
From the North.

From late Northern journals we take the following:

"situation" of the Yankee army, as stated by themselves.

Yesterday, we published a brief extract from a letter in the New York Tribune, dated Harrison's Landing July 2. The letter shows very clearly the ‘"situation"’ of the Yankees after the fight, and we give fuller extracts from it:

As we approached the wharf, I noticed the land to the left was a dead level, and was white with the covers of our baggage trains, which were here drown up in an immense solid body, which we had taken to be tents as seen from the steamer's deck. To the right, the land rose gently from the river until in reached an elevation of perhaps thirty feet. Up along this elevated plain and along the banks of the river our sick and wounded men stood shivering in the rain, without tents, or knapsacks, or arms. Here and there a single Sibley tent was visible, and also a sprinkling of white roofed baggage wagons.

The scene presented as I landed defies all description.

Under some trees which lay around in clusters our men were crouched. They looked as if they were more dead than alive, they were covered to the crown of their heads with mud, their faces and clothes were literally coated; while their shoes and boots had several pounds of the nasty yellow stuff stuck into and all around them. Whole regiments were immersed to their knees, many up to their waists, in the yellow river, with branches of trees and pieces of sticks, washing and scraping off the dirt. Cavalry men were out so far trying to get a ‘"clean wash, "’ that the water reached their soldiers while they vigorously scraped themselves and their weary steeds. Many of the men had not had a any biscuit for twenty-four hours. I met an officer who was wounded in the eye, his face covered with blood and mud. He was vainly offering $5 for something to eat. I moved up the hill through awful pools of mud. sinking down to the knees at every step. I passed a house which had the appearance of having been deserted by its owner, as there were no doors or windows visible. This house was so crowded with sick and wounded, poor, miserable men, that a doctor who came up while I was there could not possibly get in. A great crowd was assembled around the doors, who seemed to envy the more fortunate ones inside.

On the top of the hill there was rather a fine house, with plenty of out-houses. This was our general hospital, and it was crammed full to its utmost capacity. I conversed with many brave men who had fought their way with our army through hosts of Confederates. They were not dismayed or frightened. Quite the contrary. In a calm and cool manner — not noticing the torrents of rain falling on their heads — there they stood telling of the vast hordes of Confederates by which they were outnumbered. I stood in the centre of many a great group of privates who gathered around me to learn the news from the rest of the world — for they saw by my clean linen that I got among them by some other route than Savage Station. I did not hear from these men one single word of murmur or complaint. They said, ‘"We are ready when reinforcements arrive to go at them again."’ At this time there was a schooner at the end of the wharf, and a guns of at least three hundred contrabands were in line, each having a box of biscuit on his shoulder, carrying them ashore.

The river along the wharf is very shallow, and only one vessel of light draught can come alongside the end of the wharf. The portion of the Supply Fleet which had arrived lay scattered in the river some distance off. The enemy were throwing shells into our lines while I was on shore, which were quickly responded to by our men. About twelve o'clock, I took a small boat, to visit the gunboat fleet in company with Lieut Col. Daniel Elliott, Add de Camp. of Maine, and Dr. L. Munson. The far famed Monitor lay in the middle of the river, and as the Lieutenant commanding was an old pupil of Col Elliott, at the Colonel's suggestion, we visited her first.

Just as we left, General McClellan boarded the Galena. He came by himself, in a boat which was pulled by sixteen men. He stayed only a second, He passed close by the Monitor, and boarded the steamer Express which was loaded down with ammunition and which lay only a short distance from the Galens. He then went ashore. About this than I noticed two separate gangs of signal officers on the top of the high house on the hill. One party was mounted on the roof, the other on the eave of the house. Those on the roof were signaling to the army lines in their rear, and those on the eave to the gunboats on the river. A general commotion was visible everywhere. There was smart firing ashore, and we expected a battle every minute.

The Express, which General McClellan had visited, moved up and lay outside some five or six barge, and commenced unloading her ammunition. The gunboats all shifted their positions. The Monitor moved down the river to protect the rear, and in a quarter of an hour she and others were belching forth into the woods before them.

4 o'clock P. M.--The firing has ceased, the transshipment of stores and provisions of all kinds is going on vigorously, and large transports, loaded down with sick and wounded, are steaming away down stream. The mail boat has received an order to be ready in an hour. All the mails she brought with her she carries back, with orders to bring up from Fort Monroe the headquarters mail only. The Paymasters that came up all return — so our born will have to wait a little longer for their letters and their well earned cash.

The situation of our army.

Fortress Monroe,July 4.--The steamer Warner, which left Harrison's Landing at 6 o'clock last evening brings intelligence up to that hour. About noon yesterday the Confederates in considerable force approached to within about four miles of General McClellan's front and commenced shelling, but with no effect. Our force was drawn up in line of battle, and the gunboats opened from the river. The enemy approached no nearer, and when the Warner left it was believed that nothing important would ensue. Our troops were busily occupied in entrenching their position, and were well on to a state that would enable them to defy a vastly superior foe.

The enemy, in large force, are on the east side of the Chickahominy, and threaten not only Gen. McClellan's right wing, but the navigation of the James river. These twin purposes will give employment to the flotilla, and on the activity and efficiency of the gunboats a very great deal depends. The construction of batteries so as to interrupt the navigation of the river would be laying direct siege to Gen. McClellan's position, and would place his army in an extremely critical situation. It may well be expected batteries will be planted on the left bank of the river, masked until prepared to open on our transports. In view of the probabilities in this regard, quite a number of vessels and other transports on their way up have been turned back toward Newport News.

It is supposed that the Confederates will attempt to follow up their advantage and press Gen. McClellan to the extent of their ability. That they confront him with a vastly superior force there is no doubt. How long this disparity is to be suffered to exist is for the Government and the country to say. Of the imperative necessity for more troops there can be no question — not in a month's time, but a week's. So long as Pope's force remains unoccupied, no fear can justly be entertained of another descent towards Washington or the Shenandoah Valley, and this suggests reasons enough why this force should not be materially employed. That the Government is taking bold and vigorous measures to render available for the emergency the force now in the field, it may be some consolation for the reader to know, Details are not permissible.

It would not be dealing fairly with the truth to say that all apprehension for the safety of the Army of the Potomac is at an end. Probably the present position is the strongest that could have been taken within an equal distance from Richmond. But the forces of the Confederates is immensely superior in numbers, though in nothing else. For the whole distance from Newport News to Harrison's Landing, we have but a small force, except at the first named place. To keep the river open, and the channel of supplies and communication free, will require all the activity of which the Navy are capable, for upon, the gunboats will devolve that important duty. The Peninsula is virtually in the hands of the Confederates again.

The extent of M'Clellan's reinforcements before the battle.

The New York Tribune, of the 4th inst., says:

‘ It is natural enough, perhaps, to seek, when a disaster occur, somebody to whom the exclusive blame may be imputed; and it is equally natural that much of that blame should be altogether unreasonable. Before we come to any fixed opinion on this matter of reinforcements, on which there is much unintelligent if not idle discussion, it is an well that the public should be informed that not much, if any, less than forty thousand men have been added to the Army of the Potomac within a month; that still other and large reinforcements were sometime since ordered forward, and are now on their way, nor far off; and that probably in the military plans of General McClellan, of which, of course, nobody but himself and the Government could know anything, reliance for their accomplishment was placed upon this very conjunction with a large naval force. Before unquestioned blame is attached anywhere, let us be quite rare that we know all the facts. He enforcement was to be made at a given time on both sides, if the enemy in their desperation, were the speedier in their action — the speedier, because their facilities in a given case were the greater — let us remember that the greater haste is not always the most speed. It is their turn to day, it may be ours to-morrow. War never brings unvarying success to one side only; else there would be no war.

We do not mean, of course, to wink out of sight the serious character of recent events on the Peninsula, or to blind ourselves and our readers to the check our arms have received there. But those ought not to discourage or overwhelm us. On the contrary they should nerve us to new determination and new effort.

Discussion in the taken Congressional the negro brigade question.

In the House, Mr. Wickliffe (Ky,) moved to amend to reconsider the vote by which General Hunter's reply to inquiries as to the organization of negro regiments was ordered to be printed.

Mr. Wickliffe addressed the House on the subject. Instead of organizing and parading negroes, General Hunter ought to have prepared his troops to prevent the retreat from James Island. It was a miserable saucy to muster runaway blacks into service. If twenty millions of freemen were not able to suppress a rebellion of six millions of white men, let the acknowledgment be at once made.

The recommendation to the Border Slave States to emancipate their negroes, and the design to pass the Confiscation bill, have not scared the South. A hundred and ninety-six thousand more troops than the law prescribed had been enlisted. He insisted that the number should be limited and the military arm restrained from going beyond the statute. He wished, however, we had more troops duty authorized to be placed where they ought to be. The Secretary of War ought to have rebuked General Hunter for his saucy and impudent letter, and removed him for having undertaken to enlist negro soldiers without the sanction of law. To-day he (Mr. Wickliffe) received an anonymous letter from some scoundrel, enclosing a copy of Hunter's letter, telling him to ‘"rend this and smoke it in your pipe."’

He wanted his brother members to take a whiff. It was the duty of every Head of the Department to rebuke a subordinate who, with reference to any legitimate inquiry, takes occasion to indulge in unjust and insulting criticisms. This was the ground of his complaint, he having introduced the resolution to which General Hunter's letter was a reply. The negroes were naturally afraid of guns. Give them John Brown pikes and bowie-knives if you intend to carry, on the war to murder and devastation in the South. He had intended to bring one of John Brown's pikes here thinking the House might adopt it as a fit instrument for the South Carolina blacks.

Mr. McKnight (Pa) regretted that Mr. Wickliffe had just agitated this negro question, believing it was at this critical juncture injurious to the public interest.

Mr. Mallory (Ky.) said no man condemned more than he did the letter of Gen. Hunter, and the system inaugurated by that General, of arming negroes. It was an outrage on humanity. He shrunk from it. The House ought to be forever ashamed of its conduct the other day, when Hunters letter was read; the demonstrations on the part of certain members appeared to be buffoonery, and was disgraceful to the American Congress.

Mr. Riddle (Ohio) and Mr. Colfax (Ind.) called the gentleman to order.

The Speaker reminded the gentleman that he was transcending the rules.

Mr. Mallory asked pardon. He differed from his colleague (Mr. Wickliffe) as to the Secretary of War. He had abiding confidence in that officer, and that the conduct of Hunter would be repudiated for the following reason:--Two or three weeks ago he had business with the Secretary; when he was about leaving the Department the Secretary called him back, and after folding over the date and the signature of a letter, showed him that an officer had asked authority to raise a regiment of blacks. The Secretary inquired what answer ought to be given, and to which Mr. Mallory replied--‘"If you allow me to dictate an answer, I would say, emphatically, no!"’

The Secretary rejoined that he had not only done that, but ordered the officer's arrest. He (Mr. Mallory) therefore repeated to many gentlemen that the charges that the Secretary had sanctioned the recruiting of blacks were false.

Mr. Kellogg (Iii.)--Was the arrest of the officer ordered for making that suggestion?

Mr. Mallory.--That was the impression I received. If there were other reasons, they were not stated.

Mr. Richardson inquired whether, in Mr. Mallory's judgment, the Secretary, to be consistent, ought not to dismiss Hunter.

Mr. Mallory said he would wait till the Secretary had time to consider the question.

Mr. Stevens (Pa) remarked that he agreed with Mr. Wickliffe, in finding fault with the conduct of this war. There were many things which did not meet with his approbation. He could not approve of setting Generals in sympathy with slaveholders at the head of our armies, and of their conduct under express orders in pursuing and returning the fugitives of traitors. He could not consent to that portion of the conduct of the war which act over armies to watch the property of rebel soldiers rather than allow it to be occupied by our own troops, while the sick and wounded are placed in swamps filled with a deadly miasma, weakening and this unfitting them to meet the enemy.

Mr. Kellogg (Iii).--Does the gentleman make the charge about the conduct of the war against the President and Secretary of War, or only against the Generals in the field?

Mr. Stevens.--I intend to place the blame exactly where it belongs. I am no sycophant or parasite. What I think I say. As these things have been perpetrated over and over again, without rebuke from the appointing power, I leave the House and world to understand where the responsibility rests.

Mr. Kellogg.--Does the gentleman charge this on the Administration?

Mr. Stevens.--I charge it on the management of the war and the different branches of the Administration. I do not mean to flatter. I believe the President honest, but being of a yielding disposition, has fallen under the malign influence of Kentucky councils, and therefore has adopted the policy I rebuke.

Mr. Mallory.--Does the gentleman attempt to ridicule the Kentucky delegation?

Mr. Stevens.--I don't say so; nor do I mean any gentleman of this House.

Mr. Mallory.--Then the gentleman intended to perpetrate a joke. There are powers behind the throne greater than the throne itself.

Mr. Stevens remarked, in reply to Mr. Mallory, that, from a communication he had with the Secretary of War, he (Mr. Stevens) did not think the Secretary held any such doctrine as that attributed by the gentleman from Kentucky.

Mr. Mallory did not consider the interview between him and the Secretary of War as confidential or private. It was in the presence of two of his colleagues. Therefore he had no hesitation in repeating what had occurred.

Mr. Stevens wished the Secretary had replied by saying, ‘"I have sent arms and clothing South with orders to supply the loyal men there."’ if this answer had been given, it would have been in accordance with what he supposed were the Secretary's sentiments. The employment of blacks was carrying out the usage of all civilized nations. Nothing could be produced from history to show the contrary. The usage was to liberate the slaves and take them into service to defeat the enemy. During the Revolution, the black were used by Washington as soldiers in Rhode Island. Jackson did the same thing.

Mr. Lovejoy, by permission of Mr. Stevens, occupied the floor for a short time, and read from the proclamations of Washington and Jackson in support of Mr. Steven's position, and to show the noble enthusiasm of the colored soldiers impelling to great deeds.

Mr. Sedgwick (N. Y.) also read from a paper furnished him by the librarian of the State of New York, to the effect that Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Great Britain, Turkey, etc., had employed soldiers without regard to color, including blacks.

Mr. Diven (N. Y.) regarded the muster of blacks into the service as highly important and desirable. He had been endeavoring for weeks past to introduce a bill for this purpose. In reply to Mr. Bingham, he said he provided in the bill for the liberty of all thus employed.

Mr. Stevens was thankful to Mr. Sedgwick for the portion of history he had produced. He had been told by a venerable Senator from Vermont, who had seen them, that a regiment of colored soldiers were employed on the Northern frontiers during the late war with Great Britain. It was the duty of the Government to follow the policy inaugurated by Hunter, a gallant and sagacious soldier, who now commands our armies in South Carolina. You cannot put down insurrection until you remove the cause. You cannot conquer the South as long as you permit the slaves to cultivate Southern soil during the hot summer months. He was for arming the slave population of the South in the war of freedom against traitors and rebels. He would not resort to this as an emancipation or abolition measure, but as the means of putting down the rebellion. He referred to the Methodise, Baptists, Old and New School Presbyterians, &c., as having conscientiously and solemnly expressed their belief that slavery is the cause of the rebellion and its continuance.

Mr. Mallory.--I am as anxious as the gentleman can be and I think, from a stronger motive of self-interest, to put down the rebellion.

Mr. Stevens I don't doubt it. We only differ in opinion as to the means.

Mr. Mallory.--I think the slaves of the Southern rebels should be sued, as our armies advance, in all menial service, such as boating and assisting on the fortifications. My reasons against arming them are — Firstly, That, when armed, they would be turned loose against those who had been their musters, and their practice will be an indiscriminate slaughter of men, women, and children. Secondly, You cannot for your lives make of slaves an army whose services in the field will pay the expense of organizing them. One shot from a cannon would disperse thirty thousand of them.

Mr. Stevens quickly responded. Then they'll do injury to the rebels who fight them. I am for employing them against their masters. I suppose the gentleman wants to employ slaves in a mental service and after the war return them to their masters under the fugitive slave law. In further remarks he said he was for putting them in the front of battle. He would raise a hundred thousand tomorrow. They are not barbarians and are as much calculated to be humane as any other class of people. It was false to say that they would not make good soldiers. He would seize every foot of land and dollar of property, and apply them to the use of the war as our armies go along. He would plant in the South military colonies, and sell the land to the soldiers of freedom, holding the heritage of traitors, and building up institutions without the recognition of slavery.

On motion of Mr. Washburne, the House, by sixty-one, against twenty-six, laid on the table the motion of Mr. Wickliffe to reconsider the vote by which General Hunter's letter was ordered to be printed.

The House non-concurred in the Senate's amendments to the United States Note Bill, and a Committee of Conference was ordered.

The House passed the Senate joint resolution, designating the first Tuesday in September as the time for the meeting at Chicago of the corporators under the Pacific Railroad act.

Mr. Hall (Pa) introduced a joint resolution, which was passed, authorizing the Secretary of War to furnish clothing to the wounded and other soldiers for that lost by the casualties of war.

The House passed a bill, which was reported from the Judiciary Committee, prohibiting the confinement of soldiers in the District of Columbia, except in the punishment of certain crimes, and discharging those now there.

A resolution was adopted calling on the Secretary of War to inform the House whether any member of Congress has been interested in contracts since the first of April last.

The House went into Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union.

Mr. Hutchins (Ohio) replied to the speech of his colleague, (Mr. Cox,) heretofore delivered relative to Ohio matters, involving the free negro question.

The House then adjourned.

Arrests in Baltimore.

The Baltimore American says:

Mr. George N. Porter, Secretary of the Exchange Reading Room, was yesterday arrested by order of Gen. Wool, and sent to Fort McHenry. The charge against Mr. Porter was the promulgation of a statement that Gen. McClellan had been utterly routed, and had taken refuge with his staff on board the gunboat Galena--that he had asked terms of capitulation, and that Gen'l Lee had refused any terms but an unconditional surrender. It was also stated that the whole of McCall's division had been captured. A written statement to this effect was handed around among the rebel sympathizers, and laid on the table for general perusal. This is the point at which all the wild rumors have for some time originated, gotten up mostly to have an effect on the stock market. The rumor in question created great excitement in the city, and caused some persons to sacrifice Government stocks at a ruinous rate. Thomas S Piggott was also re arrested and sent to Fort McHenry on a charge of promulgating fabulous statements. He was out on his parole, having been previously confined. Geo. W. Davis, a resident of West Baltimore, was also arrested and taken to Fort McHenry.

Amenities of War.

General Mitchell, the Federal General at Huntersville, in answer to a request by his prisoners, allowed to them the privilege of funeral rites over their dead. Among those buried was a young officer, a relative and namesake of Howell Cobb. He was a brave young man, and of refined manners. Two hundred young ladies of Huntsville strewed his grave with flowers. Colonel Bernard McGinnis was also buried by the rebel prisoners with funeral honors. The Rev. Father Tracy performed the solemn ceremonies of the Catholic Church in both instances. So touched were the prisoners at the kindness of General Mitchell, that when they returned to their gloomy quarters they passed a series of resolutions, thanking the officer for his kindness, and General Mitchell for the courtesy he extended.--Phil. Inquirer.

A Counter rebellion.

The U. S. Secretary of War has arrested the editor of the Circleville (Ohio) Watchman, and stopped its publication. In connection with the subject we copy the following from the Cincinnati Commercial, of Thursday:

Democratic Meeting — Turn out, Everybody!--There will be a meeting of the Democracy of Circleville, on Wednesday evening July 2, at Wittich's Hall, to consider of the tyrannical kidnapping of our fellow-townsman, John W. Kees, by the emissaries of the Administration and of the dangers to our liberties threatened thereby!

Let not our months be muzzled. Every one is invited to attend.

The French Princes and English officers.

The Philadelphia Inquirer offers the following explanation of the departures of the French Princes and English officers who have been serving in the Yankee army:

It is perfectly understood that the reasons for the departure of the French Princes and English officers are entirely personal, and do not relate to the military situation of our army. The representatives of French royalty have been summoned to attend a meeting of their family, to be held in London about the middle of the present month, on business of vital importance to themselves as claimants to the French throne. They had announced their intentions some weeks ago to leave at this time, and have made their arrangements accordingly. The furloughs, or leave of absence, of the English officers have expired, and consequently their return.

Confederate prisoners.

A letter from Philadelphia, July 8th, says:

‘ A party of Confederate prisoners, 18 in number, arrived in the city yesterday from Harrisburg — They were captured by Fremont's forces in the Valley of the Shenandoah, and are on the way to Fort Delaware to await exchange. They are rather a rough looking set. Several of the number are very large, stalwart men, and most of them openly profess their attachment, and their intention to adhere to the fortunes of the Southern Confederacy, and are confirmed in their belief that the South will achieve her independence.--The following is a list of these prisoners: Lieutenant W. H. Cline, 1st Sergeant John H Leathers, 2d Va; First Sergeant Richard M Dull, 2d Va; Corporal Garrett Doyle, 2d Va; A J Judith, 2d Va; William H Harlan, 2d Va; Enos McDonald, 2d Va; Thomas Larkins, 2d Va; Robert M West, 2d Va Cavalry; Robert Crawford, 2d Va Cavalry; George W Fausler, 7th Va Cavalry; Thaddeus J Britteger, 7th Va Cavalry; Cane Coyle, 7th Va Cavalry; John M Center, 7th Va Cavalry; John Dunn, 7th Louisiana; John S P Jenkins, 7th Va Cavalry; John G Morton, 16th Miss; Ezra Ramsbourg, teamster, Martinsburg. Va.

Among the Confederates recently taken to Fort Delaware are Captain S M Somers, Virginia; Capt Beckwith West, Virginia; Lieut S B Samuels, Virginia; Lieut G W Veltch, Virginia; Lieut J F Everly, Virginia; Lieut J H Wright, Virginia; Lieut L M Hottell, Virginia; Lieut C E Bott, Virginia; Lieut J P Oden, Virginia; Capt C S Coffee, Mississippi; Lieut J K Decrow, Louisiana; Lieut E Waterman, Louisiana; Lieut J M Browne, Georgia; Lieut N T Johnson, Georgia; s Wren, Louisianian; J J Dix, Louisiana.

The steamer Daniel Webster, Captain Wood, arrived here yesterday with 312 wounded and sick soldiers from the Peninsula, the majority of the former having been disabled during the battles incident to Gen. McClellan's change of position.

Vessels libeled for Trading with Virginia.

The Baltimore Sun says:

‘ The schooner General Taylor, of New York, for Norfolk, J. D. Jones, master, laden with sutler's stores, has been libeled in the United States District Court, upon information of J. F. McJilton, Esq., the vessel's manifest containing articles contraband of war, to wit: claret, bitters, porter, Hochheim, ale, and native wines.

The schooner Dispatch, Wm. Edwards, owner and master, has been also libeled for trading with a part of Virginia in insurrection, having conveyed salt to ‘"Indian Creek,"’ and returned with a cargo of wheat, which was also libeled.

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