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The Yankees at Yorktown.

The following is an extract of a news letter from Yorktown, Va:

‘ The troops stationed here are under Major General E. D. Keves, commanding 4th Army Corps, and are well quartered in comfortable tents and huts, Among the number are some Pennsylvania militia, including the regiment from Montgomery county, (179th) The other day I witnessed this regiment on dress parade; they looked hale and hearty, and made a martial appearances.

The 65th regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (5th cavalry) Lt. -Col. Lewis commanding is stationed about six miles from this place. This regiment has done, and is still doing all the picket duty on the Peninsula guarding this important post.

The country shows the effects of the war; not a sense is to be seen: almost every plantation is deserted, and nothing but a few bricks show the spot once occupied by the mansions of the aristocratic F. F. V. s. those interesting specimens of presumption having field at the approach of our army, and as soldiers do not pay much regard to the property of rebels, the buildings disappear in less than no time.

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