
The late battle.
late from the North.

from at or Halleck — citizen prisoners — Washington Chronicle, of 6th May Valladingham a rested Mosby reported killed at Warrenton the fight at Chancellersville Hooker's Napoleonic. Qualities — Marye's Hill. Mississippi brigade.

[from our own correspondent.]
Fredericksburg, May 9, 1863.
I commenced yesterday to give you my recollections of two stray Yankee papers of which I got a glimpse. After Lincoln and Halleck failed to prevail upon Hooker to abandon his pet plan by Chancellorsville, and both had left him to his own devices, the friends of Fremont urged his claims to be Commander in-Chief. I hope they may succeed, but the paper expressed the opinion that Hallock himself would soon take command in person. All this was before the fight.

Another paper — the Sunday Mercury--had a long correspondence about the citizen prisoners taken in Stafford and Westmoreland counties, all of whose names I have already sent you except E. A. W. Hore, of Stafford. They were kept in tents "with lousy contrabands," as the correspondent expresses it, and rebel soldiers and deserters, &c.; had to take scarce prisoners fare, and were afterwards put in the prison-ship, which the correspondent says is "a disgrace to the Federal Government." The hardships and privations, although unexampled in severity, have not prevented these "old Virginia gentlemen" from expressing their allegiance to the South and detestation of Yankees. The letter bears high testimony to their firmness and fortitude.

Yesterday, by flag of truce, the Washington Chronicle, of May 6th, was received. I heard a portion of it read on its way to Gen. Lee's headquarters. Here are my recollections:

Vallandigham has been arrested. Three doors of his house had to be broken open before he was taken. An attempt to rescue him was made, but failed.

The Alabama has destroyed the ship "Punjanb — time and place not mentioned.

The Chronicle reports that there has been a fight with rebel cavalry at Warrenton. Mosby, they say, is killed.

The letters about the battle up to Sunday night are heralded with enormous captions.--The correspondents are upon the crest of the wave of imagined success; the rebels shattered at Chancellorsville; Sedgwick laurelled with success at marye's Hill, in the rear of Lee; the position at Chancellorsville impregnable, &c. They speak of Hooker's glorious generalship, Napoleonic qualities and auspicious prospects. They describe Saturday and Sunday as bloody days--"a few more such days and no more armies would be left on either side to fight." At Chancellorsville their entrenchments were the best they ever had. Sickles made a reconnaissance with artillery and sharpshooters. It seemed that "Jackson was executing one of his daring movements" on their rear. After his line was out in two he commenced his operations. "The 11th Yankee corps almost instantly gave way--thousands threw down their arms — the cowardly poltroons." "Hooker ordered up his choicest division, the famous 2nd, of the third corps under General Berry, and stayed the advance." But soon "Sickles found his entrenchments filled with rebels." At 11 at night the Federal made a night attack, the most brilliant thing of the war. The moonlight made it beautiful. The enemy were driven back half a mile.

On Sunday "we had to get the enemy out of our rear. Berry was on the right, Birney on the left. At 5½ A. M. the musketry was terrible. The rebels advanced in overwhelming numbers. Sickles and Slocum met five divisions of the enemy, and took 2,000 prisoners. The fight was desperate, hand to hand.--The rebels threw themselves upon the muzzles of our guns. Mott's brigade made fifteen distinct charges, and captured seven stands of colors. The 7th New Jersey took four stands of colors and 500 prisoners. The fight lasted to 8.45 A. M. There was a pause because our ammunition gave out. We held our position nearly an hour with the bayonet, and the order to fall back to Chancellorsville was obeyed in good order. Chancellorsville was left at 10 o'clock, when it was set on fire by the rebel artillery. The engagement lasted six hours, and was the most terrific of the war. We lost no guns. Our present position is impregnable, if our troops continue to fight as they have done." What of the "cowardly poltroons?"--what if they continue to "throw down their arms?" Poor correspondent!--Wonder if his present position is impregnable!

Major-General Berry or Birney is killed.

A Yankee picket shouted across the river yesterday, "We are going to have a new General." Our picket inquired, "Who?"--"Fremont," was the reply. He will give us a gay campaign. Jackson will whip him "with his left hand," although he has lost it. Hooker is variously reported dead, wounded, and hurt by a brick at Chancellorsville — perhaps "in the hat."

The Chronicle's correspondence in regard to the capture of Marye's Hill is equally oriental, although its effect is somewhat impaired by the editorial notice of there capture next morning by the Confederates. Hooker left the 6th corps and one division of the 7th opposite Fredericksburg. Five divisions were opposite the hills, and two divisions made the last and successful attack on Marye's Hill in three separate columns. The centre, commanded by Newton, is highly complimented for accomplishing, against a force ten times inferior in numbers, what Sumner failed in performing last December against a whole brigade. The correspondent testifies to the stubborn bravery and destructive execution of the gallant Mississippians, who repulsed the Yankees twice, killing six Colonels, besides Majors, &c., and fighting desperately after the enemy got inside the entrenchments.

Many columns could be written, from materials collected, in regard to almost every day's deeds in this protracted fight. I have sent you a small volume already, and wishing, but unable, to do justice to all, let me conclude by a few correct particulars in regard to the most unfortunate regiment, which deserved, but could not command, success.

On Sunday, at 4 A. M., the 18th Mississippi, in the trenches at the foot of Marye's Hill, extended in single file at intervals of from five to ten feet apart over half a mile, thus 450 men guarded the space held by Cobbs whole brigade in the first battle of Fredericksburg. --Twice the enemy's columns were driven back in disorder. About 9 o'clock they asked and obtained a flag of truce to remove their dead and wounded, and thus discovered the small force holding the trenches. Soon afterwards about 10,000 advanced in five columns, one behind the other, and, although dreadfully slaughtered by the terrible fire from the trenches, they rushed over the ground covered with their dead and wounded and succeeded in jumping over the works. The fight still continued, hand-to-hand, with the bayonet and the butt of the musket. The enemy poured over by thousands. Not until the officers saw the Federal flag behind them did they order the men to retire, passing within sixty yards of the enemy's front and holding, gave them a running fight for a mile through the open field. The 21st, under Col. Humphreys, met the shock of a whole division. The 17th, Col. Holder, and Lieut.-Col. Fizer, and the 13th, Col. Carter, checked the pursuit. The whole brigade speedily re-formed, and were ready and eager to renew the fight. The 18th lost 25 killed, 43 wounded, and 226 prisoners. Col. Griffin and Lieut Col. Luce are prisoners, Major Campbell was mortally wounded, Adjutant Stewart and Lieut. Ford were killed.--Lieut. Tappan, of the 21st, was killed, and Lieut. Mills wounded. Adjutant Stewart and Lieut. Garrison, of the 18th, were shot after having surrendered. The latter lived until next day, and said he had given up his sword. Such is the brave but melancholy record of men who, having triumphed gloriously in the first battle of Fredericksburg, had resided among us until they almost seemed like our follow-citizens. Endeared and appreciated for their manly worth, dying young and far from home, they lived long enough to achieve a glorious name.

‘ "As king, no mind, hath tomb so proud.
As he whose flag bear man his shroud"

’ The Washington Chronicle, of the 4th inst., (act so late by two days,) is laughable in view of the fact that it contains the "first news" of the great fight. This is the heading it gives:

"Highly Important News — Forward March of the Army of the Potomac--The Crossing of the Rappahannock — Fall Details of the Movement — Splendid Display of Generalship — The Enemy Out manœuvred at Every Point — The Personal Vigilance of General Hooker--An Important Order to His Troops — The Enemy Just Where He Wants Them — An Open Fight or a Retreat the Only Alternative."

Under this heading the correspondent of the Chronicle states that the Army of the Potomac has crossed the Rappahannock, and "carried the war into Africa. " He feels every confidence that the Yankee army will be victorious; but he does not know, he says, whether Gen. Hooker will march on to Richmond, or, by a flank movement, compel Gen. Lee's army to retreat. He feels confident, however, as Hooker has successfully crossed the Rappahannock, the army "will be victorious in the approaching battles, and do much towards crushing the rebellion."

The Chronicle publishes the following order from Gen. Hooker:

Headq'rs army of Potomac,
camp near Falmouth, April 30.

General Orders, No. 47.

It is with heartfelt satisfaction that the commanding General announces to the army that the operations of the last three days have determined that our enemy must either ingloriously fly or come out from behind his defiances and give us battle on our own ground, where certain destruction a waits him. The operations of the 15th, 11th and 12th corps have been a succession of splendid achievements.

By command of
Major-General Hooker.

S. Williams, Ass't Adj't Gen.

The New York Herald publishes a long and very circumspect account of the crossing of the Rappahannock by the Yankee army, and says ‘"the enemy was everywhere taken by surprise, and nearly every picket force was captured.’

"The Army of the Potomac has been accustomed to have its headquarters afar off; but it was yesterday (April 30) electrified by knowing that the headquarters of this army were in the saddle. How a movement thus auspiciously begun will end we shall soon see."

The Chronicle contains not one word about the defeat of the Yankee army at Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg, but though silent under official orders has found courage enough to publish the fact that the nation is in "her great agony." It says Lincoln has issued a call for 500,000 men, and adds: "This call of the nation in her great agony should reach every heart."

We give the letter below from our correspondent at Fredericksburg, which gives some further particulars of the great defeat of Hooker:

Fredericksburg, Va., May 8, 1863.
Doubtless you have already received the official reports giving the great facts of these glorious seven days battles around Fredericksburg. Day by day I have sent you the history of all that has occurred. My account of Saturday's performances the Yankees got at Ashland, and other letters have no doubt been lost from mail irregularities. Let it be remembered that the distance over which the battle raged and fluctuated like a sea of fire from Wednesday morning until the Wednesday following was fifteen miles. Commencing its muttered thunders at Deep Run, its real storm broke forth above Banks's ford, and culminated in the splendid fight and triumphant victory at Chancellorsville. Gen. Lee said the enemy's position could not have been stronger. They had three lines of entrenchments. It is said McClellan was there superintending the ditching. In every attack our men were successful. The enemy were driven in panic from their breastworks. General Posey's command alone took three miles of entrenchments. On Friday, McLaws's troops attacked and drove the enemy from a point seven miles from town and commenced the attack at Chancellorsville, ten miles from town, on Saturday. The night attack was made on Jackson by the enemy. Their repulse was complete and their destruction immense. It is said four Yankee Major-Generals were killed. The prisoners captured, the stores destroyed, &c., I am unable to state accurately. The most desperate fight, however, was on Monday evening. Sedgwick's 20,000 Yankees who crossed below and at Fredericksburg, and got Marye's Hill after losing three times as many as the force which defended it, swept up the plankroad and met their fate on Monday, when Early's, Anderson's, and McLaws's forces enclosed them in a crescent of fire and swept them back towards the river. That closed the debate. It became a mere question of safely recrossing the Rappahannock. At Banks's ford McLaws alone took 600 prisoners and 19 officers. His horse was struck as well as himself on Sunday. His staff officers--Major Goggin, Major E. L. Costin, Capt Lamar, and Capt. E. Taliaferro--discharged their duties nobly, and escaped harm in the storm of bullets which fell so thick and fast. I have not space or time except to give you now a few hurried sentences, which may help to give you some better idea of the battles. The enemy's loss must be 25,000. At least 40,000 small arms and 26 cannon we have taken. One good result is the proof afforded of our improved artillery.--Major Latimer, with two batteries, drove the men from a Yankee battery opposite the Bernard House and made them abandon their guns. Major Braxton, at Chancellorsville, twice compelled the Yankees to leave their guns. McClellan's boast of superior artillery is exploded. I regret to state that John Hall, of this place, of Braxton's battery, was killed. James Forbes was also killed. T. and D. Cunningham were also slightly wounded. I hear of no other casualties among our townsmen.

I am promised several reports of wounded and killed in different commands. It is best to be accurate at the expense of delay.

To-day we hope to get Yankee papers with their report of the fight. I have seen one which speaks of Hooker's successful advance, his getting Lee in the right place, the rebels would be compelled to fight, could not escape, &c. It is said Lincoln and Halleck came down to persuade Hooker not to cross over. Hooker was obstinate. Lincoln got gloomy and Halleck got drunk, and Hooker carried out his plans and got whipped.

The letter we give below is one from our correspondent which was intercepted, but has since come to hand. It fills a place in the history of the battle:

Near The Railroad,
6 A. M., May 4, 1863.
My letter yesterday furnished full proof of the difficulties which "do environ" the duties of a correspondent under present circumstances. The first information I gave was correct — that our troops retired from Fredericksburg Saturday night, and the Yankees occupied it early Sunday morning. The "shelling" consisted in firing over the town at Marye's Hill. The Yankees came over on pontoons immediately below town, and at the flag-of truce station at the upper end of town. But for the crippled condition of my pedal extremities, in consequence of severe and protracted pedestrianism, I should have gone into Fredericksburg Saturday night, and thus secured the most accurate information on the subject. Whether I could have got out is questionable. The able and accomplished correspondents of the Enquirer, Whig and Examiner, escaped by the skin of their teeth.--What an eclipse their capture would have caused! For months they have poured a flood of light, a sort of aurora borealis of intelligence, foreign, military, and domestic, to illuminate and redden the darkness and dullness of the Richmond papers.

The Yankees attacked Marye's Hill early Sunday morning, and were repulsed. About 11 A. M. they reconstructed their shattered columns and advanced from the plankroad and from Fredericksburg, and obliquely along Hazel Run, without firing a gun, and took Marye's Hill. Two or one of Barksdale's Mississippi regiments and 16 guns of the Washington Artillery could not withstand the overwhelming attack on both flanks and in front. The enemy got six guns, and turned them on our retreating troops. It is reported that a flag of truce was granted after the first repulse of the enemy, by which they learned the small force defending the heights. Nearly all the 13th Mississippi are prisoners, including Col. Griffs, reported killed, and Lieut. Col. Lace. Major Campbell and Capt. Wood are reported wounded Col. Humphreys, of the 21st, fought his way out. I will report the casualties as I learn them. It is said the Mississippians clubbed muskets and fought, but in vain. They lost the heights. General Early and General Pendleton were in command.--Our line of battle was re-formed three miles up the Telegraph road, at Wyatt's run. Norton, McLaws, and Wilcox were expected last night, and we may yet redeem this disaster.

From our life I hear all manner of rumors. We have taken 3,000 prisoners. Jackson got behind them, burned their pontoons at Germania and Ely's fords, and had the entire Yankee army in a pen. Hooker has 200,000 men, drawn from the Valley, Washington, Baltimore, Suffolk, and troops from the West. The fighting has been about the United States ford, McLaws holding from the river to the plankroad, then Anderson, A. P. Hill, and Jackson, to the Rapidan. The first hold them while Jackson whips them. The Yankee skirmishers hurry into breastworks, and fear to come out. I am sorry to hear that General Wofford's Georgians are badly out up. There have been very few of our wounded brought to the cars.

The Yankee knapsacks have eight days rations. Jackson has taken some of their wagons. The eight days are nearly over, and our boys have shared the rations extensively. Hooker is far from his base of supplies, and I hope to-day will finish him. I heard cannon at two this morning, and after breakfast shall go to the front to get the facts.

10½--The 18th and 21st Mississippi fought 10,000 Yankees, were almost surrounded, and had to fight their way out. He balms should be attached to them. Indeed, correspondents should never blame troops until the fight is over — not until it is certain that censure is deserved and opportunity is given to redeem the fault. Anderson's command came down last night, and with Early and Barksdale's commands will retake Marye's Hill to-day. Firing was heard this morning for some time, but all is quiet now. I hear McLaws's men were charged by the Yankees above; they repulsed them, charged in turn, and drove them out of their breastworks, and took a whole regiment prisoners. I hear they had another successful fight at the Brick Church, four miles from town, on the plankroad, with some Yankees who came up from Banks's ford to cut them off. There are 1,000 prisoners at Guinea's and 1,000 at Spotsylvania C. H.

The reported capture of our ambulance train at Ashland Sunday is a surprise to us up here, and will interrupt your reception of these valuable reports. I shall write regularly and send as opportunity occurs.

The Yankee captives from the late battles

The city bids fair soon to be inundated by the influx of Abolition prisoners taken at the battle of Chancellorsville. On Saturday evening several squads arrived, the first containing a number of officers, and the last over two thousand privates. They were received at the Libby prison, and eighteen hundred of them assigned quarters in Conrad & Crew's factory. When the prisoners marched through the streets at was remarked by every one that the proportion of American in the crowd was very small. A gentleman said, loud enough to be heard by the prisoners, that he did not believe there was one when an unmistakable Yankee voice was heard to proceed from the line, saying, "Yes, here's one," and, holding up his bare feet, he added, "and he ain't got no shoes either." There were in prison yesterday 38 citizen prisoners; 30 deserters from the Abolition army; 26 negroes, and 2,807 prisoners of war. About 2,800 were momentarily expected, and preparations were being made by Capt. Thos. P. Turner to quarter them on Belle Isle. When there the City Battalion will be ordered to the island to do guard duty, and see that none of the Yankees spread themselves over the country. It is not probable that the Yankee officers and men will stay here longer than arrangements can be made for their being carried away. We append a full and complete list of the officers taken at Chancellorsville who have arrived in Richmond, viz:

Brig-Gen Wm Hays, 3d division, 2d corps; Col S Meyer, 107th Ohio; do; J A Matthew, 128th Pa. Col R S Bostwick, 27th Conn; Col Chas Glans, 103d Pa; Col W W Packer 5th Conn; Lieut-Cols H C Mervin 27th Conn; D S McCleary, 145th Pa; E W Cook, 28th N Y; A H Smith, 128th Pa; William B Wooster 20th Conn; Chas Ashby, 54th N Y, J A Wildrick, 28th N J: Maja J A Danks, 63d Pa; Jos Yeamans, 1st N Y; H K Neff Surgeon 153d Pa; S C Sadyer Ass't Surgeon 6th N Y cav John H Albert 2d Lt co S, 45th N Y; B Fluback, do, G 20th N Y; Capts W D Wilkins, Act'g Adj't 1st div, 12th corps; R H Wilber, do, 2d div, 12th corps; Otto Waser Act'g A D C 1st div 11th corpt; R C Shan non, Act'g Adj's-Gen, 2d brigade. 1st div, 12th corps; Ed L Yord 1st Lt, A D C to Gen Ward; Tho G Leigh, 1st Lt, A D C do; H W Farrar, 1st Lt, A D C to Gen Sedgwick; Jno W Bokels, 1st Lt and A D C to Gen Hays; Capts L Chaffic, D, 28th N Y; M Esembeaux, K, 58th N Y; Ed Wenver, C 63d Pa; H C Pardee F, 20th Conn; W W Smith, C, do; W H Sampson, K, 65th Ohio; E A Finney, K, 21st M J; Aug. Michaelic I, 45th N Y: F M Yeager, C, 118th Pa; P C Huber, G do; Wm McNell, B, do; Dyer Loomis, C, 145th Pa; Abram Feeder, H 66th N Y; N J Strickland, S, 66th S Y; R C Hopkins, H, 149th do; S T Allen C, 145th do; Samuel Suthurg, K, 107th Ohio; P Griffith, I, 46th Pa; W W Wood, K, 16th N Y; D H Chesbro, G, 46th Pa; Charles Doyle, K 5th Conn; Henry Parkllson, G, 1st Mass; Harman Stokel C. 20th N Y: Jos Honffig, K, 20th N Y; O P Chappell, K, 78th N Y; S T Sirdsall, G. 27th Conn; 1st Lieuts G S Good, I, 84th Pa; H H Jones, 2d Lieut I, 2d Del; Capts Wm Haffner, I, 20th N Y; C M Wilcox I, 27th Conn; J S Beers C, do; F D Sloat, A do; Oswell Rich, K. do; H L Morey, G, 76th Ohio; H P Burr, E 17th conn; C Vedker, H, 14th N Y; H F Brownson, Capt and A A Gen; 1st Lieuts Walke Moran, B, 38th N Y; W R Harmount, C 19th Conn; Gottlieb Noedel, C, 58th N Y; B H Pond. I, 40th N Y; Benj Shanin. A, 153d Pa; C E Winegar, M 1st Art'g; M Waterberry, B, 17th Conn; N G Grigdetti K 21st N J; 21 Lieuts Jno W Craw, A, 17th Conn; W C Warford, C. 28th Pa; D Bates, I 121st N Y; A P Munson, A, 27th Conn S G Byatt, D 5th Conn; Maj Alex Von Metzel, 74th Pa; E R Matteson, 2d Lt do A, 146th N Y; Maisdorff, Lt do A, 75th Pa; Maj D M Jones, 110th Pa; Capts C K Frankenfield, co st, 128th Pa; Geo Newkirk, co D, do; R H Jones co I do; M W Olivann, co B, 145th Pa; Samuel Fisk co G, 14th Conn; 1st Lts J C Griswold, co F, 154th N Y; Ed King, co H 65th N Y; Wm M Kenyon, co G, 28th N Y, Christian Weder, co K, 17th Conn; Stethman Rice, co G, 27th Conn; F M Chapman, co A, do; Geo W Elton, co B. do; D S Thomas, co E do; S M Smith, co I, do; E Gundecker, co H, 122d Pa; A P Elley, co D. 5th Conn; Frank Ebrlick, 1st Lt and Adje, 75th Pa; E Wygans, co E, 75th do; Jos Grimmin, 27th Pa; J T Jenkins, co K, 154th N Y; G S Fuller co E, 3d Me; I W Geigar, co D, 46th Pa; John Oboid, co K 126th Pa; M E Stephens co B. 5th Me; Chas McClung, co E 3d N J; E A Beardsley, co G, 20th Conn; A Upsell, co E, do; C W Deveresur. co K 145th Pa; G F C Smart co do; E J Fulkerson, co H, 29th Ohio; A McWilliams, co F. 157th N Y; Jos Gu swider, co F, 82d Ohio; E G Jackson, co H, 84th Pa; F W Mitchell co I 12th ill John E Beynolds, G, 68th Pa; A H Nixon, K, 84th; Pa; Chas J Smith, K, 2d Del; L E Witman, 1st Lieut and Adj't. 47th Pa; Chas Van Vosburg. F, 37th N Y; 2d Lieut F J Patterson, D, 5th Maine; W D Had I 72d N Y; P E Bishop, B, do; Gen C Peck, I, 17th Pa; Clay McCauley, D, 126th Pa; J W Fletcher, H, do; W S Perrington, do, 6th Conn; Walter Burne, G 5th Conn; H J Davis, F, 46th Pa, E W Zook G 66th Ohio; D J Bulkley, D, 61st N Y; Jas anthony, K 118th Pa; W J Crammar, H 78th N Y; D M Lees, K, 17th Conn; Jacob Knap, B, 149th N Y, Geo B White, I, 1st N J; J A Crosatt, K, 75th Ohio; W N Kirk, B, 25th Ohio; H E Stewart, H, 165th Pa; Henry Raugth, C, 26th Wis; W R Porter, C, 137th N Y; D G Caywood, I, 33d N Y; L C Small, B 7th Maine; R M Meguire H, 1st Mass; S W Beardsley K 154th N Y, A A Casler, G, do; J S Mitchell, H 84th Pa; Capt Orlando Coombs, 101d Ya; W T McAdams chaplain, 57th Pa; Lieut Col J W Patterson, 102 Pa; Capts Wm Wallace F 43d N Y; J W Wilkinson, B, do; S B Van Patton, C do; W L Thompson, K, do; H Shickardt, F, 31st N Y; Geo A Ebbotts, a do; 1st Lieut C S Barclay, H, 102d Pa; Geo Harman, F. 31st N Y; E H Morriss, G, 62d N Y; Wm Hastings, F, 43d N Y; H Van Buren, G, do; 2d Lieut J Ehrhardt, C, 21st N Y; A M Moreland, F 102d Pa; A M Heath, 12th Bow Hampshire; L J Stewart, B, 62d N Y; J H Smith N, 46d N Y; Jno N Webster, A, 31st N Y; H S Ehrhardt, E, 135th Pa; J H Conn, A, 1st Va Abolition cavalry.

A Talk with the prisoners.

Our columns show that we are experiencing some of the results of the late decisive action at Chancellorsville, in the arrival of thousands of the hybrids with whom the South is contending. In addition to the 2,000 that came on Saturday, 1,260 made their appearance yesterday in charge of Capt. J. W. Back, co K, 44th Geo, who reports 3,500 more on the way here, some of whom have arrived at Ashland. Conversations had with all ranks and grades of the captives reveal the usual state of affairs — some of them are hopeful, some desponding; but you do not meet one who is not anxious to go home and stay there, if permitted, in order to get out of the war. Said an officer: "I came for a frolic, but I find no fun. I believe you all will never be conquered."

At first, when brought to Guinea's depot, the prisoners indulged the idea that they would be reassured by Stousman, but when it was found out definitely that Hooker had recrossed the Rappahannock their hopes of release ceased Many said if Hooker had failed with his Her clean effort, no more need be due but to recognize the independence of the Southern Confederacy. The time of many of the prisoners as soldiers would have escape on the 15th inst. They regard the loss battle as an effort to get as much out of them as possible before they went home. The desire to be paroled is general.

Any private will tell you, "when I get home Old A be will not get me into the field again."Many of the prisoners are four or five days over their time as soldiers already. The two years and nine months men, with hardly an exception, will go home and stay there, if allowed, when their terms expire. They seem to regard that as an argument in favor of their speedy release. The battle of Chancellorsville began at 3 o'clock on Saturday, by an attack by Gen. Rodes (leading D. H. Hill's old division) against the 11th Yankee corps d'armes, whose General, Howard, was slain. The prisoners assert their belief that the notorious Dan Sickles was also killed. The Yankees had no idea that they would be driven from their entrenchments at Chancellorsville, which at the time of the fight were in their rear. They had made hospitals of the large tavern and church, and the buildings were filled with mangled wretches, and the ground covered with those who could not get in. During the battle shells from our guns fired both buildings, and it is believed that hundreds were burned up A large number of the prisoners brought to Richmond are foreigners, amongst whom are a very few Frenchmen. They are generally stout, able-bodied follows, many of them more boys.

While the prisoners were standing in front of the prison yesterday a citizen addressed them with the welcome of "Well, you have got to Richmond at last." "Yes," replied one of them, "but none of your d — d Home Guard brought us." Nothing further was said.

The Yankee officers seemed to have a high respect for our infantry. One of them remarked that the cavalrymen were not as well built nor as courageous as their cavalry; but the infantry were too desperate for them.--"For," said he, "when the ragged infantry come upon a battery it is no use to try to hold it. They are going to have it, and if Napoleon's men were behind it they could not stop them. They are crazy about batteries."

The enemy's loss in General officers.

If the reports which reach us of the loss of Federal officers in the recent series of fights on the Rappahannock are correct, they must have exposed themselves more than they have ever done in any former battle. It seems to be generally conceded that the redoubtable Dan. E. Sickles, who enjoyed such an unenviable notoriety on account of a domestic difficulty in Washington city a few years ago, is among their slain. He commanded the 3d army corps in the late fights. Major General Howard, commanding the 11th army corps, is also reported among the killed. In addition to these, we have the names of the following Brigadier Generals who are said to have gone under, viz: Williams, Barry, Ranger and Birney.

Escape of Yankee cavalry.

The Yankee cavalry raiders who were reported to be hemmed in at Raccoon Ford, on the Rapidan river, have succeeded in making their escape, and recrossed that river, though it was hoped that the stream was too much swollen to permit them to do so.

Brig-Gen. Hays.

We have it from those who profess to be familiar with the facts that this Federal officer who is now a prisoner in the Libby ware house, is a native of this city where the earlier years of his life were spent. Some years ago he was a clerk or attendant in the drug store of John H Eustace, then a prominent apothecary in Richmond. From this city he went to Philadelphia, where he acquired some prominence, and now turns up a Brigadier-General in Lincoln's service. It is to be hoped that his imprisonment in the city of his birth will have the effect to convince him of the error of his way, and the folly of attempting the subjugation of the people of his native State. It is also said that his mother is still living, and a resident of Rocketts, in rather indigent circumstances.

Gen Jackson and his wound.

It is said that from the first moment his wound was received, Gen. Jackson has exhibited that patient endurance for which he is so remarkable. It is related that during the amputation of his arm the General swooned, and was for some minutes unconscious. When he partially recovered from this one of his aids asked him how he felt, when his reply was, "Very comfortable. Order forward the infantry to the front!"

One of our prisoners.

Among the prisoners who fell into our hands during the series of battles in Spotsylvania, is a son of Francis P Blair, the Black Republican member of Congress from the St. Louis district. A gentleman who was present at the time informs us that young Blair, after his capture, asked permission to take the oath of allegiance to the Confederate Government, which was granted, and the son of one of the bitterest enemies of the South voluntarily became a citizen of the Confederacy.

Col Thos S Garnett.

Col. Thos. S. Garnett, of the 48th Va., who was killed at Chancellorsville while cheering on his men to the charge, was buried at Hollywood Cemetery temporarily yesterday, previous to the removal of the remains to Westmoreland county, (according to his request,) after the war shall have ended. His body lay in state in the Capitol on Saturday.

List of casualties.
Purcell battery

This well-known battery participated in the recent battle at Chancellorsville, and, as usual, were in the thickest of the fight. The following embraces a list of casualties sustained during the action:

Killed--Geo. E. Alderslade, Jas. Murphy, Wm Norman.

Wounded--Lieut. McGraw, Wesley Jones, James Farray, James C. Gay, T. J. Campbell, arm amputated; John Moon, seriously; Robt. Eddins, John Eddins, and Enoch Hill, slightly. A number of the battery horses were killed.

The following are the casualties in Eubank's Battery, Lieut. O. B. Taylor commanding — Killed: J. Harley. Wounded: Lieut. J. H. Weddel, leg broken; privates T. E. Tyler, A. Tyler, P. P. Lewis, and V. F. Burford, all slightly. This battery had three caissons exploded.

Among the wounded in the 3d Howitzer company, of Richmond, Lieut. H. C. Carter commanding, who have died, is sergeant Jno. K. Wakeham, a brave soldier.

In the Louisiana Guard Artillery, at the battle of Chancellorsville, Corp'l W McCall was severely wounded in the leg, and privates Wesley Browne and T Suter slightly wounded.

The following is a list of the losses in the 12th Virginia regiment, Mahone's brigade:

The total number of killed being five, wounded thirty-six, and missing fifty-five-- total ninety-six.

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Conn (22)
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Rosenberger Smith (4)
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Halleck (4)
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William White (2)
A. Tyler (2)
O. B. Taylor (2)
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Geo Smith (2)
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Warford (1)
Nat Ward (1)
Gen Ward (1)
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Jonathan K. Wakeham (1)
Waddell (1)
Chas Vosburg (1)
Vallandigham (1)
T. E. Tyler (1)
Edward Tyler (1)
Thomas P. Turner (1)
Thos (1)
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Tappan (1)
E. Taliaferro (1)
Samuel Suthurg (1)
Suter (1)
Neff Surgeon (1)
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Nash (1)
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Morey (1)
Walke Moran (1)
James Moors (1)
Mills (1)
Jas Mille (1)
Meyer (1)
Alex Metzel (1)
Mervin (1)
McGraw (1)
Chas McClung (1)
McCleary (1)
Clay McCauley (1)
McCall (1)
McAdams (1)
David May (1)
Matteson (1)
J. K. Martin (1)
Marka (1)
Marcellus (1)
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Dyer Loomis (1)
P. P. Lewis (1)
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E. A. W. Hore (1)
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D. H. Hill (1)
A. P. Hill (1)
Dennis Heffron (1)
Heath (1)
Brig-Gen Wm Hays (1)
Wm Hastings (1)
Geo Harman (1)
J. Harley (1)
Hardy (1)
Hallock (1)
Wm Haffner (1)
Jos Gu (1)
Griswold (1)
Jos Grimmin (1)
Griffs (1)
Griffith (1)
Chas Green (1)
Thos Grame (1)
Gordon (1)
Goggin (1)
Surg Gen (1)
James C. Gay (1)
Garrison (1)
Fuller (1)
Fulkerson (1)
Robert Fraster (1)
Ford (1)
James Forbes (1)
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James Farray (1)
Farrar (1)
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Elton (1)
Edmonds (1)
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John Eddins (1)
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Lt Chas Beale (1)
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F. M. Bates (1)
Thos Bass (1)
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George E. Alderslade (1)
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