Important from the Southwest--Confederate Victory in Tennessee--Capture of eighteen hundred Federal prisoners.
The following official dispatch was received at the
Adjutant General's office this morning:
Murfreesborough, Dec. 8th, 1862.--An expedition sent under
acting Brigadier General John H. Morgan, attacked an outpost of the enemy at
Hartsville, on the
Cumberland, yesterday morning, killed and wounded two hundred, captured eighteen hundred prisoners, two places of artillery, and two thousand small arms, and all other stores at the position.
On the previous day a small foraging train was captured by
Gen. Wheeler, near
Nashville, with fifty prisoners, and on the 5th Col
Reddy's Alabama cavalry also captured a train near
Corinth, with an escorts and a number of negroes.
Our loss at
Hartsville was about 125 killed and wounded. None is either of the other places.