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The war.

The movements of Rosecrans's army.

A dispatch from Cincinnati, dated the 24th inst, has the following intelligence from Rosecrans's army:

‘ Very late and authentic Intelligence from Gen. Rosecrans's army proves all the reports of movements of Union troops upon Chattanooga and Rome to be entirely unfounded.--The main body of the Army of the Cumberland, inclusive of all the cavalry, is still resting and preparing for another campaign along the northern slope of the Cumberland Mountains. Huntsville has been visited, but not occupied for any length of time by part of the cavalry. The only troops as yet south of the mountains are small bodies of infantry holding points on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, as far as Stevenson and Bridgeport, on the Tennessee river.

Trains from Nashville have been running this week beyond Decherd, and are expected to reach Bridgeport by to-morrow. Only one span of the great bridge at that point was destroyed by the rebels. The tunnel near Stevenson was not injured. General Rosecrans's headquarters were removed on the day before yesterday from Tullahoma to Winchester — The General himself is still at Nashville. As soon as the new secondary basis, necessitated by the recent advance, will be fully established, and other preparations, required by the peculiar character of the proposed future operations, completed, Gen. Rosecrans will recommence active work. The indications are that the whole army will be again in motion in the course of next week. The country may rest assured that the summer will not be allowed to pass without the redemption of East Tennessee.

General Rosecrans's latest information from the enemy is to the effect that only Hardee's corps remain in Tennessee, upon a line of defences covering Chattanooga. The remainder of Bragg a army went southward from that place, whither is not exactly known. Bragg himself is reported to have been called to Richmond. It is ascertained, however, that but from two to three thousand partly mounted cavalry are left in East Tennessee and Northern Alabama. owing to Morgan's expedition North. With the great numerical as cendancy thus gained by our cavalry, that remnant will soon be swept away, the rebel lines of communication placed at our mercy, and the road for raiding incursions to the heart of Alabama and Georgia opened. General Stanly will improve the advantage at which he now has the enemy at an early day.

The quantity of ammunition in Vicksburg at the time of its Surrounded.

"One of the garrison" writes to the Mobile Advertiser an account of the kind and quantity of ammunition in Vicksburg at the time of its surrender. His account is from "official documents." He says:

‘ On the morning of the 17th of May there was between 10,600 and 12,000 rounds of fixed ammunition in the ordnance depot, exclusive of that in the caissons and limbers of the guns, say 150 rounds each. There were. I think, about 140 guns along the line, which gives a total of between 30,000 and 33,000 rounds. There was not more than 300 rounds fired on an average per day, which would make 13.500 rounds altogether, then placing the amount of ammunition blown up by the enemy's shells at 5,000 rounds (a very extravagant estimate,) we would have a total of 18,500 rounds expended leaving a balance of 12,000 rounds, and, unless they were destroyed, they must certainly have been surrendered to Grant. To sustain my assertion, I would say that the brigades of Vaughn. Moore and Herbert, to my personal knowledge, from official report, had enough ammunition to have lasted them several days' constant fighting.

The musket cartridges at the commencement of the siege, field at the Ordnance Department, exclusive of those in the soldiers cartridge boxes, were from official statements estimated at 300,000. The boxes of the men contained at least thirty rounds each, and the force of the men was supposed to be 18,000 effective making about 540,000 rounds, and a total of nearly one million rounds. The amount consumed, except when the enemy charged, was comparatively nothing, and the total number fired will not exceed 350,000, leaving a balance of 490,000. The amount of cape at the Ordnance Department was about 75,000 exclusive of those contained in the men's cap boxes, which very nearly corresponded with the cartridges. Added to these were the caps taken from the dead bodies of the enemy on the evening of the 25th May, which amounted to several thousand and each courier that arrived in from Johnston brought 20,000. The total amount of caps surrendered to the enemy was not under 200,000. There was a good deal of unfixed ammunition, and the magazines of the heavy batteries were well stocked.

My information respecting the amount of ammunition was received from parties connected with the Ordnance Department, but whose, names I am compelled to with hold, unless with their permission I made further discovery from visits to the magazines and Ordnance Department, and saw for myself that there was enough ammunition to have lasted the garrisons some time longer. There was not a single grain of gunpowder, or one shelf, ever made in Vicksburg. Hand grenades were made up, and fuses manufactured, but that was about all I or anybody else ever saw made there.

Disloyalty under cover of foreign protection papers-persuading Confederates to desert.

Adam Scharer, a resident of Danville, Va., with protection papers in his pocket from the Bavarian Consul, was lodged in Castle Thunder last week upon the charge of writing a letter to his brother in the Confederate army persuading him to desert. The letter was gotten possession of by Lt. Wade, of the Danville Grays, who destroyed it just before going into action at Gettysburg to prevent its getting into the hands of the Yankees, in the event of his death. The Danville Appeal gives the following history of the case, as elicited in an examination before the Mayor of that city.

From the testimony of Lt Wade and Mr. Henry P Moore, a private in the "Grays," it appears that sometime since the letter alluded to was written by a certain Adam Scharer, for some time past residing in Danville, and addressed to his brother, formerly a member of the "Grays." The latter advised the brother to desert to the enemy at the first opportunity and promised on the part of Adam Scharer that he (Adam) would shortly meet him in Baltimore, as he intended to go North. Now, the brother of Adam had been rather ahead of him, for when our army fell back from Suffolk he took that occasion to desert, and managed the thing very adroitly. He in company with another member of his company, straggled off and went into a farm-house to get a meal. While there some Yankee troopers came up, and Scharer's brother managed to let them capture him though his comrade escaped and is now in Danville, where he gave the account of Scharer's performances, and declares that he also could have eluded capture if he had tried. We understand that Scharer, the brother of Adam, has since taken the oath of allegiance to Lincoln and is now in Yankee dom.

Upon receiving the information conveyed to his Honor, that functionary ordered the immediate arrest of Adam Scharer, and caused him to appear before him. It was discovered in the investigation that Adam Scharer had been allowed exemption from military service on the ground of a foreign protection in the shape of a certificate from the Consul of the Bavarian Government at Norfolk, who declared him to be a citizen of that country. But it also appeared that this certificate was obtained under suspicious circumstances and was evidently the embodiment of after thought When the militia were ordered out last year Scharer, being enrolled, was required to go with them to Norfolk, and it was while there, and in the character of a Virginia militia man, that he went before the Bavarian Consul and made oath to his claim of citizenship in Bavaria. We understand that Scharer alleges that he came to this country when he was only six years old, resided in Pennsylvania for some years, then came South, and has been residing in the South for more than twenty years. He has made everything he has among Southern people, to whom be owes a debt of gratitude for support and acquired property.

Since the recent decision of Judge Jones, of Alabama, respecting the Habitant of foreigners to do military duty, it ared in evidence that Scharer had repeatedly declared that the Confederacy would never get any service on of him and if forced the service he would not fire a gun. All of these circumstances tended to establish the suspicion of disloyalty upon Scharer, and as accordingly committed and has-since been sent down to Gen. Winder. at Richmond to be dealt with. He is doubtless now in Thunder.

After his arrest and trial, this man Scharer pretended to a degree of idiocy or insult which was palpably put on. He is a very shrewd follow and may be able to deceive Gen. Winder, though we think it highly improbable, as that officer knows how to treat such cases of insanity.

Payment of Yankee armies

The following statement shows the last payments to the U. S. Army up to June 30, 1863.

The money has been :

To pay Rosecrans's army$5,000,000
To pay Grant's army5,000,000
To pay troops in Kentucky, &2,000,000
To pay troops in Washington and Virginia750,000
To pay troops in South Carolina1,259,000
To pay troops in North Carolina1,000,000
To New York, to pay mustered out two-year men and returned militia1,500,000
To Pennsylvania, to pay mustered out nine monthsmen and militia1,500,000
About to go to New 2,500,000

To pay Rosecrans's army the paymasters have gone to Tullahoma. To pay Grant's army the paymasters are waiting at St. Louis delayed by Morgan's raid. Paymasters and funds are ready to pay the Army of the Potomac as fast as rolls are received Very few rolls have been sent in as yet, ing to movements of the army.

The fighting at Charleston.

The Charleston Courier of Monday, has the following about the position of affairs on Morris's Island:

Most of the firing heard for the last two days has been from our new battery on James's Island, batteries Gregg and Wagner on Morris's Island, and Fort Sumter. Very rapid and heavy firing was heard about half past 11 Saturday night and 3 o'clock Sunday morning. Our James's Island battery has fired steadily, throwing shells and solid shot among the enemy engaged in digging and erecting a new battery about (it is and) six hundred yards from battery Wagner. Our firing, parting lady from the James's Island battery, kept the workmen engaged at this new fortification constantly employed in dodging and running away from the shells, &c. The only response elicited from the enemy has been a few shots from their land battery this side of Craig Hill. The gunboats have been very quiet.

A small schooner was seen lying alongside of the Ironsides yesterday. supposed to be giving the latter a fresh supply of ammunition. The monitors remained inactive. An additional monitor arrived on Saturday, making six now here, Several additional blockaders and transports also arrived, some of the latter filled with troops. From observations made, it is believed that the enemy landed about two thousand more troops Sunday at Little Folly Inlet. They are also supposed to have landed a number of and horses, as they had their slings employed the greater portion of the day, during the landing of the troops and were evidently engaged at some very heavy work.

Three of the vessels added to the Mocking equation have the appearance of prize steamers captured from this port the Memphis, Aries, and Cherokee. They are all painted lead color.

The general opinion seems to be that we shall probably have our bar that some time this week.

The late cavalry fight near Shepherdstown.

A correspondent of the New York World, writing from Harper's Ferry, Saturday morning, gives the following account of the late cavalry fight near Shepherdstown.

There was a smart cavalry fight yesterday afternoon at Shepherdstown in which our troops were completely driven back. The loss was most unusually severe for a cavalry fight. By what the officers said blame has to be upon some one at present unknown. Our total loss was between 300 and 400 killed and wounded, considerably above 100 killed. One squadron went into action 80 strong and came out only 36 Other squadron's suffered less About 800 of ours were engaged altogether, the rebel numbers not exactly known, nor their loss because our retreat was very precipitate. The confusion was complicated by a number of army mule team getting in a kind of stampede, which made the horses so unmanageable that the men for the most part dismounted and shifted for themselves how they could. Our wounded were all left on the held.

The monitor torpedo.

The New York Herald, in a notice of the torpedoes provided for the monitors, says:

‘ These machines, we find, are very different things from the rebel powder bay, with its sixty pounds of powder stuck at the end of a thirty feet pole. The monitor torpedo consists of a monster shell thirty feet long, weighing upward of six, hundred thousand pounds, with a charge of 700 pounds of powder. By means of a raft — the "devil"--these shells are pushed some fifty feet ahead of the monitor, suspended at any desirable depth.

’ We shall know in good time how the rebels succeed in obstructing the passage of the monitors when armed with these terrible shells, the explosion of which will reassemble an earthquake under water. It appears that the naval officers were afraid of employing the potent means placed at their disposal for clearing Charleston harbor of obstructions for fear the shells would act back ward on their vessels.--As might be supposed the constructor has guarded against such an occurrence.

The Secretary of the Navy, with a view of removing all doubts on that point, ordered a trial to be made last winter with one of the rafts, the very "devil" afterward towed to Port Royal. The trial proved eminently successful for although the shell pushed up a mountain of water fifty feet above the surface of the Hudson near the head of the raft, not the slightest injury was sustained by the latter. The perfect preservation of slender pieces of wood attached under the raft proved beyond a doubt that the effect of the explosion was, as had been designed, in the forward direction. This singular feature of the monitor torpedo we are not at liberty to describe. What we have stated on the subject can do no harm, as it is known at Richmond as well as at Washington. So also is the fact that a couple of loads of these under water pioneers are now at hand where their good services are most needed.

Starving the South out.

The following is from the Marysville (Cal.) Express:

‘ It will be remembered that the Republicans went into this war with the expectation of starving the South into submission in a month or two. In speech after speech, and leader after leader the Northern people were told that the South was perfectly helpless, and could not make a resistance after the blockade was established. She was nothing more than a great big beggar who had drawn her meat and bread from the North and as soon as these supplies were out off she would snuffle and cry, like a whipped child, to get back. When we examine the statistics of the resources of the South we are filled with amazement at the total ignorance displayed by the Northern people on the subject. We know that the masses were deluded. Many of them had been educated into the belief. But the strangest part is that a people so intelligent should wholly neglect to investigate facts, so important, concerning the resources of a large part of their common country. The leaders willfully and wickedly imposed on the credulity of the people. They could not have been ignorant of the facts, but they were determined to plunge this country into civil war for the purpose of carrying out their abolition schemes, and resorted to deception to enable them to obtain the consent and support of the people. The following statistics are compiled from the census returns of 1860. We invite attention to the figures. They should be examined particularly by the exclusive patriots who premise every three months that the rebels will soon have to give up on account of the scarcity of food:

Number of hogs.

Free States11,904,685
Slave States29,652,182

The slave States, therefore, have twice as many hogs as the free States, and only half as many people to eat them!

Bushels of Indian corn

Free States395,513,644
Slave States431,958,468

Bushels of wheat

Free States121,177,689
Slave Stater50,065,712

The slave States beat the free States in corn, and in proportion to population served nearly as much wheat.

Value in Dollars of live stock.

Free States$583,153,473
Slave States524,336,743

The value of Southern live stock was nearly equal to that of the North.

Cash value of Farms.

Free States$4,480,404,472
Slave States2,570,463,035

Value of Farming Implements

Free States$142,019,680
Slave States105,698,280

Number of Mach Cows.

Free States5,300,851
Slave States3,428,011

Number of Working Oxen

Free States1,063,789
Slave States4,470,286

Number of Sheep.

Free States16,253,640
Slave States7,064,116

Other cattle.

Free States6,484,275
Slave States8,187,125

Asses and mules.

Free States148,181
Slave States1,014,362

The South has, therefore, seven times as many asses and mules as the North.

Number of horses.

Free States3,589,564
Slave States2,528,871

Number of Bushels of Oats.

Free States189,330,273
Slave States33,224,525

Number of Acres of Improved land.

Free States88,638,334
Slave States74,623,055

Peas and Beans in Bushels.

Free States2,495,424
Slave States14,992,869

Value of Animals Slaughtered.

Free States$106,569.578
Slave States166,362,675

These are startling figures to those who have never taken the pains to investigate the matter, but they are taken from the census returns, and may, therefore, be relied upon as correct. But this is not all, Since the war commenced the product of breadstuffs and of hogs and cattle has been greatly increased — It is probably double what it was in 1860. The Confederates having no enlist for their cotton, and conscious that they must rely solely upon their own resources have turned their attention almost exclusively to the production of the necessaries of life. When the comparative statement above given is studied in connection with the fact that the Southerners number only about half as many as the people of the North, it must be apparent to the least observing mind that they have supplies in abundance, and that the talk of starving them out is the silliest gammon.

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Bragg (2)
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