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Proceedings of the Courts.

Mayor's Court, Monday, Dec. 22.
--Recorder Caskie presiding — Michael Sweeney, charged with stealing a horse worth $200 from Thomas Johnston, was sent to the chain gang in default of security.

Robert McNantan, charged with using insulting language to Michael McRoss, was discharged, the plaintiff not appearing.

Wm. H. Bennett, charged with being drunk and disorderly in the street was held to ball in the sum of $200 for his future good behavior.

Priscilla Reed, slave of James Halsey, and Lucy Brown, slave of the same, were committed to jail for going at large.

Wm. Isaacs, a man of color, with no papers, was ordered ten lashes and committed as a runaway. --He had on his person, when captured, a large knife.

Emeline, slave of Erasmus Taylor, charged with stealing a number of articles, amounting in the aggregate to a felony, from Bill Scott, was discharged, there being no proof of the charge.

Andrew Lydeer in the city with Louisiana papers, was discharged with instructions to leave.

Jacob, slave of Robert J. Wilson, charged with going at large, was committed as a runaway.

James Pearce was fined three dollars for being drunk and lying on the sidewalk.

Wm. Gray, free, living in the city with Amelia papers, was ordered twenty lashes.

Ned Brown, colored, was ordered twenty-five lashes for receiving a quantity of stolen wood.

James Webster, charged with being drunk and stealing a foot-mat from Miss Bell Mitchell, was sentenced to 90 days in the chain gang and committed to jail in default of $200 security.

A large number of colored individuals, charged with creating and being with an unlawful assembly, were admonished and discharged.

J. Hawdy, charged with being drunk and firing a pistol in the streets, was discharged.

Berry Amos, charged with feloniously receiving a horse of the value of $200, stolen from Jefferson Renney, was discharged, the proof being altogether insufficient to prove the offence. Amos was sent before the Provost Marshal as a probable deserter from the army.

Hustings Court.--This tribunal did no business of public importance yesterday. A few unlawful detained cases were called and disposed of.

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