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Proceedings in the Courts.

Mayor's Court, Friday, Nov. 7
--Patrick, slave of Andrew Antoni, was brought up for trial, for having, on Thursday night, about 10 o'clock, been caught by the watch with ten pounds of candy, sugar, almonds, &c., in his possession, with which he was making an attempt to reach Exchange Alley. The property belonged to his master. Twenty lashes were awarded in this case Fifteen stripes were ordered to be administered to Robert, slave of J. R. Anderson, for stealing wood from off the Basin bank, Thursday morning, about 4 o'clock.

The case of E. Hunter Taliaferro, charged with forging sundry checks and Treasury warrants of the State of Virginia for the payment of $14,000, was called, and continued until Thursday next, on account of the absence of important witnesses.--Prisoner was admitted to ball in the sum of $2,000 for his appearance, J. M. Taliaferro and G. J. Seammell becoming bound as his sureties.

Alexander Askew, hailing from Hanover, was arraigned for lying on the sidewalk of Main street Thursday night, and encumbering the thoroughfare. The Mayor said he must pay a fine of $1--Askew, confessing his utter impecuniosity on the occasion, was relieved from his embarrassment by several charitable persons present, who subscribed the necessary amount, and let him go on his way rejoicing.

John Lowell, a mulatto, was arraigned for impudence to Thomas Feltner, baker, and Thomas Addison, watchman. of the Spotswood House.--Lowell represented himself as servant to Colonel Casey, of Kentucky. Feltner proved that Lowell tried to occupy his bed Thursday night, and when the watchman was called he turned off the gas, ran in a room, barred the door and continued his abuse He was ordered twenty lashed, and committed for inquiry into his status.

The watchmen on Thursday night made a descent on a house in Locust alley, between Main and Franklin sts., kept by Bell Jones, in search of persons having ‘"no visible means of support,"’ and there fore vagrants and candidates for the chain-gang.--The watchmen, during the raid, captured Belle Jones. Madame du Maison, Laura Bella Roane, Mary Ann Godfrey, Emeline Rodgers, and Kate Mills, and their visitors, young men of various degrees of good and bad looks, giving the names of Wm B Freeman, J. J. Nicholas John Manning, Thos Carroll, Daniel Carroll, Thos. Murphy, Daniel Ryan, Benjamin G Page, B. M. Bear, and Jas. W. Finch. All were committed in default of security for their good behavior.

Circuit Court of Chester field County, Monday, Nov. 6th.--Present: Hon. Thomas S. Gholson, Judge. Edward Sears was set to the bar at the Court House in Manchester to day, for trial on the charge of murdering his wife by poison, administered several months since. The evidence being given in, and the argument of counsel heard, the case was given to the jury, who, after a brief retirement, returned into Court, and reported through their foreman that they had agreed upon a verdict finding the prisoner guilty of murder in the second degree, and ascertaining his term of imprisonment at 18 years in the Penitentiary. Sentence was passed by the Judge in accordance with the above finding.

J. B Ferguson was then arraigned for the murder, seven months since, of John Jewett, engineer of the Coalfield Railroad, by shooting him to death with a shot-gun while standing on his engine.

Recorder's Court.--Simon, slave of Mrs Matilda F. Denny, was brought before Recorder James K. Caskie, yesterday, at the City Hall, to undergo examination on the charge of having, on the 1st of November, on Byrd street, dangerously wounded Mary Haley and Margaret Keneday, two children, aged respectively nine years, by discharging at them the contents of a loaded gun. The examination was heard before the Recorder because first brought before him in the absence of the Mayor.--The two girls were not present, the wounds received by them precluding any such idea, both being badly injured. The case was continued until Monday. Simon did not look like a vicious d key, and it is said that the evidence will establish the fact that he was only ‘"fooling,"’ and had no intention to commit an offence when he discharged the gun in the direction he did.

Called Courts.--A special session of the Hustings Court will convene to-day, at 11 o'clock, at the City Hall, to examine severally into the cases of Wm. E. Jones, charged with killing H. Snow on Broad street last Sunday; Francis Fawley, for robbing J. B. Randall, a paroled soldier, of $19.30, on the 2d of November, at one of the hospitals, and James Jones, for stealing a trunk and contents belonging to Capt. J. G. Hawthorn, near the Danville Depot, one night last week.

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