The Peace sentiment in the North.
We have never been disposed to overrate the importance of the Peace party in the North or Northwest.
Our reasons for this have been too often given to bear recapitulation.
But we are equally well satisfied that it is the policy of the
South to encourage disaffection to the
Black Republican Government, in whatever shape it shows itself or from whatever motive.
Admitting it to be true that Northern Democrat oppose the war from party motives, and Northwestern Democrats from considerations of commercial interest, then we say lot us, as far as we can, abstain from throwing ridicule upon that opposition, and encourage as far as we can everything that will divide the
North and set the people against a fanatical Government which is doing them far more injury than it can do us. Our forefathers did not inquire too closely into the motives of
France when she came to the aid of
America in the Revolution.
It would have been very absurd in them to have thrown in the teeth of
France what was undoubtedly true, that, in espousing the cause of the
American Colonies, she was influenced more by hatred of
England than love of
She was looking after her interests, not ours; but it would have been very ridiculous to tell lier so. Nations do not go counselling in these days, but follow their interests; and if the interests of any section or party in the
North point to peace, let us by all means bid them God speed.
Let us make their interests more palpable to them by a vigorous prosecution of the war, and let us give them distinctly to understand that reconstruction is a thing not to be dreamed of; but, at the same time, let us not throw cold water upon their attempts to overthrow the
Black Republican despotism at
For our own part, we believe the masses at the
North are heartily tired and sick of the war, but the military tyranny of the
United States has hitherto rendered powerless their aspirations for peace.
It is not for us, however, to discourage them in their struggles for deliverance.
We should help them with a few more victories, and the balls and bayonets of our brave soldiers are the best reliance for bringing about this object.