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The English press on Hooker's retreat.

--The London journals, of the 23d, all comment upon Hooker's retreat across the Rappahannock.

The London Times remarks that operations, preceded by more than the usual gasconading, have been followed by the usual miserable failure, and strongly suspects that Gen. Hooker was so disabled as to make the defeat of Sedgwick rather an opportune excuse for retiring than a real disappointment. Sedgwick's corps was driven across the river on the night of Monday, and on Tuesday morning Hooker began to follow him. He had left on the field the dead and wounded in the Sunday's battle, which indicates plainly enough that when the Unionists were driven back in the last great struggle their retreat was something like a rout. The shattered army, consequently, had to be withdrawn with the utmost caution, and during the night it succeeded in getting away. The Times sees no end to the war but by the slow process of exhaustion either of men, or of that real enthusiasm which fights instead of preaches. The next few months must decide whether the war is to end with the present year, or to drag on to the close of President Lincoln's term, or "later."

The Daily News says: ‘"The campaign south of the Rappahannock must be added to the list of Federal failures; but, although Gen. Lee announces a great victory, he does not announce that he has pursued a flying enemy, or that he holds a foot of ground more than he did when Hooker began to move."’

The Star says: ‘"The honest confession of disaster would be more dignified on the part of Mr. Stanton than the silly statement of retreat from prudential considerations, or the more authoritative announcement that offensive operations will be speedily resumed."’

It is only in moments of disaster or disappointment there rises a general call for Fremont and the black brigades. The black brigades are filling up, and Fremont will have his day.

The Herald says that Hooker had no alternative but to retreat.

The Morning Post observes that the Southern Generals have been censured for not following up their victories. Considering the difficulty of replacing men out of a comparatively small population, it does not blame Lee for not renewing the attack on Hooker's lines, but does not understand how he managed to allow the Federal commander to effect his retreat with such facility.

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Gen Hooker (7)
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