
The News from Charleston.

Much interest will be felt to day for further news from Charleston. On Monday last seven iron clads attempted to cross the bar in the morning, but for some cause or other were unable to enter the harbor. In the evening it was ebb tide and the attempt was not renewed. Yesterday morning the trial was again made and with success, but after getting inside they did not venture in reach of our batteries. Our iron clads went out and now lie between them and out forts, and immediately under our guns, so that when they approach they will be under the concentrated fire of the Chicora, Palmetto State, and all our batteries. The attempt to come further will hardly be made at night, though if it in the harbor is sufficiently lighted to expose it. Four iron clads and twenty transports are said to have run up the North Edisto River, a few miles below the city, and several hundred contrabands are said to be landed and fortifying on Cole's Island, which is the key to the Stono. These movements if true, confirm the general belief that the enemy's land attack will be made at a point South of Charleston, with a view of obtaining the mastery of James Island, which is within easy shelling distance of every portion of the city.

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