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Robbery extraordinary

--A Warning to Railroad Travelers.--The Savannah Republican relates the following par of a late robbery on the Georgia Central Railroad, which is fully up to the cutly spirit of the times:

‘ It appears that a gentleman from Sumter county was for a supper at the Brown House, when a young man standing by observed that he had a considerable amount of money on his person. He soon commenced conversation with the stranger, ascertained that he was to take the Central Railroad cars that night, and expressed great satisfaction, as he was going that way himself. He become very cozy with his new and unwary acquaintance, went aboard the cars with him, and they took seats together. They chatted merrily along until the cars had passed Grisweldville, when the young men proposed to go to the hinder car, where he had left his carpet bag with a friend, and take a drink of liquor.

The Sumter county man, being "a little dry," ready consented. The two passed out of the car whilst the train was going at full speed, and on reaching the platform and closing the door they were joined by a third party. The two, without warning, took violent hold of the stranger, evidently by preconcert, and dashed him from the train. The two argues then quietly returned to their seats in the car. On reaching Gordon they left he train and footed back six miles to their victim, whom they found lying at the foot of the embankment with a ghastly wound across the face, his thigh broken, and wholly unable to offer any resistance. They went to work and robbed him of his pocket book, containing $16.0 his papers knife, tobacco, and indeed everything except his clothing. The scoundrels then decamped, leaving him to his fate. Next day he was discovered and taken to Gordon, where medical assistance was called in and his family sent for.

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