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Winchester, July 9th.
Of the rumor I mentioned in my last, concurring the successful road of Gen. Lee at Gettysburg, Sunday--the cutting off of a large number of prisoners, the capture of the fortified mountains, &c.--there is no positive confirmation or denial. The disadvantages of our position may be understood by saying it was decidedly worse than the respective positions of the hostile forces at the first battle of Fredericksburg reversed. It is generally believed and conceded that we have gained a victory. Our loss, at first greatly exaggerated, has dwindled down most astonishingly. Late Yankee papers, it is said, acknowledge a defeat and heavy loss. At any rate the invasion has done much towards disposing the minds of the people of Pennsylvania for peace. According to latest intelligence there has been no fighting since Sunday. A seemingly well authenticated report prevails, to the effect that the enemy are falling back towards Washington, and that Gen. Lee's force, at various points, is moving in the same direction. Another great pitch battle will be fought soon, and that on the soil of Maryland, of which I hope to be wholly or in part an eye-witness.

Detachments (several hundred strong) of our soldiers arrive here almost daily, and are forwarded, under command of some field officer, to the army. But for this moving in bodies many of our men would be cut off and captured by the Yankee cavalry. The Potomac, lately swollen several feet by the heavy rains, is again, as I am informed, in fordable condition. Several crossed by fording at Williamsport yesterday.

Most of our slightly wounded have arrived here, and are being forwarded, with all dispatch, as far as possible to the rear. Few of the badly wounded have yet arrived. Among our wounded general officers I inadvertently omitted to mention Gen. Paul J. Semines, of McLaws's division, who was struck in the thigh, a little above the knee, the missile severing the femoral artery. I am pleased to state, however, that his condition is not considered critical. He is at a private house in Martinsburg, and most attentively nursed.--Among other field officers wounded, in addition to those already sent you, are Col. John B. Weems, 10th Georgia, in arm (the third wound received at different times;) Major Oscar Dawson, 8th Ga.; Col, Little. --Ga.; Col. Wadsworth, 28th Ga.; Col. Gibson, 48th Ga., mortally wounded and in the hands of the enemy; Major G. W. Ross, 2d Georgia battalion, wounded and in the enemy's hands. --Complete lists will be sent you hereafter.

A large hotel on Main street — Taylor's — is filled with Melroy's wounded ragsmeilise captured in the late storming of the works commanding the city. Near ten thousand prisoners are on their way here from the late battle field. It is understood that many, or all, of those taken the first day were released on account of some emergency which would not then follow the detailing of a guard to bring them off.

The crop of cereals throughout the Valley is in a most flourishing condition, and promises an abundant harvest. The uncut wheat was too far advanced to be injured internally by the long continued rains, yet I fear the growing corn, unusually promising, has been seriously hurt in some localities. The sturdy, patriotic old farmers of this lovely section — until we arrive within a short distance of Winchester.--appear to be surrounded with every comfort and needful thing that a generous soil can afford. From Staunton to Winchester the scene presented to the traveller is scarcely less attractive and magnificent than as it first appeared "dressed in living green," and in all its pristine beauty to the earliest settlers.

Not having yet reached the vicinity of the battle field, I am unable to give you particulars of the bloody contest, but will close, with some authentic details of the operations of Gen. Imboden, the "Guerilla Chief," prier to the invasion, and which have not yet appeared in print. On the 9th of June he left Churchville, and with his command marched one hundred and fifty nine miles. At his approach to Romney the Yankees were seized with a panic, and fell back from every point they occupied in that region to New Creek, where they had over 3,500 men. Punching matters, and losing no time, he destroyed utterly and beyond repair two splendid iron bridges over the North and South branches of the Potomac. They were of Finks's patent, and, except the bridge at Fairmont, the best and finest by far of any on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. One was 400 feet in length, the other 533--were shutdown with artillery, and fell thirty odd feet below, presenting a wreck as never was seen.

He then burnt the railroad bridges over Little Caper, over Potomac Creek, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and over Everet's Creek, near Cumberland, made two crevasses in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal that can't be filled in two months; burnt all the depots, water-tanks and stationary engines between Caper and Cumberland, captured thirty or forty prisoners, sixty or seventy horses, and sent out over five hundred fat cattle.

On the 17th, Col. George, of Imboden command, drove a Yankee battalion out of Cumberland by shelling them in the streets, and the Mayor surrendered the city to "our boys." Kelly, commander of the Yankee cavalry, was there, but made his escape on an engine which was stopped about eight miles from town by a break in the road made by our men. Citizens state that here he jumped off and took to the bushes on foot.

On the night of the 17th General Imboden camped in Alleghany co., Md., twelve miles from Cumberland, but recrossed into Virginia the next morning. This movement was prompted by a rumor that Kelly was moving to attack. Imboden at daybreak on the 19th. As there were no railroads, mails, or telegraphs, in those parts of the General's visit, it is inferred that his command, were ignorant of what was progressing in the name of the world.

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