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The situation in Tennessee.

The Winchester (Tenn.) Bulletin has some items giving the situation in Tennessee. It says:

Gen. Forrest captured on Wednesday, the 25th inst, at Brentwood, midway between Nashville and Franklin, eight hundred Yankees, with their arms and ammunition, destroyed a tremendous amount of commissary stores, burnt railroad bridges, tore up the track, and brought off seventeen loaded wagons. This is official. It was a brilliant affair, and accompanied with a loss of only three men on our side. The prisoners were brought safely off although captured thirty miles inside the Yankees lines. Three times huzza for Forrest and his brave command.

The breezes of East Tennessee come singing of victory. Gen. Humphrey Marshall has captured the notorious East Tennessee renegade and bridge burner, General Carter, and his whole command, somewhere between Cumberland Cap and Bourbon county, Ky. Col. Jenkins also surrounded and captured the 14th Kentucky regiment, of the Federal army.

From Kentucky comes news of open resistance to the Lincolnites. The Democrats and Unionists of Columbus had a fight, in which 400 are said to be killed and wounded. This is perhaps exaggerated but it is vouched for as to us.

Trenton in the western part of this State, is said to have been burned by the vandals, and they destroyed the railroad between Humboldt and Columbus. They are reported to be evacuating West Tennessee.

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