
From Fredericksburg — the movements of the enemy.

The news yesterday received from the recent field of battle fully confirms the statement of the withdrawal of the entire force of the enemy from the front of our lines, and leaves little doubt that his forces are seeking another point at which to make an attack. This movement by Burnside, we are satisfied, is well understood by our able commanding General, and will be met with that promptness which so effectually checked the enemy's advance at Fredericksburg on Saturday.

Parties who left Summit Station yesterday represent that the enemy, in force, had been seen on the Northern side of the Rappahannock in King George county, nearly opposite Port Royal, and that the impression prevailed that they would attempt a passage of the river at that point, under cover of their gunboats. We are not sufficiently acquainted with the topography of that section to state whether or not it is favorable to their operations.

The train which came down last night brought to the city 200 of our wounded, 40 sick, and 11 wounded Yankees. A member of the Ambulance Committee, from this city, who returned on this train, says that 450 of the enemy's wounded would be at Summit Station this morning, and will be brought down as soon as transportation can be obtained for them. The last of our own wounded reached this city in the trains of yesterday.

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