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Another vessel Afloat.

The London Shipping List gives a very circumstantial account of the sailing of the iron-clad Japan for China, and of her receiving her armament in a sort of creek or estuary on the French coast. It further represents her to have changed her name to Virginia, her flag to that of the Confederate States, and her destination the American coast. The Emperor of China seems to be a great friend of our's. He has vessels built and then gives them to us. --The Yankees will have to declare war against him!

If the account of this vessel given by the Shipping List be correct, the Confederate States have a powerful addition to their navy. The Vanderbilt will not be so very eager in pursuit of her! We shall probably soon hear of the doings of this new recruit to our cause on the sea.

The successful sailing and arming of the Japan or Virginia will spur up the Yankees to renewed efforts to convict the Alexandria of sympathy with the "audacious rebellion." --The poor Emperor of China will never be allowed to build another vessel, we fear! The Yankees will close all the ship-yards against him.

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