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From New Orleans.

the Union feeling yet — the oath to be administered — Butler and the lawyer. &c.

A correspondent of the New York Times, writing from New Orleans, on the 21st ult., says:

‘ This is an important day in the history of New Orleans, for the different "orders." which have been published by Gen. Butler and Gen. Shepley, demanding the oath of allegiance and other loyal demonstrations, whereby the Government can decide between loyal and disloyal men, culminate on Wednesday next, as the acts alluded to are to be performed on or before that mentioned date. To-day, all grace that preceded the order demanding the oath of allegiance from officials ends, as will be seen by the following notice:

’ Hdq'rs Military Commandant, New Orleans, City Hall. June 20, 1862.

Every person who ‘"exercises any office or hold any place of trust or calling which calls for the doing of any act judicial or administrative, which shall or may affect any other person than the actor,"’ if such office or place is held by him under the authority of the Charter or City Laws and Ordinances of New Orleans, will, without delay, report in writing whether he has complied with General Order No. 41, issued by the Commanding General of this Department, and taken the oath therein prescribed. G. F. Shepley,

Military Commandant.

Jas. E. Dunham, Secretary.

It will be perceived that the time has come for the ‘"showing of hands,"’ and for the result I look forward with painful solicitude. I must confess I have been sadly disappointed in the evidence of loyalty that I expected to discover in this city. I have watched with care the different places provided by the Government where the oath of allegiance could be taken, and, with a very few honorable exceptions, so far I have seen none of the substantial citizens present. An apathy that is fearful, as unparalleled, everywhere prevails. Even among those whom I have looked upon as true Union men — men whom I expected would rush to place themselves under the flag — men who have, through the rebellion, lived in New Orleans and maintained the reparation of being opposed to the rebellion,--men who have even been daring enough to condemn the Confederate leaders, and publicly decry the secession of Louisiana as a National calamity — even such men are holding off, are practically, indeed, by their example, worse enemies to our cause than the open and defiant Secessionist.

Now, as the ‘"order"’ I quote above really effects almost every prominent citizen, certainly all who are in the professions, and, comparatively speaking, none of these persons have as yet ‘"made a sign,"’ and as they have so far pursued their various callings under the ‘"powers that be"’ unmolested, what is to be the consequence if they refuse, or rather, if they imitate the majority of the population and maintain a stolid air of indifference? Our soldiers have had possession of New Orleans now nearly a month. In that time the peace of the city was never more perfect. Courts, though military tribunals, have been established that the most carping Secessionists admit have administered justice with the most impartial hand. Life was never before so safe — crime, except among the lawless, the spawn, indeed, of the past political abuses of the city, has almost ceased. Our soldiers have been respectful to the citizens beyond any military precedence in the world's history.

Private property has been scrupulously regarded; in short, all that could be done by human foresight, or by a paternal Government, to mollify or win over the substantial people of the city, has been done, in all so far without avail. Not a flag has yet appeared raised by a citizen upon a public or private house. Many of the humbler classes would be glad to do this, I have no doubt, but a terror, a vague uncertainty prevails that paralyzes all demonstration. The Dead Sea is alone a fit physical emblem of the moral waste of this city. Again I ask, what is to be the consequence if the people named in the order above pay no respect to it? Suppose it falls a dead letter — then our cause, in my opinion, is almost lost; suppose it is enforced — then must commence rigorous measures. It was usurped power that brought the people to the present condition; a constitutional, a superior power must be exerted and be felt ere New Orleans will range itself along with the loyal cities of the Union.

Gen. Butler Stands by the profession.

C. C. Morgan, who is an attorney-at-law, was brought before the Commanding General, charged by Mrs. Monroe, wife of the ex-Mayor, with having attempted to extort money from her. It was shown that Mrs. Monroe called at the office of Mr. Morgan to secure his services in getting the Mayor released from Fort Jackson. Mr. Morgan agreed to undertake the case for $2,000, of which $1,000 was to be paid as a retainer. It is alleged that Mrs. Monroe, being instigated by outside parties, made the charge against Morgan of attempting to extort money.--The General held that, as an attorney-at-law, Mr. Morgan had a right to demand what fee he pleased, and that, as an honest man and a loyal citizen, he should be protected. The charge was dismissed.

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