among the persons present and a vigorous denunciation of the act as an outrage from two or three, Those thus expressing themselves were also threatened with arrest, but were not finally molested. The arrests were made by order of Gen. Wool. The military force present belonged to the 13th Pennaylvania and the Purnell (Maryland) Cavalry.

About midnight some of the friends of the parties arrested procured a band of music and serenaded them at the police station, when one of them addressed these assembled from the window, denouncing Gen. Wool in the strongest terms.

The arrested parties in the morning were notified that they would be removed to Fort MeHenry. --Shortly after 10 o'clock a company of cavalry made its appearance at the station house, when the prisoners were placed in two hacks. Upon the appearance of the prisoners in the street the crowd which had assembled instily cheered the prisoners. The cavalcade was followed by the friends of the prisoners, and when at Gen. Wool a headquarters, on Holliday street, the crowd groaned Gen. Wool.--From headquarters the crowd followed the prisoners and their escort to the steamer Balloon, moored at Light street wharf.

At this point the excitement was intense, not less than three thousand persons being collected in the vicinity. The cheering and groaning manifestations were repeated and at one time it was thought that a collision would have occurred between the soldiers and the friends of the arrested. It was reported that the object in placing the prisoners on board of the steamer was to evade any attempt at a release upon a writ of habeas corpus. --The matter of arrest has caused the most intense excitement in the city.

Whilist the was lying at the wharf, Governor Bradford his appearance, and immediately rushed on board, demanding to see Col. Rich, one of the prisoners, who is one of the Governor's aids, The interview was of short duration, but the Governor, who appeared excited to a high degroe, assured the gentlemen in duress that they should very speedily be released. Shortly after the Governor left the boat, Major Jones ordered the Capaints to move off, and the boat, left the wharf and proceeded down the river, in answer to an inquiry as to the destination of the prisoners, Major Jones replied that he did not know.

Gov. Bradford, immediately after leaving the boat, sent a dispatch to President Lincoln informing him of the outrage, but up to the hour of closing this statement (1½ o'clock) received no reply.--There was considerable excitement manifested last night, large numbers of people assembling on Baltimore street, and dissussing the occurrences of the day in a very excited manner. There was no serious breach of the peace, however, to notice.

Gen. Wool, occompanied by a portion of his staff, visited Washington yesterday in answer to a summons to testify before the Commission appointed to examine into the surrender of Harper's Ferry. He returned to the city last night, and will leave again this morning. It was ascertained that he Lad had up communication with the President in relation to the above transaction, and that nothing had been done with the case by the authorities at Washington. He had an interview with General Haileck, but nothing of a definite nature transpired. Efforts were being made in Washington to obtain the release of the parties arrested, but so far without success.

This act of the commander of this Department is one of the most high handed outrages we have ever known — and in charity we can only suppose that the universal feeling on the part of the citizens of the State against the manner in which things have been managed in his Department, superadded to investigations growing out of the causes of the surrender of Harper's Ferry, acting upon the infirmities of extreme old age, have impaired the mind of the General — for surely taking this transaction in connexion with a similar arrest of the Rev. Mr. Hay, of Harrisburg, who has been brouht; to this city as a military prisener, for a recent publication in regard to the treatment of paroled prisoners &c., cannot have been saactioned by the mind of a sane man.

The Baltimore American has the following remarks upon the transaction:

’ ‘ Gen. Wool's action in regard to the arrests made has, it is understood, been fully sustained by the authorities at Washington, and a full and explicit investingation of the matter wid be made in the appointed manner, and at the proper time. In the meantime, Major-Gen. Wool, as commandant of the Midule Department, has expressed a determination not to suffer any one to violate the rules and regulations governing this military department, under whaterver guise they may; all in common must respect the military autherity according to the late proclamation of the President. He also expresses a determination to insts upon all charges brought against his administration of this military department being made in an official manner, and proceeded with by court of inquiry, or as the President may determine. He has anstained the civil authorities in the transaction of all State and city funations, and enforced to law and order by those known to be or suspected of disloyalty, and now deems it necessary to a hold accountable any citizen who may attempt to violate the laws regulating the administration of military affairs in the department of which he is conmmandant.

Rev. Charles A. Hay, of Harrisburg Pa. made the charge of ‘"lenlency"’ against Gen. Wool, and was immediately arrested and carried to Baltimore, where, after publishing a card retracting it, he was released. Tho Baltimore American says:

‘ In an interview with Gen. Wool on Monday, he assured us that the wounded prisoners brought to this city are under the control of the Medical Director--that the rebel officers who are so often seen on our streets are sent here from the Army of the Potomac on parole, and free to go where they please; but that he has compelled them whenever he has been able to find them, to start at once for Fortress Monros. We were also assured that those parties who have been arrested on charges of disloyalty and released by him, have invariably been required to take the oath of alleglance, their assertions to the contrary notwithstanding.

In the course of convercation we freely stated to Gen. Wool such of the complaints made against his administration as we had heard frequently rumored through the city, most of which he declared to be unfounded. He also declared that the assertions of Secessionists, that he had granted them favors that were denied to Union men are false. The loyal citizens have no favors to ask of him, and the fact that his office is thouged with Secessionists seeking favors, he says, is no evidence that one in a hundred that are asked are granted.

Federal account of the fight at Pocotaligo — a Defent acknowledged, but the object of the ‘"Reconnolssance--’ gained.

The New York papers have full particulars of the battle of Pocotaligo, The Federal troops engaged were portions of the 47th, 55th, and 76th Pennsylvania regiments; 3d and 4th New Hampshire; 6th and 7th Connectiont; 3d Rhode Island; 1st Masschusetts Cavalry; Company E, U. S. Artillery; 48th New York Volunteers; New York Volunteer Engineers, and a section of Lieut. Henry's battery of 1st U. S. Artillery. The troops left Hilton Head on the night of the 21st, in nine gunboats and six transport, and landed at Mackey's Point the next morning. The subsequent events are thus narrated by a correspondent of the New York Times:

‘ The line of march was taken up soon after ten the section of Lieut, Henry's battery being at the head of the column, with skirmishers of the 47th Pennsylvania regiment. Advancing slowly over an admirable road for seven miles, we fatied, during the march, of encountering the enemy, who had prudently recolled from a meeting until it should take place beyond the range of our gunboats, although the nature of the ground over which we passed afforded many excellent positions for defence.

The read alternated through dense woods and through marches, only passable over a narrow causeway, save at one or two points. Choosing a position at the opposite and of this causeway, the enemy opened a furious fire of shell and canister on our advancing column which was promptly met by the battery under Lieut Henry. Immediately the order was given by Ge. Brannan for his brigade to form line of battle, the centre resting on the causeway. After a brisk of both musketry and artillery, the rebels retied to the dense woods in their rear, tearing up the causeway bridge which delayed the advance of our artillery until it could be repaired. Meanwhile the First brigade pressed on to the woods, which they penetrated, driving the enemy before tham, and closely followed by the Second brigade, under Gen Terry, who came up with a cheer and were quickly in the engagement. Here the fight, it may be said, fairly commenced — the enemy's sharpshooters picking off our men rapidly. The artillery fire from our side was not slackened while the bridge was being repaired, and it was not long before the batteries went forward to the work in support of the infantry.

This action began between 12 and 1, and lasted about an hour, ending in the retreat of the rebels to another position at Frampton's plantation, which lies two miles beyond. The enemy were closely followed, and after a fight more hotly contested than the first, our troops were again victorious, the second time driving the rebels from their well chosen position, and two miles beyond, which brought them up to Pocotaligo Bridge, (not the railread bridge,) over which they crossed, taking sheiter behind earthworks on the farthest side. To this point our troops nearty approached, but found further progress impossible, as the bridge had been out by the enemy on his retreat. This fact we construc into a clear acknowledgment of his defeat.

Although these events are thus briefly noted, it required upward of five hours of impetuous and gailant fighting to accomplish them. At no one time was the entire field of combat in view from a given point; and I, therefore, find it impossible to speak in detail of the operations of my own regiment. Both brigades participated in the action, and both Generals Brannan and Terry were constantly under fire, leading and directing the move ments of their men, awakening enthusfasm by their personal bravery and the skillful manner in which they manœsuvred their commands. Frequently, while the fight was progressing, we heard the whistles of the railroad trains, notifying us of reinforcements for the rebels, both from Charleston and Savannah; and even if we had had facilities for crossing the river, it would have been unwise to have made the attempt in view of these circumstances Gen. Brannan, therefore, ordered are treat, which was conducted in a most orderly manner; the regiments rtiring in successive lines, carrying off their dead and wounded, and leaving no army or ammunition on the field.

Of the exact force of the rebals, of course we know nothing, although Gen. Brannan was of the opinion that it equalled our own, Certainly their artillery execeded ours by four or five pieces, and this we have from the seven prisoners we have taken, one of whom, Wm, Judd, belonged to company B, 2d South Carolina cavalry, whose horse was also captured. The prisoners informed us that Gen. Beauregard commanded in person.

The rebel fire was from the first well directed and well maintained. It was hot and terrible beyond anything, ever saw before, except, perhaps, that at James island.

The official report of the Federal loss is 46 killed, five missing, and 281 wounded. The 47th Pennsylvanla alone, out of 600 into action, lost 150 killed and wounded. The Yankee report closes with this consolatory paragraph;

Although the mam object of the expedition falled of success, yet we made a thorough reconnoissance of the heretofore unknown Broad river and its tributaries.

The States Dest — letter from Secretary Chase.

Secretary Chase has written a letter to the President of the Revere Bank, Boston, contradicting the general impression that the U. S. Government does not intend to redeem the 4 per cent, and 5 per cent temporary deposits in money. He says:

‘ The idea that they are to be paid in anything but money, however, is only about as absurd and groundiess as the atatement that the national debt amounts to two thousand millions of dollars; and, yet this statement was gravely put forth in the leading resolution of the Conservative Convention, which met the other day in Faneuil Hall. On the day that resolution was adopted the national debt amounted to less than six hundred and forty millions of dollars. I wish I had thought of it, and I would have obtained the precise figures at the Department before I came down, (I am writing at may house,) and I would have given them to you. Sixhundred and forty millions, compared with what we have to show for the expenditure of our part of it--seventy odd millions, yor know, was the legacy of the Buchanan administration — is bad enough.--I certainly do not contemplate it with complacency. With still less complacency do I contemplate its in crease actual since the resolution was adopted and prospective for the year, * * * * * at the rate of a million and a quarter a day. But still six hundred and forty millions is not two thousand millions, nor do I think it wise or patriotic to say two thousand, when six hundred and forty represents the truth. It was said, doubtless, by mistake.

The Winder Habeas corpus case.

The fact that a writ of habeas corpus had been issued at Boston in the case of Mr. William H. Winder, a prisoner at Fort Warren, has been reported. The Boston Traveller, of Tuesday evening, says:

Mr. Winder was arrested in September, fourteen months since, by order of Secretary Cameron. He has corresponded with the Departments, which have twice offered him freedom if he would take the oath of allegiance to our country, both of which he refused.

The opening commenced by Mr. Biddle presenting his request to the Judge that the writ of habeas corpus might be issued, Judge Crifford read the petition of Mr. Winder for release, giving the history of his arrest and detention. In this he states that several months after he was arresied he wrote to Secretary Cameron, who denied that he was arrested by his authority and taken to Fort Lafayette and thence to Boston.

The Judge proceeded also to say, that though he was originally arrested on a warrant issued by a United States Commissioner, yet he was discharged from that warrant, and there did not appear to be any subsequent reason for holding him beyond a telegraphic dispatch from Washington, which was not a formal written order; and the other circumstances of the case, connected with the fact that the Secretary of War utterly denied having caused the arrest, led the Court to order that a writ of hebeas corpus issue, returnable forthwith, that cause may be shown as to the reasonableness or justice of his defention.

’ A telegram from Boston, dated the 29th, says that the writ of habeas corpus in the case of Winder was not served. It was addressed to Col. Dimmick, commander of Fort Warren, and the Deputy U. S. Marshal who consented to serve the writ was refused a pass to the fort without a permit from Col. Dimmick.

New York money Market.

The New York Journal of Commerce, of Wednesday afternoon, the 29th, thus speaks of financial matters in that city on Tuesday:

‘ There is a general disappointment, it would appear, at the effect of the brokers' action in reference to gold, but there need not have been. The whole movemant was set on foot by speculators, who were aided by some who really thought to do the Government and the people a service, but who made a great mistake in the operation. Now, let the board restore gold to the list, and we shall have lower quotations than can be continued under any other circumstances.

Gold sold to day at 131½@132¼, mostly at 131½@132. Silver is in demand at 125@128. Old demand no have gone up to 127½@128.

Foreige exchange has not been active, most of the drawers of sterling asked 145½@146 for 60 day bills, but this was above the views of buyers. We quote: Bills at 60 days on London 14½@14½ for documentary;143½@141½ for commercial; 14½@145½ for bankers' with some asking 146; do, at short sight 145 ½@146¼ Paris at 60 days 3,96@8,85; do. at short sight sight 3,85@ 3,82;½; Antwerp. 3,92@3,87½; Swiss 3,87½@3,85; Hamburg 47½ @48½ Amsterdam 54½@55½, Frankfort 55½@56; Bremen 103@ 105; Prussian thalers 96@98.

The stock market was a little unsettled, and some descriptions made a decided turn downward, but there was a stronger market late in the afternoon.

The total receipts to-day at the sub-treasury were $232,717 35; total payments $881,237 84; leaving a balance on hand in specie and demand notes of $5,365,001 40. The receipts for duties to-day at the custom house were $115,763 53, all of which were in demand notes.

The exports (exclusive of specie) from the city of New York to foreign ports, for the week ending October 27, amounted to $5,005,026, previously reported, $119,040,027--total since the 1st of Janly, $124,045,063.


There was unusual bustle at the Brooklyn Navy-Yard Tuesday, in consequence of the arrival from New York of the steamship Vanderbilt, now converted into a man-of-war, and intended to capture the ‘"299."’ Port-holes have been bored, and all the weak points of the ship made sound and solid. She is as strong in every part as a regular navy-built vessel, and is swifter than any of those in the Navy. The deck beams are as firm as the Monitor's and the spars are equally as invulnerablo. Orders have been received from the Navy Department to fither out for sea at once.

Gen. Morgan's division, which held Cumberland Gap for so weeks, passed through Gallepolis, on the way to the scene of active operations in Western Virginia, on the 23d October. The force has been enttrely reclothed and paid. Mush dissatisfaction has prevailed among the Rast Tennessee ans, in the division, at having been ordered away from their homes; but the officers of the different regiments succeeded in appeasing the discontent which was felt. Parson Brownlow met the brigade at Portland, Ohio, and addressed it briefly.

The tug Leslie arrived in Washinton on Wednesday from the lower Potomac, bringing up Thos.Hannon, James J. Swann, Augustus Howell, J. H. Parsons, R. B. Dorsey, and F. Thornton, who were recently captured near Brittain's Bay, attempting to cross into Virginia. They are all young men, hailing from Prince George's and Charles counties, and were escaping from the draft.

The St. Louis Republican learns that Col. Chipman, Chief of Gen. Curtis's Staff, who is on a tour of inspection in Kansas, recently attended a council of over one thousand Indian refugees at Le Roy. O-po-the to he-lo was the leading spirit. The Indians Insist on fighting the rebel Indians in their own way.

Louis A. McKenzie, Mayor of Alexandria, has been presented with a gold-headed cane by officers of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, for attentions to that regiment

The Washington Agent of the Associated Press says the recent letter of Seward's nephew to his uncle, published in the Richmond Dispatch, is a forgery. Of course he dare not say anything else.

Judge Carmichael, of Md., has been released from Fort Delaware by order of the Secretary of War.

Five steamers were burnt at St. Louis on the 27th, with hemp on board. Total loss $175,000.

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