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The War!

New York papers, of the 20th instant, contain some intelligence of interest.

Affairs in Suffolk.

The latest intelligence from Suffolk is contained in a telegram from Fortress Monroe, dated the 17th inst., which we give:

Yesterday afternoon the enemy drove back our skirmishers on the Summerton road, which is Gen. Corcoran's front, and opened on Fort Union with two pieces of artillery. Our forts at once replied to them, and drove them back. Our skirmishers on the South Qury road drove the enemy back some miles from our lines.

Deserters say the enemy intend to make an attack this week. Guerillas prowled about our flanks yesterday, killing one man, and cut the telegraph wires, which were soon repaired. Both railroads between Suffolk and Norfolk are in running order and amply guarded by cavalry patrols. No letters are now allowed to be sent forward by flag of truce except to prisoners of war.

A dispatch from Washington says that the chief of the rebel General French's staff was captured on the Nansemond river on the 17th by Lieutenant Cushing of the steamer Commodore Barney. The same dispatch says:

‘ The steamer Baltimore arrived at the navy yard this morning from Fortress Monroe, bringing further particulars of the affair on the Nansemond.

’ The Mount Washington was towed to Newport News, where she will be repaired. She received two shuts in her boiler, and several struck her engines damaging them considerably. For woodwork is pierced through and through. One of the Minnesota's session, temporarily on the Mount Washington, was killed, but none of the men belonging to her were injured so as to keep them from duty, although many were struck by firing splinters and slightly hurt. The plot of the steamer Stepping Stones lost one of his legs.

The gunboats in the Nansemond have received a reinforcement of gunboats from the Potomac flotilla in order to keep the Nansemond clear of rebel batteries.

Gen. Corcoran has written a letter to Col. Hawkins, commanding the N. Y. Zouaves, explaining his killing Lt. Col. Kimbal, of that regiment. He says he was proceeding at 2 o'clock A. M. to the front to get some troops under arms, and adds:

When I arrived opposite the hospital of my brigade, an officer, whose rank I could not recognize, (the night being very dark,) and whom I judged to be such only from the fact of his having a sword, rushed out in front of me and ordered a halt — Halting, I asked if it was Dr. Garth, (one of the Surgeons of the Irish Legion) and was answered by another order to halt with the additional remark, "it is none of your — business; I want the countersign." Perceiving it was not the Doctor, I requested to know the object of his halting me and his name, rank and authority but could not obtain any other reply than it was none of my — business. I repeated the question several times, and received similar answers, with the exception that the countersign was not demanded more than once and he "you cannot pass here" I expostulated with him upon such conduct and told him to remember that he was not on duty, and had no right to be there and stop me from proceeding and that he must let me pass. I asked him if he knew whom he was talking to, and then gave him my name and , telling him also that I was going to the front under orders, and even my business — there; but it was of no avail. He answered, or do not care a — who you are" I again told him that I should pass, and we had him several times to get out of my way and attempted to proceed. He, thereupon, put himself in a determined attitude to prevent my progress, and brandishing his sword in our hand and having his other on a pistol (and then supposed,) made a movement toward his with the evident to using them, and at the same time stated--"I will be — if you shall." It was at this point that I . It seemed that the more endeavored to persuade the more obstinate he became. Nothing but the consideration that my life was in doings — which I had every reason to feat — and the duty that was incumbent upon me at that particular time, when an attack upon our lines was apprehended would have justified me in my own mind in taking the measure I then did. As a soldier of lot guerillas, I am convinced that you will recognize the necessity and lawfulness of the act, however much you may regret that it was caused by one of your flanker, and none for although I had never before seen Col. Kimball, that I am aware of I had learned to respect him for his gallantry in several engagements of the present war.

Reports from Washington City.

The Washington dispatches, of the 10th, contain some matters of interest — among them the following:

‘ Yesterday morning at daylight, the rebel cavalry — some of Mosby's fares — took Mr. Sherman from his house, near Drainesville, and securing him of giving information to the Federals, hung him.--It is thought that the Government will retaliate for the hanging of Detective Sherman by summarily executing Captain Powers and a civilian in the old Capitol prison, against whom evidence is said to be concessive of their being spies.

Ex-Gov. Hicks, of Maryland, new here, states that a secret organization has been unearthed in one of the counties of that State, sworn to join the Confederacy at a favorable opportunity.

Washington N. C. Reinforced — Escape of Foster from the place.

The United States steamer Enost left Newbern on the 15th inst., and succeeded in passing the Confederate batteries on the river, and reaching Washington. She had on board the 5th Rhode Island regiment. On her refuse, on the 16th, Gen. Foster took passage in her for Newbern. She was struck 18 times by the Confederate batteries, and her upper works riddled by the sharpshooters. , a native of North Carolina, her pilot, was killed. One of the shots of the enemy — a twelve pounder Whitworth — passed directly through the berth which had just been vacated by Gen. Foster, and one of the connecting rods above the cylinder , indenting and bending it so as to render it almost useless. Gen. Heckman's brigade, from Hilton Hond, a part of the force used in the "" of Charleston, had arrived at Newbern.

The Knights of the Golden Circle — Riots in Indiana.

A serious riot occurred at a Union meeting in Brown county Indiana, on Saturday, by which one man lost his life. It appears that a few members of the Knights of the Golden Circle made a raid upon the meeting, armed with guns and revolvers, and had a metre. They were arrested by the police, one of them, a Mr. Lonie Prosser, being severely wounded. Another affair of the same kind occurred at Danville, Indiana, the same day, in which one man was mortally wounded and several others tens seriously. Indiana appears to be the headquarters of the belligerent portion of the Knights. The General commanding has issued orders declaring the K. G. C.'s to be public enemies, and to be dealt with as such. He also can time people against the use of "Battermitt" and "Copperhead" badges.

The French in Mexico.

The advices from the city of Mexico are to the 1st instant:

The French bombarded Publia ten days, and were repulsed thrice. The fortification of San Javier were rendered untenable by shells from rifled guns. The Mexicans withdrew, and the French occupied them on the 31st of March, taking 159 prisoners. The French held the outside fortifications around all the city. The bombardment was continued at the latest date. The principal fortifications still hold out. Forey's headquarters we were the Church of Santiago inside the .

Comonfort was at St. Martin with 10,000 troops Ortega is at Pechia with 25,000. The French have cut the communications between Ortega and Comonfort.

The French strength is 26,000, and 5,000 Mexicans under Marquez. Their base of supplies is Anussac. Reinforcements daily arrive from Vera Cruz. There are 20,000 Mexican troops in the city of Mexico.


It was reported that the Monitor, after repairing at Port Royal, would sail for New Orleans to aid in an attack on Vicksburg and Port Hudson.

There was great excitement in Nashville on the 19th, on the reported approach of Van-Dorn. The ordnance department have issued arm; to all the employees in the quartermaster's department by order of Gen. Recessus.

A letter in the New York World, dated before Vicksburg, the 17th, says:

‘ "We grieve that we cannot find more words of comfort, but to our eyes the fail of Vicksburg looks further distant than ever. The men are in improved health, but hundreds have died here, hundreds more will ere they reach their homes."

Col. Ambrose Thompson, of New York, inspector of the Army of the Potomac at headquarters, has been placed in command of the important post of Aquia, Va.

Gen. was several weeks ago ordered to report to Gen. Wright for service in the Pacific Department.

There was much excitement in Cincinnati on the 19th, caused by a negro knocking down a crippled soldier. An excited crowd gathered in the locality, and several negroes were badly beaten.

Gold was quoted in New York on the

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