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The sufferings of Virginia.

--The Jackson Mississippian, commenting on a letter describing the destruction of property in Virginia by the enemy, says:

‘ It is mournful to read of the devastation of the old homesteads of the glorious Old Dominion. Her people have suffered and endured more than all others in the Confederacy put together, and yet the subline patience and patriotism continued to be exhibited by them without a parallel in history. When years have rolled by and the actors and witnesses of this eventful war have been long crumbled into dust, the sale of Virginia's trials and sufferings — of her faithfulness in adversity, her indomitable perseverance and gallantry in the field, will present a page which will foster a love for independence in the hearts of posterity as long as time lasts, and furnish a bright example to the votaries of freedom to the remotest ages of civilization.

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