
Congress on Saturday.

In the Senate, Mr. Clay, of Ala, reported a bill for the conscription of aliens in the Confederate States; House bill to prevent frauds on the Quartermasters' and Commissaries' Department and the obtaining under false pretences, transportation for private property, was reported with a substitute; the act to convert the 1st Regiment of S. C. infantry into the 2d Regiment S. C. Artillery, which had been vetoed by the President, was called, and advocated by Messrs. Orr and Wigfall, and opposed by Mr. Phelan. It was passed by two-thirds of the Senate — ayes 18, noes 5. The Senate then went into secret session.

In the House a bill was passed increasing the pay of non-commissioned officers and privates in the Confederate States army four dollars per month.

A bill to punish forgery and counterfeiting was also passed.

Also, a bill to amend the law in regard to copyrights.

At the time of adjournment the House was engaged in the consideration of the bill to provide payment for property heretofore impressed.

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