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Murder in Wise county.

--On Thursday, of last week, Samuel Newberry, while attending the funeral of his mother, in Wise county, Va., was shot and killed by Col. Menifee, formerly an officer in the Virginia State Line. The Abingdon Virginian gives the following circumstances:

Col. Menifee rode up to a residence at Guest's Station, where the mother of Mr. Newbery was lying a corpse. He approached Mr. N. in a friendly manner, asking him to step aside, as he wished to have a few words with him. They walked off together to the distance of about seventy yards from the house, when Col. Menifee shot him with a pistol, killing him instantly, and then mounting, made his escape. A difficulty occurred between the parties some months ago, growing out of certain depredations said to have been committed by Colonel Menifee upon citizens of Wise county. Mr. New berry was his Quartermaster, and charged that property had been wrongfully taken from loyal citizens. Col. Menifee defended the procedure by stating that the persons whose property he had taken were disloyal, and had fled to Kentucky; that some of them had subsequently returned, taken the cath of allegiance to the South, and that to such he had restored their property. This is said to have been the ground of their difficulty. --But no circumstances, it seems to us, could justify the act as committed. The murdered man was attending his mother's funeral, was met and saluted in a friendly manner by his assailant and murdered without warning or without being prepared for defence. Col. Menilice made his escape to Bristol, where he took the cars, having previously procured transportation to Vicksburg it was his declared intention before he left, to go to Europe.--The friends of Mr. Newbury have offered a reward of $1,000 for his apprehension

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