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Latest from the North.
[from our own Reporter.]

Fredericksburg, April 28.
--I have received the Washington Chronicle of Monday, the 27th, and send you the following summary of its news. It says:

‘ The news from Missouri is exciting. The rebel divisions of Marmaduke and Burbridge, numbering 8,000, the whole command under Price, advanced on Cape Girardean and demanded its surrender. The demand being refused, they attacked the place, but after three hours severe fighting they were handsomely repulsed. The rebels then took a new position, and at the latest accounts were preparing to assault our works. Our troops have been reinforced, and two gunboats have arrived there to aid them. Gen. MeNeil, of Missouri, is in command, and he feels confident of whipping the rebel General. A later dispatch received from Gen. McNeil says the rebels are retreating. Our loss is less than twenty killed and wounded.

Gen. Banks defeated the rebels on the night of the 17th at Vermiltion bayou, about 60 miles west by south of Baton Rouge, driving them after a hard fight, taking over 1,000 prisoners--whole companies at a time. The rebels destroyed ten steamboats and two gunboats to prevent their falling into our hands. The steamer Corwin was captured. The rebel masteries at Bute is Rose had been reduced by our fleet. On the 14th the rebel works at Bethel Place were entered by Gen. Weitsal, and a large amount of stores, ammunition and arms left in them were captured.

Gen. Grover had defected Gen. Dick Taylor, with two Texas regiments and three batteries, at Irick Bend, capturing same prisoners and over 1,000 head of beef horses, and mules. One hundred and seventy-nine wounded had arrived at New Orleans. One thousand six hundred rebels have been captured, and more are being taken — Franklin had been captured, and it was thought the whole Opelousas country would be clear of rebels.

Six more of our transports on the Mississippi have succeeded in running past the Vicksburg batteries; also, two double-deck flat-boats, capable of carrying 1,000 men each. Transports run past Warrenton, the batteries being silenced. Our army is at Point Coupee, on the Red river. The rebels under General Wood have been driven from Bear Creek. Skirmishing still continues on the Coldwater.

Col. Van Buren, of the 102d New York volunteers, has resigned the command of that regiment in consequence of ill health.

Rumors say the rebel cavalry in the Shenandoah Valley were threatening another raid on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

Several officers have been dismissed from the service for dishonorable conduct — drunkenness, &c.

Our iron clads are off North Edisto Island, and our troops are encamped on the island.

£30,000 have been sent from Australia to London to pay passage for 300 emigrants. Unless 300,000 emigrate there will be no relief to the manufacturing districts.

In the pockets of three Ohio deserters, to be shot in Western Virginia next week, letters were found from their fathers advising them to desert. Gov. Tod has advised the President to shoot the fathers instead of the sons.

One night last week a soldier in a Pennsylvania regiment, while on picket, complained of feeling ill. The surgeon of the regiment was called, when there was some whispering instituted. The sick soldier was a woman--encients, of course. The result of the surgeon's work was the delivery of a fine boy. Gen. Josh Owen named the child Picket Falmouth Ellsworth.

’ The Chronicle says ‘"we now see a formidable movement striving to divide and distract the loyal States, and to induce them to swerve from their vows of fealty."’

Two regiments of "two years men," the 7th and 8th New York regiments, from Hooker's army, mostly Germans, arrived in Washington Sunday. The 7th went out strong, has had but 195 killed and 465 wounded.

Sixteen vessels-of-war are now being built at the Brooklyn Navy-Yard.

The Florida has captured two Boston schooners.

The report that the rebels have abandoned, the siege of Washington, N. C., is confirmed.

A dispatch from Memphis, of the 21st, says Blythe's rebel cavalry were repulsed near that place by three regiments of infantry and one of cavalry. Twenty were killed. forty wounded, and eighty captured. The rebels fled in great confusion across the Coldwater, and were reinforced. The Yankees fail back to Hernando, and moved to the Coldwater and fought till sundown with the rebels on the opposite side of the river, with a loss of five killed and fifteen wounded.

In passing the batteries of Vicksburg the transport Henry Clay was sunk and all hands lost. The pilot fixated down nine miles on a plank, and was picked up opposite Warrenton. There are eleven gunboats below Vicksburg now, including three under Farragut.

The rebels continue to cross the Rappahannock in small bodies and prowl about the lines of Gen. Hooker's army.

On the 21st the commanding officer of the rebel Black House cavalry, and six men, were captured at Waterloo.

The river is falling rapidly, and the condition of the roads improving.

The British mail bag found in the Peterhoff was transferred, by decision of the U. S. District Court, to the British Consul. Proceedings against the vessel and cargo are suspended for the present.

The British prise steamer Gortrude, with gunpowder and military stores, captured by the Vanderbilt, arrived at New York on the 22d. She found Charleston too closely blockaded, and was returning to Nassen.

Rumors at Havana say the Mexicans were defeated at Puebla, and speak of Ortego's offer to capitulate to the French General after being repulsed in a sortle.

General Halleck was at Fortress Monroe on the 21st.

Idle contrabands at Alexandria are to be sent out to work on abandoned farms.

Gold was quoted in New York, on 20d, at 147⅞. Exchange 162. Cotton 65.

[The Chronicle, of the 27th, has no gold quotations.--Reporter.]

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