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A Specimen — the Yankees in Goochland.

We have some facts illustrative of the brutality of the enemy now invading our country from an authority that none will question who have any acquaintance with it:

On Sunday last, about 3 o'clock, Dr. Q. A. Snead encountered that part of the Yankee cavalry raid which visited Goochland. He met it in the "Three Chop Road," about 27 miles from Richmond — he going from and they coming in this direction. He was arrested, and many questions were asked him. They examined his horse, and concluded that he would not suit them. They then took his saddle bags, containing his medicines. He expressed the hope that they would not deprive him of his medicines, suggesting that the Yankees did not need them. The officer in command responded that they did not want them; "but," said he, "you damn rebels, you that we don't kill with powder and ball, we mean to let starve, or die for the want of medicines!" He then demanded of the Doctor his money. The Doctor replied that he had none, where upon the officer said to him, "Doctor, if you have any money you had better give it up; for if, upon searching you, any is found upon you, I will have you hung here in this road!" The Doctor was not searched however, the leader of the brigands no doubt concluding that the threat was sufficient to make him disgorge if he had any money. The Doctor was then released, and proceeded on his route minus his medicines, but was immediately brought back a short distance and ordered off in a different route from that he was traveling. As he departed the commander said to him: "You will see us again in a few days, when we will burn you damned rebels entirely out!" This amiable threat was made upon the expectation that Hooker would soon be in Richmond.

This body of the raid makers consisted, the Doctor supposed of to 1,200 or 1,500 men. They were commanded by an officer in the uniform of a Captain, but he was called Colonel. The Doctor politely asked his name, but was rudely ordered to answer questions but ask none. The column separated near the point of this arrest — part going to Ashland and a part continuing along the Three-Chop Road; the latter being no doubt the body which stopped Sunday night at Short Pump. The atrocious declarations of the commander of these robbers, since they are established on in dubitable evidence, are worthy of remembrance.

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